Turtle Survival 2005

Turtle Survival 2005, updated 2/26/19, 4:10 PM

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About Turtle Survival Alliance

The Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) was formed in 2001 as an International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) partnership for sustainable captive management of freshwater turtles and tortoises, and initially designated a Task Force of the IUCN Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group. The TSA arose in response to the rampant and unsustainable harvest of Asian turtle populations to supply Chinese markets, a situation known as the Asian Turtle Crisis.
Since forming, the TSA has become recognized as a global force for turtle conservation, capable of taking swift and decisive action on behalf of critically endangered turtles and tortoises. Although the TSA was organized in response to the Asian Turtle Crisis, the group has been expanded as our understanding of the scope of turtle and tortoise declines has become better understood. The TSA has been particularly involved in recovery efforts where a managed breeding component is part of an overall survival strategy. The TSA employs a comprehensive strategy for evaluating the most critically endangered chelonians that identifies whether a species is prioritized for a captive program or through range country efforts, or a combination of both.
In the past 13 years, TSA secured nonprofit 501(c)(3) status (2005) and has centralized its base operations in South Carolina by opening the Turtle Survival Center (2013). The Turtle Survival Center, which now has AZA certification (2018), is home to a collection of more than 700 turtles and tortoises, representing 30 of the world’s critically endangered species. The TSA has also grown internationally, with significant field projects or programs in Madagascar, Myanmar and India, and additional projects in Belize, Colombia, and throughout Asia.
Today, the TSA is an action-oriented global partnership, focusing on species that are at high risk of extinction, and working in turtle diversity hotspots around the world. Widely recognized as a global catalyst for turtle conservation based on its reputation for swift and decisive action, the TSA has made a bold commitment to zero turtle extinctions in the 21st Century. The TSA is a recognized force for turtle conservation globally. TSA’s conservation actions utilize a three-pronged approach:
1. Restoring populations in the wild where possible;
2. Securing species in captivity through assurance colonies; and
3. Building the capacity to restore, secure and conserve species within their range country.

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Preserving Options for the
Recovery of Wild Populations
An IUCN Partnership Network for Sustainable Captive Management of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises
JULY 2005

Publication supported by:
The mission of TSA is to develop and maintain an inclusive, broad-based global network of
collections of living tortoises and freshwater turtles with the primary goal of maintaining chelonian
species over the long term to provide maximum future options for the recovery of wild populations.
The future for Pan's box turtle (Cuora pani) got a little brighter when two TSA partner institu-
tions, Zoo Atlanta and Riverbanks Zoo, successfully hatched this poorly known Chinese endemic
in 2004. Shown here is the Riverbanks Zoo specimen at nearly one year of age.
Dear TSA Supporter:
Welcome to the fi fth Turtle Survival Alliance Newsletter. This has been an exciting and productive
year and while there is much work to be done, we have many accomplishments to celebrate. We
write this amidst the preparation and planning leading up to the third annual TSA conference
that will be held in San Diego in July. Program Chair Chuck Schaffer and others have assembled
a dynamic panel of speakers, and this promises to be a great meeting. The TSA conference
continues to grow and is becoming an important gathering of turtle biologists, enthusiasts and
conservationists, and we anticipate that the meeting will expand in scope in the coming years.
The most exciting development of 2005 has been the $100,000 grant to the TSA from the Batchelor
Foundation. These funds will support much needed range-country turtle conservation programs
(see article). We are particularly grateful to Bill Zeigler for cultivating the relationship with the
Batchelor Foundation, one we hope to grow over the coming years for the long-term benefi t of
In preparation for administering this grant and to ensure funds are responsibly and effectively
directed, we recently visited several turtle facilities in Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar in
conjunction with this year's TSA sponsored Turtle Husbandry and Veterinary Workshop in
Hong Kong. There we reviewed funding priorities, discussed budgets and contract terms and
generally familiarized ourselves with the operations. We are happy to report that as our global
network expands, the TSA name is becoming more visible, more recognizable and more respected.
Increasingly, the TSA is becoming known as a driving force for turtle conservation around the
The global situation for turtles remains dire, but it is with extremely guarded optimism that
we relate reports that the "complexion" of the turtle markets in China appears to be changing.
Observers are noticing a shift towards farm-raised turtles. Still troubling however is the number
of forest turtles that continue to be offered in signifi cant numbers in the pet markets. Of particular
concern are species such as Geoemyda spengleri, Pyxidea mouhoti and to a lesser extent, Cuora
galbinifrons. The turtle crisis in Asia is entering a new phase, where we need to determine what,
if anything, is left of priority taxa in the fi eld, and "get a handle" on lower profi le species that have
not been accorded much attention and could be in danger of falling through the cracks.
As the picture from the fi eld emerges in the coming years, the assurance colonies established in the
recent past become ever more important. On another cautiously optimistic note, we can report that
signifi cant captive conservation action is underway for a number of the 18 critically endangered
Asian turtle species listed in 2000. Internationally networked programs for Batagur baska,
Chitra chitra, Mauremys annamensis, Kachuga kachuga, Heosemys depressa and Geochelone
platynota are making headway and are positioned to positively impact the survival of those species
in the near future. Two species from the 2000 Red List Heosemys leytensis and Aspideretes
nigricans have been rediscovered in recent years. Rumors of the persistence of Rafetus swinhoei
in Vietnam will hopefully be verifi ed soon. Problematic still are the Chinese endemic Cuora, C.
galbinifrons, Callagur and the Indonesian endemics, Leucocephalon yuwonoi, Indotestudo
forsteni and Chelodina mccordi. For these species, TSA will continue to pursue the development
of well-managed captive populations, and leverage the range-country training components of the
Batchelor funds to investigate their status and promote their conservation.
While this newsletter reviews the latest achievements and conservation victories, remember the
status of many turtle species around the world and at home remains tenuous. Your continued
support is critical to the TSA and vital in our combined efforts to assure a future for turtles.
Rick Hudson and Dwight Lawson
Co-Chairs, Turtle Survival Alliance
Rick Hudson
Co-Chair Executive Committee
TSA US Co-Chair
Dwight Lawson
Co-Chair Executive Committee
TSA US Co-Chair
Chris Banks
Executive Committee
TSA Australia
Kevin Buley
Executive Committee
TSA Europe Vice-Chair
Hans Dieter Philippen
Executive Committee
TSA Europe Vice-Chair
Hank Zwartepoorte
Executive Committee
TSA Europe Chair
John Behler
Ex-offi cio Executive Committee
Anders Rhodin
Ex-offi cio Executive Committee
U.S. Steering
Kurt Buhlmann
Mike Forstner
Greg George
Lisa Lowell
Lonnie McCaskill
Bill Ninesling
Hugh Quinn
Paul vander Schouw
Darrell Senneke
Brett Stearns
Chris Tabaka
Susan Tiedemann
Bill Zeigler
TMG Facilitator
From the TSA Co-Chairs...
The Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) recently announced
a signifi cant grant - $100,000 - from The Batchelor
Foundation. This grant represents the largest single
donation that the TSA has received in its four-and-a-half
year history and will allow the organization to vastly expand
the scope of its work, particularly in Southeast Asia. These
funds are specifi cally earmarked for range country turtle
conservation initiatives and will focus on capacity building.
This generous gift will allow TSA to boost their support to
some existing programs in India, Malaysia, Myanmar and
Vietnam, while providing new funding to programs in Thai-
land, Indonesia and southern Mexico. This grant will also
fund student participation in the heralded Asian Scholarship
Program, bringing aspiring turtle biologists to the U.S. for a
summer of training on a wide range of turtle conservation
To help generate interest and expertise in turtle conserva-
tion in the region, funds for an Asian Turtle Action Grant
program will match $10,000 from the Wildlife Conservation
Society. These seed grants will help fund small local proj-
ects that are carried out by range state nationals. To build
capacity and sustainability into range state management of
assurance populations, $10,000 is earmarked to address the
critical need for training. An evaluation of existing turtle fa-
cilities in the re-
gion has clearly
identifi ed
need for tech-
designed to im-
prove the qual-
ity of captive
husbandry and
veterinary care
of the turtles in
those facilities.
E x p e r i e n c e d
from TSA will
work with local
counterparts to
improve health
care protocols,
hatching suc-
cess, husband-
and manage-
ment of captive
populations at
some of these
furthering the
aims of TSA in
assisting range state partners in efforts to establish strong
and well-run assurance populations of the most critically
endangered turtle species within the region.
A ranking of the
fi ve most
order: China,
Myanmar, Viet-
nam, Indonesia
and India. The
newly awarded
TSA grant will
engage us in four
of these coun-
tries and provide
direct conserva-
tion action
Announces $100,000 Gift
Male painted terrapin is caught as part of the sampling pro-
gram of the KUSTEM River Terrapin Research and Conserva-
tion Project at the Setiu River, Terengganu, Malaysia. Shown
here are Mat, a local fi sherman employed by the project, Dr.
Chan Eng Heng, the project leader and Doug Hendrie, Asian
turtle coordinator. (Photo by Victor K.K. Ng)
Dr. Shannon Ferrell (Fort Worth Zoo)
treats a female red-crowned roofed
turtle at the Kukrail Gharial Center in
Lucknow, India. Expanding the level
of turtle veterinary and husbandry ex-
pertise at targeted facilities in Asia is an
important goal for the TSA.
Dr. Wachira Kitimasak holds a captive
hatched Siamese narrow-headed softshell
turtle at the Kanchaniburi Inland Fisheries
Center in Thailand. More than 500 of this
IUCN critically endangered species have
been hatched here though mortality has
been high. TSA funds will work to alleviate
this problem.
over half (10 of 18)
of the Asian turtle
In Myanmar, we will
support construction
of new facilities for
the endemic Bur-
mese roofed turtle
(Kachuga trivittata),
recently rediscovered
and now the subject
of intensive captive
breeding efforts at
the zoo in Mandalay.
Captive breeding pro-
grams for Burmese
star tortoises (Geo-
chelone platynota)
will also benefi t. In
Vietnam, support for
the renown Turtle
Conservation Center
(TCC) located at Cuc
Park will allow that program to expand on a number of fronts.
Recognized as a model for range country turtle facilities, the
TCC employs a wide range of conservation initiatives includ-
ing captive breeding (including two CR ranked taxa - Cuora
galbinifrons and Mauremys annamensis), education, fi eld
research and training of wildlife enforcement offi cers. In
Thailand, funds are earmarked for the softshell turtle
breeding program at Kanchanaburi where juvenile rearing
facilities will be improved for the striped narrow-headed soft
shell turtle (Chitra chitra), ranked CR. In Malaysia, support
for an emerging program with KUSTEM (University College
of Science and Technology) will bring some much-needed
science to ongoing hatching and head starting programs
for both mangrove (Batagur) and painted (Callagur) ter-
rapins, both ranked CR. In India, the TSA has launched a
partnership with the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust designed
to develop and implement conservation action plans for
some of
country's most
e n d a n g e r e d
turtles, includ-
crowned roofed
turtle (Kachuga
k a c h u g a ) .
Finally, break-
ing out of the
TSA will begin
Mexico that are
managing large
Central Ameri-
can river turtles
with the aim
of developing a
large scale reintroduction program.
Fast becoming recognized as a global force for turtle conser-
vation, the TSA's strategy is to identify existing facilities and
programs that already have some infrastructure for turtle
conservation and work to strengthen them through capacity
building. Supporting range country programs that have a
captive component capitalizes on the strength of the TSA's
primary expertise. Through husbandry and veterinary
training workshops, facility improvements and providing
technical, fi nancial and logistical support, the TSA is now
well-positioned to exert a serious impact on turtle conserva-
tion in some of the global hotspots where they occur.
(Rick Hudson, Fort Worth Zoo)
Better days are in store for the only
captive group of the rare Burmese
roofed turtle at the Yadanabon Zoo
in Mandalay. The Batchelor founda-
tion grant will fund an expanded new
breeding and management facility
for this critically endangered turtle.
and painted (Callagur)
terrapins at the Satun
Inland Fisheries Station
in Thailand are expected
to benefi t from the Batch-
elor Foundation funds
Myint Shwe, warden at
the Minsontaung Wild-
life Sanctuary, displays
some of the 91 Burmese
star tortoises hatched
there since 2003. Im-
proving security and
juvenile rearing enclo-
sures are two objectives
of the Batchelor Foun-
dation funds.
The Cuc Phuong Turtle Conservation Cen-
ter (TCC) in Vietnam will get a new visi-
tor interpretive center with the Batchelor
Foundation funds. Increasing local aware-
ness for the plight of native turtles is an
important mission of the TCC. Shown here
is Director Bui Dang Phong.
Forty-fi ve delegates from nine countries came to at-
tend a four-day workshop on turtle husbandry and
veterinary care 30 May through 2 June 2005. Nations
represented were China, Vietnam, Myanmar (Burma), Ma-
laysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore and the U.S. While
those present were from diverse backgrounds and nation-
alities, they were gathered for a single purpose, to learn
more about conserving turtles. Represented were profes-
sors, CITES management authority staff, forest protection
department personnel, veterinarians, non-government
organization staff, zoo personnel, turtle rescue center rep-
resentatives, museum staff, and aquarium personnel. The
workshop was designed to help fulfi ll the goals of the Turtle
Survival Alliance (TSA), which is working to expand their
global network and build capacity for turtle conservation
throughout the region. Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden
(Hong Kong) graciously hosted the event.
