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Fall World History Pre/Post Test Overview:
Topics covered/ number of questions:
● Age of exploration- 10
● Reformation - 10
● Renaissance - 10
● Absolute monarchs - 10
● The revolutions - 10
● Scientific revolution and enlightenment- 10
Standards covered: HS.H3.3, HS.SP1.1, HS.SP1.3,HS.H3.5, HS.H1.6, HS.H1.7, HS.SP4.1,
HS.H3.2, HS.H1.3, HS.SP1.1, HS.H3.4, HS.SP1.4, HS.H1.6, HS.H2.1, HS.G2.1, HS.G4.2,
HS.C1.2, HS.E4.4, HS.SP2.2
[Start of Test]
1. [HS.H3.3, HS.SP1.1, HS.SP1.3] Europeans began to explore and expand in the 1500s
following the ideal:
a. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
b. Gold, God and Glory
c. Copper, Cattle, Cotton, Citrus and Climate
d. Revenge, Resistance and Retribution
2. [HS.H3.5, HS.H1.6, HS.H1.7, HS.SP4.1] European nations began to search for new overseas
colonies after 1880 to:
a. find people who would work in European factories for low wages.
b. promote a free exchange of ideas between Eastern and Western cultures.
c. bring the economic benefits of industrialization to underdeveloped nations.
d. obtain raw materials for their industries and open new markets for their products.
3. [HS.H1.7] Potatoes, indigenous to the Americas, helped to support population growth and
changed food dishes throughout Europe because of which exchange of food and animals?
A. The Monetary Exchange
B. The Great Exchange
C. The Columbian Exchange
D. The Greek Exchange
4. [HS.H3.2, HS.H1.3] The above image (image 1.1) of a Spanish settler and Indigenous
Americans, depicts:
a. Tributo
B. Educacion
C. Prestamo
D. Encomienda
(image 1.2)
5. [HS.SP1.1, HS.H3.4, HS.H3.5] The trade route above depicts(image 1.2):
A. The Silk Road
B. The Atlantic Slave Trade
C. The East India Trading Company
D. The Trans-Saharan Trading Route
6. [HS.H3.1, HS.H3.2] Spanish and Portuguese kings appointed _____ to govern their colonies
in Latin America for them.
a. viceroys
b. soviets
c. Mestizos
d. Native Americans
7. [HS.SP1.4, HS.H1.3, HS.H1.6, HS.H2.1] What other countries settled in the Americas,
challenging the financial control over the indigenous peoples enjoyed by the Spanish and
a. Netherlands, France, and England
b. Germany and Austria
c. China and India
d. Eastern Africa and the Gold Coast
8. [HS.H1.2, HS.H1.3] The more that European countries expanded, colonized and developed in
the Americas, the bigger the demand for
a. drinking water.
b. slaves from West Africa.
c. luxury goods to sell.
d. Native American goods.
9. [HS.H4.3, HS.H1.6] The Portuguese and Spanish Explorers of the Age of Exploration split the
globe into two worlds, the Old and the New. Which continents were a part of the Old and which
the New?
A. Old: Europe, Asia, Africa. New: Americas
B. Old: North and South America. New: Antarctica
C. Old: Antarctica, Asia, Africa, Americas. New: Europe
D. Old: Africa. New: Americas
10. [HS.H3.5, HS.H1.3] What were the most important Latin American natural resources for
Spain and Portugal?
a. manufactured goods
b. sugar, diamonds, and animal hides
c. gold and silver
d. tobacco
11. [HS.H3.1] The system in which a ruler holds total power called Absolutism is directly tied to
what concept that, justified the power of the monarch?
a. Sharing power and duties with parliament
b. The divine right of kings
c. The puritan religion
d. Catholicism
12. [HS.H3.1] Which monarch is argued by historians to have been the best example of
Absolutism in the seventeenth century?
a. King Louis XIV
B. King George
c. King Phillip
D. King Frederick I
13. [HS.G2.] Which city did Peter the Great operate as the “Window to the West '', which
operated as a naval base, and served as the capital of Russia until 1918?
a. Transylvania
b. Berlin
c. Serbia
d. St. Petersburg
14. [HS.G4.2] One way in which Louis XIV shifted power and maintained an absolute
monarchy was to keep politics separate by keeping the royals and nobles busy with gifts and
extravagance at this building. What is this famous building, shown below (image 1.3)?
