Becoming a PD Specialist - Application-Part2

Becoming a PD Specialist - Application-Part2, updated 9/19/19, 7:52 PM


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2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
Becoming a PD Specialist:
The Application - Part 2

The topics covered in this video are as follows:
– Professional Education History
– ECE Work Experience History
– Attestation
– Summary Status
– Submit

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
Professional Education History

In the “Professional Education History” section, read the instructions and click “Add” to create an entry. (Please note that despite the
instructions, you do not need to create multiple entries for each course shown on your transcript. You may create one entry and list
multiple courses within it and provide a total number of credits hours. If your courses are spread across multiple transcripts, create a
separate entry for each transcript.)

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• Use the drop-down arrow to select your credit units. (Since the education eligibility criteria requires at least an Associate degree that
must include, at minimum, 18 semester or 24 quarter hours of coursework in Early Childhood Education/Child Development, you
should select either semester hour or quarter hours. Additional education, training and coursework entries completed as CEUs or
clock hours should only be entered if you fall short of the minimum requirement.)

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• Enter the start date and end date. (Please note that if you are creating one entry for multiple courses, enter the date of your first
course for the start date and the date of your last course for the end date). Enter the dates manually as mm/dd/yyyy or use the
calendar buttons.)

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• Enter the number of education credits earned. (You may enter a total number if your entry consists of multiple courses.)
• Enter the course name or course code. (You may enter multiple names or codes if your entry consists of multiple courses.)
• Enter the course description. (You may enter the description for your major or minor if your entry consists of multiple courses.)
• Enter the training facility name (name of the college or university).
• Select a training facility type.
• Use the drop-down arrow to select the type of setting.

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• Click “Choose File” underneath transcript upload. (Make sure to have your transcript saved to your PC, laptop, tablet or cell phone).
• Select and upload your transcript to your online application. (This process will vary depending on your device and web browser.)

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |

If you have successfully uploaded your transcript, the name of the file you have uploaded will now be displayed next to and below the
“Choose File” button.
• Click “Save” to complete your entry.

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• To create another entry, click “Add” and repeat the process. You may also “Edit” or “Delete” your current entry.
• When you are finished creating entries and/or adding courses, click “Save and Continue.”

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
ECE Work Experience History
*Note: If you list your experience as only Center Director (or similar), you may not meet our eligibility requirements. We need to see that
you’ve worked directly with children. Please make sure you demonstrate this in the work history section.

In the next section, “ECE Work Experience History,” read the instructions and click “add new” to create an entry.

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• Enter the employer name.
• Enter the start date and end date of your employment. (Enter the dates as mm/dd/yyyy or use the Calendar buttons.)
• Please note that not all the required fields are visible within the Work Experience Information window. Do not click “Save” until you
have reached the bottom.

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• Enter the employer’s Address, City, State, ZIP code and Country.
• Use the drop-down arrows the select the State and Country.
• Tab or scroll down to the next field.

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• Enter the employer’s primary phone number and extension, if applicable.
• Tab or scroll down to the next field.

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• Use the drop-down arrows to select your work history position held.
• Use the drop-down arrow to select your ECE employment setting and age group.
• Enter the number of children you served.
• Click “Save.”

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• To create a new entry, click “add new” and repeat the process.
• You may also “Edit” or “Delete” your current entry by clicking on the small green icons to the left of your entry.
• When you are finished adding your work experience entries, click “Save and Continue.”

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• Read the “Specialist Attestation” and check the box.
• Click “Save and Continue.”

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
Summary Status

If you have not completed a section of your application, a red X will appear in the “Status” column. If this occurs, use the links on the
left-hand side menu to return to the appropriate section to be completed and saved.
• Once you have done so, you may return to this section by clicking “Summary Status.”

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |

If you see the “Status” column is filled with green ✔s and you do not wish to make any changes, click “Initiate PDS Application.”

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• Your PDS Application status has now changed from “Pending” to “Presubmit.” This is your last opportunity to return your application
to “Pending” status to make any changes. If you would like to make changes, click “Submit > Return to Edit Information.”

If you have no changes to make, click “Submit > Staff Review.”

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• You have now submitted your PD Specialist application!
• You will receive an email to confirm this, which can also be found in the “Message History” on your dashboard.
• Click the “home” icon at the top to return to your dashboard and view the email message.

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• To view the message, click on the magnifying glass icon in the “Message Detail” column of your “Message History.”

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |
• A number of our messages appear in both English and Spanish. Once you have viewed the message, you may close it and return to
the dashboard by clicking the small “X” button in the upper right-hand corner, or the “Close” button in the lower right-hand corner.

2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 | (800) 424-4310 |

If you haven’t received an email from us or in your “Message History,” go back and make sure the application was indeed submitted.
(This step is often missed.)

If we have any questions, we will contact you by email and give you further instructions.

If you are approved, your status will be updated to “Training Eligible” and you will receive a link via email to register for our training
• Then you can continue the process of becoming a PDS!


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