Applied Research in IT

Applied Research in IT, updated 4/26/24, 10:05 AM


How to do applied research in IT?

About Jack Zheng

Faculty of IT at

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Applied Research in IT
A brief research guide for IT 7113 and IT 7123 research project
(may be used for other IT class as well)
Spring 2024
• Applied research is research work that is directly relevant to practical
problems and solutions. Compared to more rigorous full-scale
academic research, it has the following characteristics:
• Practical problems (mostly)
• Limited literature research (except for conceptual research)
• Limited generalizability
• Limited originality
• Less focus on theories but more focus on principles or best practices
• Usually involves first-hand hands-on experiences as an investigation method
• Can sometimes be subjective based on personal experience
Typical applied research examples
• Test and compare different techniques or methods. Set up test cases, comparison
metrics, and test environments. Run tests and record results. Example:
• Analyze and/or develop a solution (or a technology) to address a well described
problem (a real case or a hypothetical representative case). Present each
solution’s features, pros, and cons. Make a recommendation based on a specific
case (if there is one) if there are more solutions.
• Research and compare multiple related technologies or tools. Develop a
comprehensive comparison framework and use it to conduct the comparison. Lab
testing may be part of the comparison. Example: Gartner’s Magic Quadrant
Research Reports
• Apply a theory or principles to a particular domain/task, and create specific
knowledge, process, or improve current process or design.
Frame your research: write a research
• A research proposal needs to explain the following three things
1. Research question/problem
2. Research method
3. Expected research outcome
Research Topic (Area), Problem, and Question
• A topic area is a general subject or topic
scope. Usually, it is a high-level scope and
needs to be further defined.
• A problem is more specific and relevant,
that needs answers and solutions.
• Research question is a form of phrasing
the problem. Usually, it is one sentence.
• No matter what topic you choose, it's best
to formulate your issue/problem into a
concise and clear research question.
• Research question leads to a research
goal, which is a planned and achievable
target in the scope of a particular project.
• In explaining your research question, you
also need to explain in details
• The background or the context of this
• Why do you pick this topic? Why is this
worth research?
• Has anyone done anything before? How is
what you are doing different from their
Subject relevance (to IT)
• Some past proposals focused on data analysis based on a particular data
sets and tried to get insights from the data and analysis. Although the
processes and techniques are considered relevant to data analytics, but
they are more relevant to their corresponding subject domains rather than
• That following example research questions (goals) are not closely relevant
to IT (do not have core IT components)
• The purpose of this research is to ascertain the effectiveness of mask mandates.
• In order for families to achieve the best outcomes after divorce or separation and
help policymakers make decisions, it is important that everyone understands what
the courts are doing in these cases.
• What are the production challenges for EV? How to encourage the public to switch
to electric vehicles?
• Analyzing the covid-19 data sets to have a better understanding of the virus.
Research methods
• Research methods are the ways to investigate
the problem. Common methods used in
applied research include
• Conceptual analysis
• Literature research: survey and review (with
analysis) of publications, including journals,
magazines, public opinions, columns, articles,
white papers
• Develop framework, model, comparison or
• Notable example analysis, case study
• Apply a theoretical framework to analyze
• Empirical analysis
• Hands-on experiences testing/comparing tool
features, for product/technology/method
• Develop a framework for test/comparison
• Apply a theoretical framework to analyze
• Secondary data analysis
• Experiment/testing
• People involved
• Technology/product/data involved
• Tools comparison and assessment, using a
checklist or framework
• Apply a testing methodology or framework to
• Get evidence from other people
• Survey
• Focus group study
• Design and development
• Empirical/conceptual development: summary
from own experiences/cases
• Define a process or a model
• Artifact: App development
Expected outcome
• Expected outcome is the desired answers or solution
• Expected outcome should correspond to the research question.
• Depending on the question and research methods, expected outcome could be a
• Artifact: application prototype, app, website, product
• Theoretical or conceptual
• Model/framework
• A set of guides, principles, or best practices
• Process, or a checklist
• Comparison matrix
• Data
• Experiment results
• Testing results
• Data analysis results and statistical conclusion or proof to hypothetical statements about theories that explains how things
work or why things happen
• Describe your expected outcome at the high level. You may not have clear details of the final
research result (because you have not completed the research), but you should generally know
what is expected or desired.
• What is the contribution?
• Worth the research?
• How is different from other work?
• Value of the work? Does it benefit others?
• Depending on its contribution level and generalizability, the research
may be able to get published as a conference paper, book chapter,
magazine article, or even a journal paper. Or it may be expanded to a
mater thesis.
Example applied research
• Power BI – Star schema or single table
• What I Learned Recreating One Chart Using 24 Tools
• The effects of visual embellishment on comprehension and
memorability of charts