(image 1.3)
a. Palace of Versaille
b. The Cathedral of Notre Dames
c. Buckingham Palace
d. The Winter Palace
(passage 1.1)
15. [HS.H3.2] The above passage (passage 1.1) is an example of what concept?
A. Absolute Monarchy
B. Dictatorship
C. Theocracy
D. Divine Right of Kings
(passage 1.2)
16. [HS.C1.2] The above passage (passage 1.2) is an example of what concept?
a. Absolute Monarchy
b. Dictatorship
c. Theocracy
d. Divine Right of Kings
17. [HS.C1.2] The Prince was an influential publication of the Renaissance in which the author
discusses how to get and keep political power. Who wrote it?
a. Medici
b. Machiavelli
c. Da Vinci
d. Castiglionie
18. [HS.G3.1] A key intellectual movement of the Renaissance that involved secularism and
emphasis on the individual is ______.
a. Realism
b. Vernacular
c. Humanism
d. Abstractism
19. [HS.H1.4] What was the significant change in Renaissance literature such as in Dante’s
Divine Comedy, which allowed for the stories to reach a wider and more diverse audience?
It was written in Latin
b. It was had illustrations
It was written in vernacular
d. It was only shared orally.
20. [HS.H1.7] In the mid-fifteenth century, Johannes Gutenberg invented the _____________
which encouraged scholarly research and expanded literacy to the public.
a. Pulleys and levers
b. Fresco painting
c. The Printing Press
d. Buttresses
21. [HS.G3.1] What were the two major developments of Renaissance style art?
a. Bright colors and detailed landscapes
b. Perspective and realistic human form
c. Abstract images and cartoonish human characters
d. Religious imagery and muted colors
22. [HS.G3.1] Tommaso di Giovanni’s “The Tribute Money” which depicts the story of the life
of Saint Peter is one of the most famous examples of this Renaissance art technique.
A. sculpting
B. oil painting
C. watercolors
D. fresco
23. [HS.E4.4] Which of the following best describes the concept of a “Renaissance man” is?
a. Someone who is wealthy and from an important family
b. Someone who is trained in and can perform a variety of skills
c. Someone who is expertly trained in one specific skill
d. Someone who can speak many different languages.
24. [HS.SP1.1] The movement which believed in humans’ ability to use reason and improve
themselves, by reading the Bible, leading to the Reformation was called what?
a. Renaissance
b. Counter-Reformation
c. Christian Humanism
d. Calvinism
25. [HS.SP1.2] The major issue Martin Luther objected to was the Catholic Church’s
a. The authority of the Pope
b. The Sacraments
c. Priests being required to be celebrate
d. sale of indulgences
26. [HS.H3.2] The major concern of ordinary people in considering religion is the assurance or
acceptance into Heaven called?
a. Salvation
b. Predestination
c. Annul
d. Lutheranism
27. [HS.H1.7] The invention which increased the common person’s ability to read the Bible as
well as other religious and philosophical writings for themselves, contributing to the
Reformation, was the
a. Telescope
b. Printing Press
c. Microscope
d. Scientific Method
28. [HS.H2.1] The major idea of the Lutheran Reformation was man can achieve Salvation
through what?
a. Good works
b. Faith in God alone
c. Giving to the poor
d. Performing the Sacraments
29. [HS.H3.2] Another movement against the Catholic Church includes John Calvin’s idea that
some people before they are born, are chosen by God to go to Heaven, this is called?
a. Justification
b. Communion
c. Baptism
d. Predestination
30. [HS.H1.2] The Reformation in England occurred as a result of the King wanting to divorce
his wife, which king was it?
a. Charlemagne
b. Otto the First
c. King Henry VIII
d. King Edward VI
31. [HS.H1.6] The ‘radical’ movement that believed church and state should remain totally
separate, and the state should have no influence over religion and political authority over
believers, was called?
