If You Are Voting In California This November Read This Referendum Report First

If You Are Voting In California This November Read This Referendum Report First, updated 11/1/20, 4:40 PM

A Californian bail bond company has launched a report on the Proposition 25 Referendum that locals will be voting on in November. If passed innocent people may spend longer in jail pending trial. Find out more at https://remedybail.com/california-cash-bail-amendment-proposition-25-referendum-report/

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If You Are Voting In
California This November
Read This Referendum
Report First
Are you planning on voting in California this November? Are you aware there will be a
referendum vote on the ballot? Do you know the so-called reform has the potential to
change discriminatory parts of the legal system with an unregulated algorithm that could
makes things worse?
The team at Remedy Bail Bonds
explain that when you head to the
polls this November, you can
potentially change a law passed by
the Legislature.
The newly launched report aims to explain the benefits of voting
for or against the amendment, which is focused on cash bails.
The team explain that you may not be
aware the proposal involves replacing
cash bails with a potentially
discriminatory computer system that will
use an algorithm to risk assess detained
Also known as California Senate Bill 10 or the Bail Reform Act,
it has been criticized by organizations including Human Rights
Watch highlights the report.
It explains that while many of us
welcome bail and legal system reform
overall, this new act is not a reform,
but rather the replacement of one
outdated discriminatory system with
While a genuine reform could change your life or those of your family and
friends, there are concerns certain members of society may be detrimentally
affected if the amendment is not overturned explain the team.
Specifically, the team are concerned that
African Americans, Latinos, and
immigrants may be disproportionately
affected and liable to spend longer and
unnecessary periods in jail pending trial.
They add that while the advent of the digital age has generally made a positive
difference to your life and many people around the world, they question the
validity of relying upon a big data algorithm to make potentially life-altering
A spokesperson said: “If you are accused of a
crime, you need to post bail to obtain your freedom.
At present, this can be done by your family or
friends paying the full bail amount directly to the jail.
If the money is unavailable a bail bond company
can post the bail amount for you.”
“If the law is changed, this process may no longer be possible, which means
you and other innocent people will be required to spend longer in jails that
are already overcrowded,” they added.
The team urges you to carefully
weigh both sides of the argument
before casting your vote this
Find out more via the links provided in the summary!