All fi ve instructors had previous capacity-building experi-
ence regarding turtle conservation in Asia. Instructors were
Dwight Lawson, General Curator of Zoo Atlanta, Rick Hud-
son, Conservation Biologist at the Fort Worth Zoo, Chris Ta-
baka, Veterinarian at the Detroit Zoo, Doug Hendrie, Asian
Turtle Coordinator for Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and WCS,
and Hugh Quinn, General Curator at Cleveland Metroparks
Zoo. A variety of methods were utilized in teaching the
workshop, including formal classroom instruction, hands-
on experiences in the fi eld and lab and informal discussions
about turtle conservation. Kadoorie Farm and Botanic
Garden's living and deceased collection of turtles were also
used in the instruction. PowerPoint presentations were
available in both English and Chinese, and a translator was
provided to interpret all lectures. Two local trips to examine
turtle holding facilities were conducted and a fi eld experi-
ence to track Chinese big-headed turtles was also provided.
During the workshop several topics were discussed, includ-
ing the TSA, the Asian turtle crisis, species identifi cation,
individual turtle identifi cation techniques, record keeping,
turtle enclosures and environmental quality, breeding, egg
incubation, veterinary care and nutrition, triage, shipping,
temporary holding, disposition of confi scated turtles and
small population management.
Participants evaluated the course through completion of
a questionnaire that asked what topics should be kept,
dropped, enhanced and added. A similar workshop was
conducted in Singapore in 2004, attracting about 45 people
from eleven countries. An evaluation of that course was con-
ducted in the same manner. In both cases, it was revealed
that participants found great value in the workshops, and
that they felt hands-on activities were extremely benefi cial
in the learning process. Such input will help improve any
future courses offered.
Support to conduct the Hong Kong workshop was provided
by Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG), Cleveland
Zoological Society, American Zoo and Aquarium Associa-
tion's Conservation Endowment Fund, Institute of Museum
and Library Services, and Hong Kong University. A special
thanks is extended to KFBG's Gary Ades, Tan Kit Sun, Paul
Crow and Mary Leung.
Meaningful conservation programs are built on the per-
sonal bonds that develop among colleagues. Through such
relationships, trust and respect open lines of communica-
tion that help unify and strengthen the work that needs to
Communication and Collaboration: Key Ingredients To
Successful Conservation Programs
TSA Conducts Workshop in Hong Kong
Forty-fi ve participants from nine nations attended TSA's second
workshop on turtle husbandry and veterinary management
hosted by Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden in Hong Kong.
Dr. Chris Tabaka demonstrates blood drawing techniques
to students in Hong Kong.
The North Carolina State University College of Vet-
erinary Medicine (NCSU-CVM) Turtle Rescue Team
(TRT) is a veterinary student-run organization that
treats native sick and injured wild Chelonians. Approxi-
mately 40 underclassmen plus about 10 staff and visiting
volunteers participate in this clinical program. Currently in
its ninth full year, the TRT students have treated over more
than 1,250 native turtles belonging to nine different species.
Most cases present as vehicular trauma. Dogs, lawnmow-
ers, fi shing gear and even horses have also caused injury
requiring medical treatment. First, second and third year
students are responsible for case management, coordinat-
ing consultations, diagnostic testing within the hospital and
placing recuperating animals with local wildlife rehabilita-
tors. Several clinical research publications have resulted
from the opportunity to work with these wild reptiles. The
NCSU-CVM TRT is a volunteer organization that relies pri-
marily on donations for fi nancial support.
The three major goals of the TRT are to: 1) provide under-
class veterinary students an opportunity to work with and
manage clinical wild turtle cases, 2) provide competent
and state-of-the-art veterinary care to sick and injured wild
turtles and 3) provide clinical case material for the genera-
tion of new knowledge in the form of peer-reviewed publica-
In early 2002 the TRT became a partner and TSA member
following the 2001 Hong Kong Asian turtle rescue effort
and began the fi rst of several efforts on behalf of threatened
Asian turtles. To date, the TRT worked has worked with the
following Asian species: Carettochelys insculpta, Cuora
amboinensis, Heosemys spinosa, Notochelys platynota and
Orlitia borneensis. These turtles have provided a valuable
and unique educational experience for our veterinary stu-
dents and TRT volunteers. The NCSU TRT is honored to be
a TSA partner and looks forward to continued collaborations
in the years to come.
(Gregory A. Lewbart, Mike Lowe and Larry S. Christian, North
Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine)
The North Carolina State University College of
Veterinary Medicine Turtle Rescue Team and the TSA:
A Model Partnership
From left to right, Becky Debolt, Jenny Kishimori
and Kristin Buckler. Pictured is "the general," a mature male
Orlitia borneensis now living at the San Diego Zoo
be done. Forming these partnerships is essential in turtle
conservation efforts. The key outcome of the workshops
described above is for all to communicate openly and col-
laborate fully. The success of turtle conservation efforts
depends on this.
(Hugh R. Quinn, Ph.D., Cleveland Metroparks Zoo)
Dr. Chan Eng Heng receives her workshop diploma from
Rick Hudson, Gary Ades and Dwight Lawson during the
fi nal banquet ceremonies.
An Emerging TMG for the Enigmatic Impressed Tortoise,
Manouria impressa
Two surgeries
to remove
impactions in
this delicate
species were
successful and
both tortoises
A male Manouria impressa trails a female in
an outdoor enclosure at Zoo Atlanta. Fol-
lowing marks the initial stage of courtship
in M. impressa.
The last two years have seen a renewed interest and
new hope for captive management of the historically
problematic impressed tortoise, Manouria impressa.
In early 2005, there were nearly 50 partners expressing in-
terest in the M. impressa TMG, and recent importations had
bolstered the population held by TSA partners to approxi-
mately 50 animals.
Although medical complications continue to plague imports
and even established animals can experience rapid, dra-
matic declines in health several TSA veterinarians are
focusing on this taxon and progress in their medical care
and husbandry is being made. The species seems unusually
prone to stress and aggressive treatment and rehabilitation
is almost always necessary. Wild-caught animals are notori-
ously fi nicky, often responding only to a diet heavy in expen-
sive oyster mushrooms. Complicating this, imports are often
nutritionally debilitated and require lengthy rehabilitation.
Amoebic infections are pervasive and require aggressive
medical intervention. Some infections appear to be chronic
and require prolonged, routine prophylactic treatment.