a. Lutherans
b. Calvinists
c. Anabaptists
d. Presbyterians
32. [HS.H2.3] With so many people leaving the Catholic Church, the Pope called a meeting
known as the Council of Trent which affirmed Catholic teachings - except for the sale of
indulgences - this movement was called the
a. Protestant Reformation
b. English Reformation
c. Christian Humanism
d. Counter Reformation
33. [HS.SP1.1] What country did Jose de San Martín and Símon Bolívar lead a revolution
a. Mexico
b. Portugal
c. The United States
d. Spain
34. [HS.H2.3, HS.H2.1] Why did France, Spain, and the Dutch Republic help the American
colonists win their independence from Great Britain?
a. Other Nations were supplying Great Britain with weapons, troops, and money.
b. Colonists agreed to give up land in North America in return for their support.
c. These nations wanted revenge against the British Empire for earlier defeats.
d. The British refused to recognize the sovereignty of the European monarchs.
35. [HS.H3.5] Which estate/class of French society in the 1700s carried out and represented all
the different forms of labor?
a. Nobility
b. Bourgeoisie
c. Clergy
d. Peasantry
36. [HS.H3.3] Which idea of Baron Montesquieu has been incorporated into the U.S.
a. Social contract
b. Economic laissez-faire
c. Religious tolerance
d. Separation of government powers
37. [HS.H1.1, HS.H1.3] How were Spanish and Portuguese colonial empires weakened?
a. The peninsulares lost interest in ruling.
b. The British established new trade routes.
c. Colonial leaders misused their authority.
d. Napoleon overthrew their monarchies in Europe.
38. [HS.H3.1] What was one economic cause of the French Revolution?
a. More money was channeled to merchants and salesmen.
b. Depleted government to monetary services
c. An increase in wages among the third estate.
d. The third estate’s inability to purchase essential goods, such as food.
39. [HS.H1.3, HS.H1.2] Why did many European intellectuals admire the U.S. Revolution, its
Constitution, and the Bill of Rights?
a. The American colonies’ ideas came from the ideals of natural rights proposed in the
b. Europeans were the ancestors of the people who went to North America to found the
c. The U.S. Consitution was based on the constitutions of successful European countries.
d. All of Europe wanted to be able to win a war as easily as the colonist’ had.
40. [HS.H2.2] With the American colonists approving the Declaration of Independence, what
would this officially declare?
a. The right to form a militia
b. The right to overthrow an oppressive government
c. The right to meet in public
d. The right to print their own materials
41. [HS.H1.2] What was the economic crisis that triggered the French Revolution?
a. The Revolutionary War in America
b. Weak demand for consumer products
c. Widespread corruption in the government
d. Bad harvests and over-taxation
42. [HS.H3.4] Reflecting Enlightenment thought, what did the Declaration of the Rights of Man
and the Citizen proclaim?
a. The importance of the Bastille
b. an end to aristocratic privileges
c. A movement to restore the monarchy
d. Equal rights for women in political life
43. [HS.H3.2] What group of people did The Reign of Terror set up revolutionary courts to
a. Austrian prisoners
b. The sans-culottes and other members of the Paris Commune
c. Counter-revolutionaries and traitors
d. Robespierre's followers
44. [HS.H1.6] Which group of revolutions is in chronological order?
a. English, French, American
b. French, English, American
c. English, American, French
d. French, American, English
45. [HS.SP1.4] In the 15th century, as the Italian States grew wealthier, the States’ power began
to rise causing the power of the Church to:
a. equalize
b. decline
d. homogenize
46. [HS.SP2.1] Castiglione, in contrast to Machiavelli’s view on the role of leaders, wrote that
nobles should:
a. not be restricted by moral principles.
b. do good when possible, but be ready to do evil when necessary.
c. be motivated by self-interest.
d. serve their prince in an effective and honest way.
47. [HS.SP2.2] Renaissance humanist educators believed education’s aim should be:
a. create well-rounded citizens.
b. create scholars.
c. create religious citizens.
d. create wealthy citizens.
