This Dentist Offers Cleaning & Tooth Extraction For Westchase Houston, TX Kids

This Dentist Offers Cleaning & Tooth Extraction For Westchase Houston, TX Kids, updated 3/21/22, 6:08 AM

Dentist 101 offers pediatric teeth cleaning and comprehensive dental exams for your child -call them at 713-773-1300 or visit to find out more!

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This Dentist Offers
Cleaning & Tooth
Extraction For Westchase
Houston, TX Kids
Did you know that poor dental health affects your
child's general well-being? 
It can impair cognitive functions and
even cause chronic medical
conditions! Give them the protection
they deserve-bring them in for their
first dental checkup at Dentist 101
The clinic's new service range includes early preventive dental
care, fluoride treatments, prophylaxis, and more. 
The practice provides dental services to
patients across Westchase, Houston, and
the surrounding Memorial, Briar Forest,
Bellaire, Alief, Mid-west, Braeburn,
Sharpstown, and Chinatown
The clinic’s head dentist, Dr. Jessica Su, recommends
bringing your kids in for their first dental checkup as early as
1-year old. 
This allows for a proactive
dental plan against diseases
such as early childhood cavities
(ECC) to be determined.
The clinic offers comprehensive dental exams, including
thorough dental examinations, oral x-rays, and prophylaxis. 
During the check-up, the dentist
will examine your child's teeth for
cavities, plaque, and tartar. 
Your child can also undergo a teeth deep cleaning procedure if
regular brushing and flossing is not sufficient to remove deep-
seated plaque and calcifications. 
The treatment involves scaling
and polishing of the teeth which
effectively removes tartar and
surface stains.
Your kids may also benefit from other services such as tooth extractions, dental
crowns and implants, root canal, dental fillings, gum treatments, teeth restoration
services, orthodontic braces, and oral cancer screening. 
The clinic accepts most dental
insurance programs including
Medicaid and PPO.
Visit to find out more!