Get The Best Mobility Training App With Hybrid Core & Kettlebell Workouts Here

Get The Best Mobility Training App With Hybrid Core & Kettlebell Workouts Here, updated 4/27/23, 12:00 PM


Finding time for exercise can be a challenge in today’s fast-paced world. In response, an Australian fitness company has just announced updates to its remote workout platform for personal trainers and athletes. More details can be found at

PrimalThenics 71 Alderson Street, Alderley, Queensland 4051, Australia Website Email

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Get The Best Mobility Training App With Hybrid Core
& Kettlebell Workouts Here
Whether you want to bulk up, slim down, or just feel more
energetic day-to-day, PrimalThenics can help you do it all.
 The company's latest launch sees an expansion of its
proprietary PrimalThenics series, a bodyweight-based
program of movement and strength training.
The PrimalThenics platform focuses on seven
main types of sessions, from warm-ups to core
PrimalThenics offers you targeted
exercise regimens regardless of
your ability level. 
Its latest iteration provides you with
engaging, neurologically driven
routines, specially designed to
maximize your workout time in the gym
or at home.
If you're a fitness coach, you can gain accreditation as an
official PrimalThenics instructor.
 The program is the work of Chris
Miller who was inspired to create
PrimalThenics after suffering a serious
knee injury in his early twenties.
In an effort to address both the physiological
and neurological damage incurred, Chris
eschewed traditional rehabilitation programs
to focus on his own research.
Chris says, "At 34, I am the fittest, strongest, and most mobile I've ever been. I
don't rely on physical therapies to get me pain-free but seek to fix my own
aches and pains with movement and mobility drills."
 With its latest updates,
PrimalThenics continues to make
fitness training flexible, versatile, and
accessible to people of all abilities.
 Whether you are a seasoned gym-
goer, a rookie runner, or a wayward
weightlifter, PrimalThenics can get
you back on the road to fitness.
Go to
au/sign-up for more