48. [HS.C1.4, HS.C3.2, HS.H3.4] What idea of the Enlightenment is most closely associated
with the philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau?
a. Separation of powers
b. The social contract
c. Freedom of speech
d. Freedom of religion
49. [HS.H4.2,HS.H3.2] One of the most significant changes of the Scientific Revolution was that
individuals began to believe the world was best understood through what?
a. imagination.
b. direct observation.
c. the teachings of Aristotle.
d. a geocentric view of the universe?
50. [HS.H4.2, HS.H4.3] Which of the following innovations of the Scientific Revolution made it
possible for scientists to practice direct observation?
a. Da Vinci’s flying machine
b. the sundial
c. the telescope and microscope
d. the printing press
51. [HS.H4.2, HS.H4.3] Isaac Newton’s Law of Gravitation explained all motion in the universe
by stating what?
a. The planets revolve around the sun in oval-shaped orbits
b. All objects are attracted to one another based on mass/size
c. All objects repel each other
d. The Earth was the center of the universes.
52. [HS.H4.2,HS.H4.3] Why was Leonardo da Vinci a good example of Renaissance Italy's ideal
“well-rounded” citizen?
a. came from a wealthy family and improved his family's status in society.
b. he was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician.
c. wrote elegant romantic poetry and insightful political treatises.
d. was a politician who initiated important public works projects.
53. [HS.H3.2, HS.C1.4, HS.C2.1] “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments
are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the
People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government” -Declaration of Independence
This quote can be most closely associated with which Enlightenment thinker?
a. Thomas Paine
b. Voltaire
c. Miguel de Cervantes.
d. John Locke
54. [HS.H1.2, HS.H3.1] “Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin
among the great number who are not good. Hence a prince who wants to keep his authority must
learn how not to be good, and use that knowledge, or refrain from using it, as necessity requires.”
- Machiavelli, The Prince (1532)
What best describes Machiavelli's beliefs on an effective ruler’s decision-making process in this
a. power has a corrupting influence.
b .people have a basic desire to do good.
c. be prepared to.do good when possible, but be ready to do evil when necessary.
d. a ruler should act virtuously.
55. [HS.H3.2, HS.C1.4, HS.C1.2] The 1st Amendment to the U.S.Constitution guarantees all
citizens the freedoms of speech, religion, petition, and assembly. Which philosopher are these
ideas most closely related to?
a. Francis Bacon
b. Mary Wollstonecraft
c. Voltaire
d. Montesquieu
56. [HS.H2.3, HS.H4.4, HS.H3.4] During the Reign of Terror in France under Robespierre, the
Committee of Public Safety sought to establish France as a “Republic of Virtue” by doing what?
a. Executing all who opposed the regime
b. The adoption of Catholicism as a state religion.
C.Peaceful, orderly, and free elections for government positions.
d. A new constitution which severely limited the power of the monarchy
57. [HS.H3.2,HS.H4.2] Why did the ideologies of the 19th Century become more secular?
a. People looked increasingly to science for answers rather than to faith.
b. People believed in progress as demonstrated by the Industrial Revolution.
c. People lost faith in the ideals of romanticism.
d. Scientific discoveries led to stronger religious beliefs.
58. [HS.SP2.1, HS.SP2.2, HS.SP2.3] Because scholarship was considered the exclusive domain
of men, female scientists often had to do what?
a. marry before pursuing a career.
b. own land in order to conduct research.
c. have children before pursuing a career.
d. publish their work anonymously.
59. [HS.SP2.1 HS.SP2.2, HS.SP2.3] Mary Wollstonecraft’s ideas about the rights of women
were based on what?
a. women’s need to live in the same conditions as men.
b. the idea that women have reason, like men.
c. the unfairness of women not having the same wages as men.
d. the government’s unfair ideas about natural rights.
60. [HS.H1.2, HS.H3.1] “I can no longer obey. I have tasted command. I have tasted power and I cannot
give it up. I love power.” - General Napoleon Bonaparte to Andre Francois (1788)
Based on this quote from Napoleon, what could his plans be for the future after the French Revolution?
A. Democratic reformer
B. Socialist
C. Imperial dictator
D. Plebeian
[end of test]