Say Thank You To Healthcare Workers And Benefit Parkland Hospital

Say Thank You To Healthcare Workers And Benefit Parkland Hospital, updated 7/8/20, 8:39 PM

DHD Films, an award-winning Dallas film studio has expanded the Healthcare Heroes campaign by continuing to accept video clips appreciating front-line healthcare workers in Dallas. Energy Transfer will donate $50 for every video submission to benefit Parkland Hospital's $100,000 goal. Visit for details.

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Say Thank You To Healthcare Workers
And Benefit Parkland Hospital
Millions of doctors, nurses,
therapists, and support workers
continue their work on the front
lines of the largest global
pandemic of this generation.
Saying thanks is the least we
can do for them and DHD Films
of Dallas offers you a way to
salute the bravery of our
healthcare workers.
The Dallas video and motion
graphics studio has expanded
the Healthcare Heroes
campaign in association with
Energy Transfer, a leading US
diversified energy company.
For every video submission,
Energy Transfer has
committed to donating $50 to
the Parkland Foundation's
Public Health Preparedness
Your video may take just a few
minutes to record, but your
contribution will go a long way
towards meeting the $100,000
goal for Parkland Hospital.
As part of the campaign, DHD
Films seeks to assemble the
world's largest collection of
appreciation video clips under
the #HealthcareHeroes banner.
The "Thank you" campaign
for DFW healthcare workers
has gathered video
contributions from across the
Celebrities, police officers, teachers, seniors,
parents, children, institutions, and
organizations from across the United States
have sent in videos expressing heartfelt
gratitude for the tireless work of doctors,
nurses, and other healthcare professionals on
the front line of this crisis.
The Healthcare Heroes
campaign is the brainchild of
DHD Films Founder and Creative
Director Shezad Manjee and
inspired by a conversation with
his wife Sofia, a healthcare
DHD Films is a
professional visual media
studio located near Dallas'
Design District.
Upload Healthcare Heroes
appreciation videos at