An importation of 14 Manouria impressa by Zoo Atlanta in
2004 illustrates the problems and possibilities this species
entails. These animals were brought to the U.S. as part of a
capacity building and animal exchange project between Zoo
Atlanta and the Chengdu Zoo, China. Upon arrival, several
of the tortoises exhibited classic problems associated with
recent imports. They were emaciated (impressed tortoises
are fi nicky eaters and take time to acclimate and require a
peculiar diet heavy on mushrooms) and suffered from amoe-
bic infections. X-rays revealed that two animals had severe
intestinal impactions of rocks and gravel. After non-invasive
methods failed to move the impactions, surgical intervention
was necessary to remove the rocks. Attesting to the durabil-
ity of even this notoriously delicate species, both animals
recovered and are now doing well. With intensive medical
and constant
11 of the 14
animals have
s u r v i v e d
fi rst year. This
spring, the 2.4
that remained
at Atlanta be-
gan exhibit-
ing courtship
and breeding
behavior, and
the herpetol-
ogy staff are
c a u t i o u s l y
hopeful for re-
Recent reproduction of M. impressa in the U.S. involving a
long-term captive animal owned by one TSA partner adds to
the air of optimism for successfully establishing an ex situ
population. These offspring add to the 3.3.3 captive born
animals obtained from wild-caught imports in the 1990s
that should be nearing reproductive maturity. Provided that
TSA veterinarians and interested partners can continue to
make progress on husbandry and medical issues to establish
additional potential founders, the prospects are good for the
development of a small, but enthusiastically managed popu-
lation in the next fi ve years.
The status of Manouria impressa in the wild remains un-
clear. On a positive note, the species is distributed over a
fairly wide, often remote and mountainous area of Southeast
Asia with several populations occurring in protected areas.
However, even in pristine areas, impressed tortoises are not
common, and relatively little fi eldwork has been done. Basic
natural history studies would be invaluable in promoting in
situ conservation and improving captive husbandry. Ad-
ditional facilities and dedicated partners are still needed to
hold specimens and help perfect husbandry techniques.
If you are interested in participating in this developing TMG,
please contact Dwight Lawson at dlawson@zooatlanta.org.
(Dwight Lawson, Zoo Atlanta)
Apartnership launched in 2003 between the TSA
and the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust (MCBT) to
conserve India's freshwater turtles and tortoises is
gaining momentum. With an infusion of fi nancial support
- $30,000 in 2004 and 2005 - new construction and
facility renovations are now underway at both the MCBT in
Chennai and the Kukrail Gharial Center in Lucknow. Staff
dedicated to turtle conservation work have been hired by
MCBT, and plans for the workshop are in full swing
again. Originally scheduled for January
2005, the Conservation and Action Plan
for Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises of
India workshop was postponed due to the
devastating effects of the December 2004
tsunami. This important workshop has now
been rescheduled for 17 - 20 October 2005,
at the Kukrail Breeding Centre in Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh (UP) province. Organized
by the MCBT/Centre for Herpetology and
the UP Forest Department, with fi nancial
support from the TSA, this workshop is
expected to produce a blueprint for turtle
conservation in India. By systematically identifying the most threatened
chelonians on the Indian subcontinent and writing action plans for their
recovery, this workshop will provide a solid foundation for matching donors
with projects in need of funding. In essence, a "who will do what, when and
how" document will be produced for each species in need of urgent research
or conservation action.
Major supporters for this initiative include the British Chelonia Group
(~$8,000), Turtle Conservation Fund ($7,500) and the Turtle Survival
Alliance ($14,500). Those contributing to the India project on behalf of
TSA are Jim & Kirsten Kranz ($3,000), Detroit Zoo ($5,000) and Zoological
Society of San Diego ($5,000). An additional $15,000 is earmarked for India
under the new Batchelor Foundation grant.
(Rick Hudson, Fort Worth Zoo)
Conservation Action Plan Workshop for
Indian Turtles is Rescheduled
These new breeding ponds have recently been
constructed at MCBT and will greatly expand their
capacity for managing targeted endangered
freshwater turtles in captivity.
For the second consecutive year, MCBT has
successfully hatched red crowned roofed tur-
tles, Kachuga kachuga, an IUCN Red List criti-
cally endangered species targeted for intensive
conservation action.
In September 2004, the Knoxville Zoological Gardens
(KZG) was pleased to announce the hatching of our
fi rst Heosemys spinosa, only to be followed by its clutch
mate fi ve days later. A few months later, in December,
a third neonate hatched. All three hatchlings were from
the same female, one of a group of 1.3 received here on 20
August 2002 from TSA. The eggs were incubated following a
protocol successfully utilized by Dennis Herman, when Zoo
Atlanta hatched its fi rst spinosa over 10 years ago. The eggs
are initially incubated at 82oF (27.7oC) for 35 days, and then
brought into a cooler area where they complete incubation at
78oF (25.5 oC). The total incubation time has ranged from
113-118 days. The neonates have grown very well on a diet of
chopped greens, vegetables, and fruits (especially mangoes)
fortifi ed with crushed Turtle Brittle, and from time to time
they will also consume earthworms and pinkies.
During the fi rst half of 2005, KZG has produced its fourth
Pyxis planicauda in three breeding seasons, adding our
third bloodline to the captive-bred population. As we found
out in May 2002, the key to successful incubation with this
species is a suffi cient cooling period prior to actually placing
the eggs in the incubator. For three to four months the eggs
are placed in a cool section of the building where the day time
highs are in the mid-70soF with a nighttime drop into the
60soF. Only after that time period are the eggs placed into
the incubator. We also start spraying the eggs once per week
to increase the humidity. From our successful hatchings,
blood vessels become evident in the egg anywhere from two
through eight weeks post-cooling. Hatching has ranged
from 98-117 days post-cooling. There is still much to learn
about captive reproduction in P. planicauda and hopefully
as TSA Partners work together we can do just that.
In comparison to the low fertility rate we have seen in P.
planicauda eggs, P. a. arachnoides fertility has been very
high. Of the 20 eggs produced in this breeding season, 17
have been fertile and 15 have hatched to date. The spider
tortoise eggs are incubated for the fi rst four-six weeks at
87oF (30.5oC), when they are then candled to check for
development. If no development has occurred, the eggs are
placed in cool area (65-75oF or 18-24oC) for four weeks.
Eggs are then placed back into the incubator at which point
it appears that development begins. On several occasions
eggs had to be placed back into the cool area a second or
even third time. There has been a wide range of incubation
time during the post-cooling period in P. a. arachnoides.
A few hatchlings emerged in as little as 101 days, but this
incubation period in most of the eggs was much longer,
ranging up to 257 days.
(Michael Ogle, Knoxville Zoological Gardens)
The TSA announced it has awarded their second Partner Grant
to the Knoxville Zoo to conduct temperature dependent sex
determination (TSD) studies on four species of tortoises. The
proposal was submitted by Michael Ogle (Department of Her-
petology) who will focus on four species: Indian star tortoise
(Geochelone elegans), Burmese star tortoise (Geochelone
platynota), Madagascar spider tortoise (Pyxis arachnoides)
and Madagascar fl at-tail tortoise (Pyxis planicauda). Of the
46 species of tortoises, TSD studies have been conducted on
only fi ve, and all species researched so far have exhibited a
TSD pattern. The grant is for $1,497 and will allow the Zoo
to purchase three Lyon incubators for these studies. This fl at-
tailed tortoise is one of the species expected to benefi t from
TSD research.
