The Ultimate SEO Audit Checklist

The Ultimate SEO Audit Checklist, updated 7/30/24, 10:10 PM


Conducting an SEO audit from time to time helps improve and maintain rankings on search engine results pages.

It helps digital marketers, SEO specialists, and website owners see whether there are website components that need improvement.

Your source of SEO in Lithuania

Check out this complete SEO audit checklist.

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The Ultimate SEO Audit Checklist
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Conducting an SEO audit from time to time helps
improve ranking on Google search results.
Optimizing your website starts with a single audit.
It’s an essential step that every digital marketer,
SEO specialist, or website owner should take to
improve their rankings on search engine results
pages and attract more organic traffic.
If you want to increase your visibility and exposure
in the digital marketplace, we are here to help.
We’ve outlined the steps you need to take when
conducting a complete SEO audit for your website.
What is SEO Audit?
Before discussing the ultimate SEO audit checklist,
let’s get to the basics first and define an audit.
An SEO audit is a process that analyzes how your
website observes the best SEO practices. It is the
first step in creating an implementation plan with
measurable results. The audit aims to find as
many foundational issues that affect organic
search performance as possible. Some of the
issues that an SEO audit tool can reveal include
the following:
Technical SEO Issues
User-experience Issues
On-page SEO issues
Website Structure Issues
Potential Off-site Problems
An audit is a routine procedure that should be
done regularly. It’s a health check for your website.
Why It’s Important to Conduct an Audit
Routinely checking your website is vital to ensure
that it is current and in good condition. With a
periodic SEO audit report, you can avoid any
potential website problems before they occur.
Aside from making sure that your website
remains updated, there are also other reasons
why you should perform a technical SEO audit
from time to time. Here are some of them:
Search Engines Updates – Search engines like
Google, Yahoo, and Bing are constantly
changing their algorithms to deliver better
results to their users. Similarly, it would be best
to make changes to your website content to
keep up.
Webmaster’s Guidelines – Google and Bing’s
popular webmaster tools constantly change.
Since these tools provide you with the data
you need to rank higher, you must comply
with them.
Meta Data – When you appear on search
engine results pages, your title tags and
meta descriptions are the first things visitors
see about you. They should be relevant to
your site’s content.
Outdated Content – Your site may contain
outdated content. You need to provide
search engines with relevant and current
content. Reevaluate your content and get rid
of it if people stop visiting or returning to your
site every six months. Give them reasons to
Now that you already know what a technical SEO
audit is and why it’s crucial for your website, it’s
time to know how to do it. We’ve prepared a list
of the complete steps to serve as your SEO audit
Here’s our ultimate SEO audit checklist:
1. Check if your website is mobile-friendly.
Mobile SEO has never been more important. First,
60% of searches are made from mobile devices.
Second, Google also started to use its Mobile-First
Algorithm. It means that Google now uses your
mobile site for both desktop and mobile searches.
So, how do you determine if your website is
mobile-friendly? Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly
Test Tool. Enter your website into the tool to see if
Google has considered it mobile-friendly.
2. Ensure that Google indexes a version of your
It’s possible to have different versions indexed by
Google. Yes, you read that right. For example, here
are four different versions of the same site:
These URLs might look pretty similar to you and
me. But to Google, they are not the same. Google
will treat these URLs as separate websites if you
don’t correctly redirect them.
It is easy to fix. Type the four versions you want
into your browser. All of them should end up at
the same URL. Don’t worry if a site version isn’t
properly redirecting. Use 301 redirect to redirect it
to the version you prefer to use.
3. Improve page-loading speed.
Google has confirmed for years that the loading
speed of your site is a ranking element. They
released a new update a while back, that makes
speed even more important. Here are some tips
to make your website load fast:
Clean up
your website’s HTML
PageSpeed Insights will help you identify any
issues in your code. Your homepage isn’t the
only page you should analyze. You should also
check popular pages, such as blog posts,
service pages, or category pages.
Conduct a speed test. This type of test loads
your entire website and
identifies any
bottlenecks that slow your web pages down.
You can use great tools like WebPageTest or
Crunch the images on your website. Large
images can slow down your website’s speed.
is why it’s recommended that you
compress them using a tool such as Kraken.
4. Find and delete extra pages.
Type site: plus the link to your website on Google
(for example, The results will
display how many pages Google has indexed. If
the number that shows up is higher than you
expected, you’re not alone.
Some website owners have between 50% to 75%
more indexed pages than expected. It turns out
that deleting these extra pages can result in more
organic traffic.
5. Determine and fix indexing problems.
This next item on our SEO audit checklist needs you
to locate web pages that Google doesn’t index.
Open the Google Search Console. You will see a list
of pages it’s unable to index.
6. Check your organic traffic.
Find out how much organic traffic your site is
getting. Go to Google Analytics to find out. This
tool will allow you to track how many people
visited your website via search engines in the last
Don’t get worked up if your organic traffic is
declining or flat. This step on our SEO audit
checklist is merely to establish benchmarks. Once
you’re done with the audit, things should improve.
Identify your five most important pages. These
can be pages targeting an important keyword
or getting less traffic than they did back in the
7. Enhance your On-Page SEO.
It cannot be denied that on-page SEO is critical.
You probably don’t have the time to optimize
every page of your website. Fortunately, you don’t
need to. Here’s what you can do instead:
These pages should be optimized using the
best SEO practices on-page, such as including
keywords in your title tag or including them in
the first 100 words.
8. Track your ranking for specific keywords.
It’s now time to track your ranking on search
results. Numerous
tools are
available, such as SEMRush, Ahrefs, Advanced
Web Ranking, and SEO Profiler. Doing so lets you
know if improvements are needed.
To begin, enter your homepage into a backlink
analyzer tool. You’ll receive a report about your
9. Analyze your backlinks.
The next step on our SEO audit checklist is
analyzing backlinks. Here’s how you can do it:
Next, examine the referring domains and the
Domain Authority—a measure
authoritative your site is based on both the
quality and quantity of backlinks.
Look out for harmful links. Remove links from
suspicious sites if you notice a lot of them.
First, search for broken pages on your website
that Google cannot index.
Next, you can use a tool to help you find
broken external and internal links.
10. Fix Broken Links
Google stated a few years ago that they don’t
lose sleep over broken links. These links can affect
user experience and hurt your SEO strategy. Here’s
how to fix them:
How Advanced Digital Media Services Can Help
Conducting an SEO audit is essential to improve
and maintain rankings on search results. At
Advanced Digital Media Services, we utilize the
best and latest SEO audit tool. We can provide
you with an in-depth SEO audit report from time
to time. Our team will be your guide in navigating
the digital world.
If you have inquiries regarding our SEO services in
Denver, CO, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We
will be more than happy to discuss how we can
help you achieve your business goals through
digital marketing. Give us a call today so we can
start helping you dominate the online world!