Patient Data Collection & Storage Dashboard With PT Practice Management Software

Patient Data Collection & Storage Dashboard With PT Practice Management Software, updated 8/10/23, 9:27 AM


Unify your PT practice’s appointment scheduling and billing system for seamless automation! Join the Interactive Advanced Medicine (1-833-554-2678) platform to reduce your admin workload!

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Patient Data Collection & Storage Dashboard With PT
Practice Management Software
Don’t let your PT practice be caught out by data
storage compliance shortfalls - collect and protect
accurate medical records with Interactive
Advanced Medicine software!
The all-in-one iAM-PT platform
leverages cloud-based technology to
compile information about your staff
and patient sessions all in one place,
which reduces scheduling conflicts.
It can also
automatically send
out follow-up
messages and
reminders to reduce
the chance of no-
shows at your
With its data collection
functions, Interactive
Advanced Medicine’s EMR
software systemizes your
information storage so that
you can maintain
compliance and avoid
clerical errors.
As such, you can scale
your operations in
anticipation of growth
while ensuring the quality
of the service you
provide is maintained.
The software company
estimates that, per month, it
can save your practice 9 hours
in scheduling tasks, 14 hours
in conducting patient surveys,
and 83 hours on
The EMR and calendar software
from Interactive Advanced
Medicine was created for and by
physical therapists - find out if it's
right for your practice by calling 1-
Go to to find
out more!