Knoxville Zoo Receives TSA
Partner Grant
Signifi cant Turtle and Tortoise Hatchings at Knoxville
Zoological Gardens
Heosemys spinosa (left) and a "bumper crop" of Pyxis a.
arachnoides (right)
he natural history of many Asian turtle species is
poorly understood. To the extent possible under
captive conditions, Savannah River Ecology
Laboratory (SREL) is collecting data to determine
diet preferences, document behavior and social interactions,
assess microhabitat selection and temperature tolerances,
observe mating and reproductive cycles, measure growth
and assess health parameters of select Asian turtle species.
Status and Goals of the Asian Turtle Project at
SREL is currently providing care and maintenance
of 320 individual turtles, representing 30 species.
turtles were made available
government confi scations of illegally traded animals
or have been contributed by TSA partners. The
turtles incorporated into this project to date have
been acquired through the efforts of the Turtle
Survival Alliance to obtain confi scated turtles for
conservation and research.
2. Existing holding facilities have been modifi ed,
as needed, to accommodate the varying needs of
different turtle species. The information collected
and lessons learned are assisting in the development
and implementation of non-native turtle research
and husbandry protocols. SREL, in collaboration
with the University of Georgia Vet School, is
providing veterinary treatment and conducting
necropsies, as needed.
3. The overall goal of the project at SREL is to conduct
specifi c studies with these turtles that will produce
publishable results and assist in the development
of assurance colonies and fi eld conservation
management plans for these endangered species.
These studies represent priority needs of both the
Turtle Survival Alliance and the Savannah River
Ecology Laboratory.
The Cuora amboinensis in the
SREL collection were obtained
through the January 2001
confi scation. Many of the
females were gravid at that
time; however, none of the
turtles produced eggs during
2002 or 2003. One female
produced two eggs in 2004
(which resulted in one hatchling) and all seven females
have shelled eggs in 2005. Two noteworthy observations: 1)
recovery of these badly damaged animals probably resulted
in a delay in reproduction for several years; and 2) egg-laying
period shifted from January (in 2001) to June (in 2005).
Lissemys punctata
Mating Observations: Two mature animals from the Hong
Kong confi scation had been kept separate by a plexi-glass
divider but in the same tank and water (thus aware of each
other's presence) all winter (2004-05). The divider was
pulled, allowing the female and male to interact. On 15 April
2005, the female was observed violently head bobbing at
the male (seemingly telling him to leave her alone) as he
kept swimming up to her face. He made one attempt to
mount her from behind, upon which she rushed away from
him and buried in the sand. On April 21, 2005, the turtles
were observed mating. They were locked together with the
posterior portions of the shells in contact, and their heads at
180 degrees away from each other. Both took turns dragging
the other for short distances. They separated after about
three minutes. It
is unknown how
long they were
being observed.
The female has a
midline carapace
length of 212
mm, and this is
the fi rst time she
Cuora amboinensis
documented fi ve faintly calcifi ed eggs.
A second radiograph, taken on 28 June
2005, shows seven small, calcifi ed eggs.
Asian Turtle Natural History Research at the
University of Georgia Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
Terrestrial Aestivation: During summer 2004, both sexes
were observed to engage in periods of terrestrial dormancy.
These turtles left the aquatic habitats and buried themselves
in loose sandy soil under humus and leaf debris for periods
of up to two weeks.
Courtship Observations: In early June 2005, courtship
behavior was observed underwater in a pool in an outdoor
aviary habitat. The males have been observed to display to
the females by facing them with their heads fully extended
while swimming forward and backward. A pool and stream
habitat were built in a converted aviary at SREL. It has been
noted that some males will leave the aquatic pool and seek
refuge in terrestrial habitat.
Territoriality: A fl owing stream system has been set up
in a greenhouse and staff are varying the number of cover
objects (concrete blocks) to determine the density of males
that can be kept together. The individual males are showing
fi delity to certain cover objects. Preliminary corroborative
observations from the radio-telemetry study at Kadoorie
Farm and Botanic Garden in Hong Kong indicates that only
one male is usually found in each stream pool.
Heavy Metal Contamination
A large sample size of deceased turtles from the TSA
Hong Kong confi scation and the Tewksbury Institute of
Herpetology will be used to determine if particular hazards
to human health may exist from consuming turtles as
food. Specifi cally, tissues will be analyzed (liver, kidney,
leg muscle) for elevated mercury concentrations. To date,
adequate sample sizes for up to 13 species of Asian freshwater
turtles are available. Large sample sizes of Siebenrockiella
crassicollis and Cuora amboinensis exist. A few of the other
species include Pelochelys cantorii, Chelodina parkeri,
Leucocephalon yuwonoi, Pxyidea mouhouti and Cuora
(Kurt A. Buhlmann, Cris Hagen, Tracey D. Tuberville and J.
Whitfi eld Gibbons, University of Georgia)
Platysternon megacephalum
The Riv-
e r b a n k s
Zoo and
Garden in Co-
lumbia, South
maintained 2.2
Cuora pani for
The turtles are
housed outdoors in metal stock tanks year round. In
April of 2004, the two female C. pani were separated
from the two males and housed in a separate stock tank.
In May, a single male and a single female were placed
together in a tub containing 120 mm of water and 25%
dry land area. The turtles were left together for several
hours and then separated. Each male was introduced to
each female several times: however, no breeding activity
was ever observed. On June 5, the two female turtles were
radiographed revealing fi ve eggs in one female and none
in the second. These eggs were deposited in a nest on July
3. The eggs were incubated in a closed plastic container
on 2:1 vermiculite /water at 31 C. On August 29, one of
the eggs hatched, producing a healthy hatchling turtle. On
September 2, a second egg hatched: however, the hatch-
ling died a short time later. Of the three remaining eggs,
two that were cracked during nesting were opened and
contained a partially developed dead embryos and the
third was infertile.
The surviving hatchling weighed 5.0 g and measured 26 x
21 mm. It was fed daily, alternating between Nasco Turtle
Brittle and live food. Live food consists mainly of black
worms, but earthworms and "white" mealworms are oc-
casionally offered. Growth has been rapid, and 86 days
after hatching, the neonate had tripled its weight to 16 g
and length/width to 46 x 40mm. After 174 days, weight
had increased to 30 grams. (Scott Pfaff, Riverbanks
Managed Reproduction
of Cuora pani at
Riverbanks Zoo
This aviary has a 4' deep pond fl owing into a
30' stream and marsh. It supports groups of
Sacalia quadriocellata (12.10), Cuora trifasciata
(3.5), six subadult Platysternon megacephalum
and Mauremys annamensis (2.2)
TSA Co-Chair Dwight Lawson's success with Heosemys depressa continued this
year with six hatchlings. Two females from the group of 2.3 animals laid four eggs
each in earlymid January. Two eggs were cracked during deposition, but the
remaining six hatched after 144180+ days in moist vermiculite. With the single
hatchling produced from a clutch of four eggs at Zoo
Atlanta this year, there are now nine known captive bred
offspring from three founder females. At least two other
individuals or institutions got eggs this year, but none
appear to have been fertile.
