Fort Worth health insurance proponents await appointment of new Justice

Fort Worth health insurance proponents await appointment of new Justice, updated 10/12/20, 9:51 PM

Rick Thornton, a Fort Worth health insurance agent, says a repeal of the Affordable Care Act in November 100% hinges on how frontrunner Amy Coney Barrett votes.

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Fort Worth health insurance proponents
await appointment of new Justice
Fort Worth health insurance
and those who have it won't
have to wait long to find out
who replaces the late Justice
Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
It has been reported for at least a
week now by practically every news
outlet that the nation's highest office
has chosen Amy Coney Barrett, a
federal appeals court judge, as its
frontrunner to fill the current vacancy.
The appointment is at the top
of everyone's mind because
everyone views Barrett as the
sway vote in the upcoming
ACA lawsuit.
Rick Thornton, a Fort Worth
health insurance agent,
agrees that everything
hinges on Barrett.
Many say she has the backing
of conservatives in government
and outside groups that would
throw their muscle behind her
She is also known to have been critical of
the ACA's birth control mandate,
suggesting that it was a "Grave violation of
religious freedoms." Americans should take
this latest news seriously and pay attention
to how things shake out with the court,
Thornton added.
The decision, whether it is for
or against the ACA, will affect
the insured, uninsured, and
nationwide insurers
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