Last year's two offspring are doing well and are now
approximately 110 mm SLC. Dwight is currently writing
up a more detailed description of captive reproduction in
this species.
Several TSA partners had breeding success with Cuora galbinifrons this past
year. Melody Hartley hatched one on 17 September 2004, from one of two
eggs laid on 30 June 2004. The egg was incubated in moist coco-peat at 80-
82oF (26.6 - 27.7o C) for 75 days. Julie Tougas hatched two C. galbinifrons
(photo at right) on 13-14 August from eggs laid 26 May 2004. A sporadic
breeder ex situ, C. galbinifrons is reproducing well at the Cuc Phuong Turtle
Conservation Center in Vietnam.
Chris Tabaka and Sharon Chancellor combined efforts
to hatch these two C. (g.) picturata in September 2004,
and Chris reports success again in July 2005. This form
has an extremely restricted range in southern Vietnam,
and their future survival in the wild is highly at risk.
To the best of our knowledge, these represent the only
C. (g.) picturata hatchlings in the US, and bourreti has
still not reproduced successfully.
Three new founder bloodlines were added to the Mauremys annamensis
TMP in 2004. Thirteen offspring from two founder pairs were hatched
by Rick Hudson and fi ve from another founder pair were produced at
the Fort Worth Zoo. From these groups of progeny, a new F1 colony
has been established at St. Joseph University in Philadelphia under the
direction of Dr. Scott McRobert.
Signifi cant Births
The number of turtle species at the Rotterdam Zoo increased
to 28 over the last few years, at least 16 of which are under
some degree of threat as defi ned by the IUCN Red List. Some
remarkable breeding successes have been achieved over the last
few years such as Cuora trifasciata, Mauremys annamensis,
Chelodina mccordi, Geoclemmys hamiltonii, Geochelone
radiata, Pyxis arachnoides, Indotestudo elongata, and very
recently in April 2005, 16 Carettochelys insculpta hatched
from two females (Visser and Zwartepoorte, 2005, in press).
A short video of the underwater hatching is shown on the
Rotterdam Zoo website.
The majority of the turtle species can be seen in the public
collection of the zoo, but a number of species are also kept
in off-exhibit areas, creating better breeding situations.
For decades, a few turtle hatchlings could be seen in a
small incubation/rearing room where other reptile species
hatchlings are exhibited during the fi rst few months of their
lives. A large number of turtle hatchlings were however kept
behind-the-scenes and in the former fi sh section quarantine. This last off-exhibit room is now open to the public, and
through large glass windows, the breeding results are displayed to the public. In 13 small containers, hatchlings of six
endangered species are exhibited and, in fi ve larger tanks, a few older captive-born juveniles can be seen. Information
on the endangered status of the species in the wild and on how the breeding results are achieved is provided by large
information panels in the public area. This turtle breeding centre was opened on 13 April 2005 together with the launching
of the EAZA Shellshock campaign within the Dutch Zoo Federation (NVD) and was witnessed by a large number of press.
(Henk Zwartepoorte, Chair, TSA Europe)
The Rotterdam Zoo Opens Turtle Breeding Centre
The Zoological Society of San Diego recently celebrated the successful reproduc-
tion of the critically endangered Rote Island snakeneck turtles, Chelodina mc-
cordi. A clutch of 15 eggs was discovered buried on a nest beach on 26 February
2005. The clutch was removed for incubation, and after 112 days, they began
hatching. Eight hatched and will represent a new bloodline for this species.
Additional clutches are incubating.
One of TSA's few Canadian partners, Julie Tougas, continued
her streak of signifi cant captive breedings when she announced
the hatching of a big-headed turtle, Platysternon megaceph-
alum. Of fi ve eggs laid on 29 July, three banded but only one
hatched. Both parents are long-term captives and have been
with Julie for four years.
This behind-the-scenes turtle rearing area at Rotterdam Zoo
can now be viewed by the public.
The past six months have been very exciting for the Chelonian program
at Zoo Atlanta. Throughout the spring our group of 5.4 Burmese star
tortoises, Geochelone platynota, on loan from the private sector, have
been breeding on a daily basis. We are watching for eggs of this critically en-
dangered species in the near future. On a similar note, our group of 3.4 im-
pressed tortoises, Manoria impressa, is acclimated and becoming established
after a long quarantine. These animals are part of a group of 14 imported in
August 2004 in an exchange with the Chengdu Zoo, China. The impressed
tortoises have been eating well and gaining weight for 10 months now, and
have been exhibiting breeding behavior as the weather has warmed over the
last few weeks. It is interesting to note that both male-female and female-
female aggressive interactions have been observed, but so far no male-male
aggression has been seen.
Zoo Atlanta's Herpetology Department is also happy to report a number
of signifi cant hatchings in May and June. After approximately 150 days of
incubation, 13 of 14 Mata Mata, Chelys fi mbriatus, hatched. The fi rst neo-
nate hatched on its own, but the remaining 12 needed assistance out of the
egg. The eggs appeared to be very heavily calcifi ed and future eggs will be
incubated in an acidic environment to try and achieve a degradation of the
calcium concentration in the shell. Two Forsten's tortoises, Indotestudo for-
stenii, hatched in June. Both neonates were very alert and aggressive from the
beginning, each puffi ng up and hissing at their observers while pipping from
the egg. These hatchlings are the third and fourth individuals of this species to
be hatched at the zoo, and represent one of the few consistent breeding pairs
of this species in captivity. Additional hatchings of note include one Arakan
forest tortoise, Heosemys depressa only the second time this species has
been reproduced in captivity, and a still fairly rare hatching of a spiny turtle,
Heosemys spinosa.
We have a number of eggs of various species in the incubator. These include
radiated tortoise, Astrochelys radiata, fl at-tailed tortoise, Pyxis planicauda
and eggs from a pair of potential founder Burmese brown tortoise, Manoria
emys phayrei. Finally, a number of hatchlings from last year are growing and
acclimating too well. Three yearling Pyxis planicauda are fast approaching
the 50 gram mark. This weight has been associated with increased mortality
in some hatchlings of this species, so we are trying different management and
husbandry approaches and will report on the success of each in a later issue.
Our three yearling Pan's box turtles, Cuora pani, are also doing very well.
Captive born individuals acclimate well and are actually personable and vis-
ible, unlike their adult counterparts. Three Pan's box turtles hatched at Zoo
Atlanta on August 16-17 from eggs found on June 21, 2004.
(Brad Lock, DVM, Zoo Atlanta)
Update on the Chelonian Husbandry
and Breeding Projects at Zoo Atlanta
Cuora pani
Heosemys spinosa
Chelys fi mbriatus
Indotestudo forsteni
Though considered fairly common and with a widespread distribution,
Notochelys is monotypic and therefore remains a species of special
concern for the TSA. With a problematic history in captivity, and
reproduction nearly nonexistent and rarely reported, much remains to be
learned about this enigmatic turtle before sustainable captive populations
can be established. The number of Notochelys available to the TSA as re-
ported by the TMG coordinator, Susan Tiedemann, is 60 adult specimens.
These animals are comprised of two separate geographic groups. One group
is believed to be of Malaysian origin and the other is of defi nite Sumatran
The majority of these 60 animals are being housed and maintained at the
Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL) by Cris Hagen. The Sumatran
group is comprised of eight males, seven females and six unsexable individu-
als. The Malaysian group consists of seven males and 14 females. Notochelys
are rarely aggressive with one another, which allow staff to maintain two
groups of 21 animals each in large aquatic enclosures. Another group of 1.5
TSA Notochelys from a 2004 confi scation are expected to be transferred to
SREL sometime during summer 2005.
Once acclimated, housing for Notochelys is fairly simplistic. They are ex-
tremely aquatic and thrive at water temperatures between 70 80o F. A
basking site is provided but is rarely used, and most individuals prefer low
light levels. However, some juveniles and young adults have been observed
to actually haul completely out of the water to bask and dry off under an
artifi cial light source. At SREL, these turtles are housed in 12' x 12' smooth
concrete enclosures with a constant open fl ow of fresh water. They are fed a
variety of greens, fruits, vegetables and commercial turtle and trout chows.
These animals are all acclimated, with many of them now four - fi ve year
captives. At this point, our primary goal is to promote successful captive
reproduction. At SREL, frequent observations include male to male combat,
courtship and mating. Breeding behaviors have been regularly induced when
fl owing, cool (~65o F, 18.5o C) water is introduced to an enclosure.
In summary, we are moving forward with this species. There is still much to
learn, but there is a good deal of basic knowledge now in place. As an orga-
nization, we will continue to give serious attention to this species, and hope-
fully ,in the near future, we can start placing F1 hatchlings with TSA partners
to be raised for future generations.
(Cris Hagen, SREL)
Malayan Flat-Shelled Turtle,
Notochelys platynota: TMP Profi le
The author holds an adult female.
Well-acclimated Notochelys feed readily
on a wide variety of food items.
A captive environment for Notochelys
at SREL.
n 2004, I attended the TSA annual meeting in Or-
lando, Florida, with a motley group of some of my
work colleagues and fellow turtle enthusiasts. Filtra-
tion, plants, artifi cial rock and aquarium design is the
group's forte. Aside from enjoying the lectures, we made a
pact between ourselves to identify a species and/or project
in which we would be able to participate in. We wanted to
fund fi eld research as well as the management of an assur-
ance colony. After meeting Dr. Richard Vogt and attend-
ing his presentation on the Central American river turtle,
Dermatemys mawii, it was decided that this was the project
with greatest potential. We discussed our objectives and
opportunities in supporting and improving an existing cap-
tive management program for the Central American river
turtle in Mexico. This led my wife Lisette and me to attend
the Dermatemys mawii forum being held during the VIII
Mexican Society of Herpetology National Meeting in Vil-
lahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico, in November. We considered
our visit to Tabasco as a preliminary fact fi nding mission to
determine the scope and work necessary to meet our team's
During the forum, we were introduced to the principle re-
searchers and the staff of the government turtle farm in Na-
cajuca, Tabasco. This farm maintains all native turtle species
found in Tabasco, more than 800, the largest group of this
species in captivity. With the help of Dr. Richard Vogt and
Gracia Syed, the Mexican Coordinator of Restoration and
Conservation for Dermatemys, meetings were arranged to
discuss a potential cooperative project and survey the known
captive populations of D. mawii within the state of Tabasco.
We spent three days working at the farm in Nacajuca with
the technicians as they performed their daily husbandry
Through our interviews and observations with the staff, we
formulated strategies to improve water quality within the
holding tanks and prioritized potential repairs of cement
tanks and waterlines.
The high density of many turtle species throughout the farm
was evident due to many tanks being empty and needing
repair. We also assisted Gracia in collecting morphomet-
ric data and DNA samples on 120 Dermatemys in hopes
of identifying origin and locality information from these
samples. One day was spent at Yumka Zoological Park
speaking to the Director and staff regarding management of
their population of 20 Dermatemys housed in a large aviary
pool. They allowed us to weigh and measure these individu-
als as well as collect DNA samples. On a separate occasion,
we visited a private, family operated farm in La Encantada.
This facility houses and reproduces several native turtle spe-
cies and is working with the government farm to obtain 100
Dermatemys to be placed in two newly constructed, half
acre, in-ground holding ponds.
Our visits to these various facilities resulted in identifying
a plan of action to join forces with local researchers and
husbandry technicians in initiating a long term project to
increase survivorship of Dermatemys at the government
farm as well as in the wild. The actions at the farm included
constructing a fi ltration system for the Dermatemys holding
ponds, developing a husbandry protocol for all turtle species
and a preliminary design for an interpretive center. Another
key component identifi ed is to support the fi eld work of
Claudia Zenteno, M.S. of the Universidad Juarez Autonoma
de Tabasco in the Bioreserve Pantanos de Centla in an effort
to develop a reintroduction program with D. mawii. Link-
ing the work of turtle farms and fi eld researchers may prove
vital to the survival of Dermatemys in Mexico.
In May 2005, David Manser of Ponds and Plants Nursery
and Jay Allen of Aquarium Innovations and I traveled to
Nacajuca to install the fi ltration and
participate in a fi eld survey. With
the enthusiastic participation from
the Nacajuca staff, repairs of cement
troughs were made and waterlines
were established before the fi lters
were constructed. Then two submers-
ible pumps moving approximately
50 gallons per minute were installed
Mission Possible: Supporting an Assurance Colony of
Dermatemys in Nacajuca
Nacajuca farm technician Narciso collecting
Dermatemys eggs recently laid by a female
after being moved to a fresh new pond. Nar-
ciso is considered the expert egg collector at
the farm and is shown here after "noodling"
for a nest. The eggs were deposited in a cav-
ity about 12" (30 cm) below the water.
In this article, Gregory George relates his experiences launching an in situ conservation program for Dermatemys.
in each of the two, half-acre Dermatemys holding ponds.
These pumps create circulation and increase dissolved oxy-
gen within the ponds in an attempt to recreate more of a riv-
erine environment for these turtles which were living in stag-
nant conditions. Half of the water pushed by the pumps is
directed to two neighboring cement troughs where biological
fi lters utilizing water hyacinth and gravel were constructed.
Carpentry and plumbing tools as well as a digital scale and
calipers were donated to the farms equipment room.
It is our goal to continue support fi eld research and the hus-
bandry work at the government facility in Nacajuca with the
hopes of initiating a reintroduction program for captive bred
and raised Dermatemys. These efforts will increase interna-
tional awareness of Dermatemys mawii conservation issues
and supply valuable information to the Turtle Survival Alli-
ance as they embark on funding projects for this species in
(Gregory A. George and Lisette M. George)
Gracia Syed, Francisco Soberon Mobarak and Lisette George
collecting morphometric data and tissue samples from a
captive Dermatemys.
During a Dermatemys roundup, turtles were netted out of
holding ponds for weights, measurements and blood draws.
A joint collaboration between the Denver Zoo and the TSA
is working to implement a captive management program
for the Reimann's snakeneck turtle (Chelodina reimanni).
This obscure turtle was fi rst described by Philippen
and Grossmann in 1990 from the Merauke River in
Southeastern Irian Jaya. After its description, the species
was exported in limited quantities until the year 2000
when they seemed to disappear from the trade. Extensive
search efforts were made by local collectors but came up
empty handed. Endemic to Indonesia and with a range and
status that is poorly known, this snakeneck has emerged as
a species of special concern.
In response to these fi ndings it was decided that a Taxon
Management Group (TMG) should be formed, with the
fear that this species may have been over-collected for the
pet trade. This TMG was organized by Gregory Cosentino,
a private individual in New York with extensive experience
in raising juvenile Chelodina. The goal of this plan is to
bring together the holdings of the few institutions and
private individuals that maintain this species. With the
support and cooperation of Rick Haeffner, a head-start
program was set up whereby juveniles would be sent from
Denver to New York, to be grown by Greg, after which they
would be distributed to various members of the TMG.
Historically, babies of this species have not fared well in
captivity, and it is believed that of the 250+ hatchlings
produced at the Denver Zoo, only a handful survived
following distribution. The TMG hopes to reverse this
negative trend. Founder representation (the number of
wild-caught adults that have reproduced in captivity)
is 5.11, located in four TMG participating collections.
Recently, there have been a handful of wild caught adults
available in the trade. We hope that these animals fi nd
their way into the hands of the people dedicated to the
goals of the C. reimanni TMG.
(Greg Cosentino and Rick Haeffner)
Developing a TMG
for an Obscure Indonesian
Snakeneck Turtle,
Chelodina reimanni
Special thanks:
Our thanks to the Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida, for sponsoring and hosting the TSA U.S. steering
committee meeting in February 2005. Dustin Smith did an outstanding job of ensuring that our local ar-
rangements were made and that we were well cared for. Good job Dustin!! Thanks also to Zoo Atlanta for
sponsoring our travel to Tampa with Delta airline vouchers.
And special thanks to Don Boyer and his group at the San Diego Zoo for their extreme generosity in hosting
the TSA's 2005 annual conference, and Chuck Schaffer for an outstanding job as the 2005 TSA Conference
Program chairman. For local support we thank the California Turtle & Tortoise Club for helping bring the
TSA conference to the West Coast.
Again, this issue of the TSA Newsletter is dedicated to some of the workhorses of the TSA whose commit-
ment and dedication have contributed so much to the success of this organization: Bill Ninesling (animal
management), Annabel Ross (records and permits), Darrell Senneke (web site, communications), Lisa Low-
ell (membership), Lonnie McCaskill (conference organization, merchandising), Hugh Quinn (training work-
shops, fundraising), Chris Tabaka, Sam Rivera, Shannon Ferrell, Joe Flanagan and Greg Fleming (veterinary
support) and Meg Bommarito (newsletter layout and design). Finally, we owe a great deal of thanks to the
Fort Worth Zoo for its strong and steady institutional support for the TSA. The duties performed by Rick,
Annabel, Meg, Heather and Shannon are made possible through the Fort Worth Zoo where there exists a core
belief that private/public partnerships are the way of the future for wildlife conservation.
DONORSBatchelor Foundation
Marvin Bennett
Jack Cato
Central Illinois Herp Society
Columbus Zoo
Dallas Zoo
Denver Zoo
Fort Worth Zoo
Kansas City Herp Society
Ed Louis
Mary Rosenfeld
David Shapiro
Gary Wilfong
The TSA gratefully acknowledges the following
donors for their generous contributions of
$100 or more for turtle conservation.
2005 TSA Conference Sponsors
Bushmaster Reptiles
California Turtle & Tortoise Club
Chelonian Research Foundation
Chelonian Research Institute
Disney's Animal Kingdom
Greg and Lisette George
Purina Mills / Mazuri
Reptiles Magazine
Brett and Nancy Stearns
Zoo Med Laboratories, Inc.
Zoological Society of San Diego
Asian Turtle Conservation Network
British Chelonia Group
California Turtle & Tortoise Club
Chelonian Research Foundation
Chelonian Research Institute
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
Cuc Phuong Turtle Conservation Center
Denver Zoo
Detroit Zoological Institute
Disney's Animal Kingdom
Fort Worth Zoo
International Reptile Conservation Foundation
Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden
KUSTEM - Malaysia College of Science & Technology
Madras Crocodile Bank Trust
NC State College of Veterinary Medicine
Petraworks, Inc.
Purina Mills / Mazuri
Reptiles Magazine
Savannah River Ecology Lab
St. Joseph University
Wildlife Conservation Society
World Chelonian Trust
Zeigler and Zeigler, Inc.
Zoo Atlanta
Zoological Society of San Diego
The TSA was founded on partnerships and today, those collaborations represent our core
strength. The following is a list of some of the strategic partnerships that have contributed to
the success of the TSA in the past year.
We appreciate your support!
The TSA has grown both in complexity and in our fi nancial obligations to support turtle conservation.
And, we will continue to grow. With that growth have come increased expectations and commitments
that we must meet as well as increased operating expenses. The only conservation organization
dedicated solely to preventing turtle extinctions, the TSA has grown internationally and expanded
our global network. What is amazing is that the TSA has been able to accomplish this growth while
relying on a network of dedicated volunteers. But we cannot maintain this growth without a steady
and reliable source of revenue. For these reasons, the TSA implemented a dues structure in 2004.
Individual member - $50 annually
Anyone who wants to help turtles is encouraged to become a member at this level. By joining, you will be
supporting the TSA's mission and will be kept up-to-date on the latest news in turtle conservation.
Individual partner - $50 annually
Supporters who join at the partner level are eligible to receive turtles through the TSA network and can apply for
TSA grants. Partner applications must be approved by the TSA Steering Committee.
Institutional member - $150 annually
Organizations including zoos, aquariums, universities, museums, botanic gardens and non-governmental
organizations are also encouraged to join the TSA and support turtle conservation around the world.
Membership Levels
Benefi ts
Members and partners will enjoy reduced registration costs at TSA conferences as well as a discount on TSA
Join the TSA. Your support is critical
to our success!
Please join us as we recommit ourselves to ZERO
TURTLE EXTINCTIONS in the 21st century!
To join visit www.turtlesurvival.org and click on 'Join the TSA.'

Questions? Contact Heather Lowe at 817/759-7179, HLowe@fortworthzoo.org,
or Fort Worth Zoo, 1989 Colonial Parkway, Fort Worth, Texas, 76110.