This paper applies relevance feedback and result fusiontechniques as a simple model for a multi-stage consultationprocess. Experiments using the TREC Robust Track testcollection and relevance feedback using offer weights showthat a partial release of relevant documents, followed by asecond consultation, has the potential to substantially improveoverall retrieval effectiveness, and that additional partialreleases and subsequent consultations seem to offer diminishingpotential for additional benefit
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Improving Search Effectiveness in the
Legal E-Discovery Process Using Relevance Feedback
Feng C. Zhao
School of Law
University of Washington
Douglas W. Oard
Coll. of Info. Stu. & UMIACS
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Jason R. Baron
Office of the General Counsel
National Archives and
Records Administration
Finding information and preserving confidentiality are in
some sense opposite goals, but there are a number of prac-
tical situations in which a balance must be struck between
the two. Identifying relevant evidence in large collections of
digital business records, the so-called “e-discovery†problem,
is one such situation. Present practice involves consultation
between attorneys representing plaintiffs and defendants, a
search conducted by defendants (or their agents) in response
to plaintiffs’ requests, manual review of every retrieved doc-
ument, and release to the plaintiffs of all documents that are
judged relevant and not subject to a claim of privilege.
Although advanced search strategies and tools are avail-
able, the keyword based search dominates current legal prac-
tice in e-discovery as it is well understood and has been com-
monly used by the legal community for a long time. How-
ever, it is difficult for a party to select the right keywords
to achieve a satisfying recall level without knowledge of the
other party’s data.
This paper applies relevance feedback and result fusion
techniques as a simple model for a multi-stage consultation
process. Experiments using the TREC Robust Track test
collection and relevance feedback using offer weights show
that a partial release of relevant documents, followed by a
second consultation, has the potential to substantially im-
prove overall retrieval effectiveness, and that additional par-
tial releases and subsequent consultations seem to offer di-
minishing potential for additional benefit.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.3.3 [Information Search and Retrieval]: Query for-
mulation, Relevance feedback, Search process
General Terms
Design, Experimentation, Measurement, Performance
Legal E-Discovery, Information Retrieval, Relevance Feed-
back, Query Expansion
The legal profession and their corporate and other institu-
tional clients are increasingly confronting a new reality: mas-
sive and growing amounts of electronically stored informa-
tion (ESI) required to be retained under both records laws1
and in light of pending litigation.2 The phenomenon known
as “e-discovery,†i.e., the requirement that documents and
information in electronic form stored in corporate databases
and networks be produced as evidence in litigation, is both
sweeping the legal profession in the U.S., and is a poten-
tial international force for change in the ways institutions of
all stripes manage and preserve their proprietary informa-
tion. Not a week now goes by without a new decision issued
by a court which turns on the failure to find and/or pre-
serve important evidentiary information in electronic form
– sometimes resulting in some form of sanctions to lawyers
and their clients.3 In turn, a spotlight has now formed on
how lawyers decide to meet their obligations in various e-
discovery contexts, one major aspect of which involves how
they go about directing“searches†for relevant electronic evi-
dence in response to discovery requests or due to some other
external demand for information coming from a court or an
inquiring party with standing to do so. The“how†is increas-
ingly important, given spiraling legal costs, with just one
example being a Forrester report issued in 2006 estimating
that the secondary market for information technology solu-
tions in the legal tech sector will grow just in the U.S. to
$4.8 billion by 2011.4
1See, e.g., Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Title 18 of the U.S. Code,
Section 1519 (U.S. securities industry requirement to pre-
serve email for 7 years); National Archives and Records
Administration regulations, 36 Code of Federal Regulations
Part 1234 (all email that is considered to fall within the def-
inition of “federal records†under Title 44 of the U.S. Code,
Section 3301, must be archived in either paper or electronic
2See generally, The Sedona Principles, Second Edition:
Best Practice Recommendations and Principles for Address-
ing Electronic Document Production (2007), available at
3See, e.g., Qualcomm v. Broadcom, 539 F.Supp.2d 1214
(S.D. Cal 2007).
It nevertheless may strike some as incredible that even
well into the present decade lawyers in the most complex
litigation failed to employ any particularly advanced strate-
gies for developing search protocols as an aid in conducting
either manual and automated searches for legal information
– and that this situation still continues to this day as the
status quo reality, rather than being the exceptional case.
This entire area of the law is now changing, however, with
the advent of new federal rules of civil procedure, applicable
to all federal courts and now increasingly being incorporated
in many state courts. The new rules expressly reference the
term “electronically stored information†(otherwise known
as “ESIâ€), that impose new requirements on lawyers at the
initial stages of litigation to engage in a robust “meet and
confer†process – where issues going to the location, preser-
vation, and formatting of, as well as access to an adver-
sary party’s ESI are to be discussed.5 These new require-
ments serve to in turn spotlight a real gap in legal practice,
in the legal profession’s difficulty identifying and adopting
best practices and proven techniques from the well-studied
field of information retrieval. Our goal in this paper is to
contribute to that discussion by using well understood tech-
niques for query reformulation and for evaluation to explore
the potential of multi-stage negotiations to improve search
In this section we describe the evolution of thinking about
supporting e-discovery using search technology.
2.1 Legal Discovery before the “E-â€
As a starting proposition, it is well understood, at least
in the U.S., that “broad discovery is a cornerstone of the lit-
igation process contemplated by the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure.â€6 In other words, “fishing expeditions†seeking
the broadest amount of evidence have been encouraged at all
levels of the legal profession, as an “engine†of the discovery
process. How lawyers go about propounding and responding
to discovery didn’t materially change between the 1930s and
the 1990s (and for some increasingly isolated practitioners,
have never changed). Under well-known U.S. rules of civil
procedure governing the so-called “discovery†phase of civil
litigation prior to trial, lawyers constructed what are known
as “interrogatories†and “document requests,†as two staples
of the art of discovery practice. Document requests - i.e., re-
quests that the other side produce documents relevant to a
stated named topic - were propounded with the expectation
that the receiving party would perform a reasonably diligent
search for records found in corporate hard-copy repositories
- including file room areas and work stations. Although the
rules require lawyers to certify that they have performed
a “complete†good faith response to discovery requests, a
“perfect†search has never been required; a party has al-
ways, however, had the right to challenge the adequacy of a
given search for relevant documents, if they have reason to
believe based on documents produced (if any) that an oppos-
ing party failed to account for all known sources of relevant
5Jones v. Goord, 2002 WL 1007614, *1 (S.D.N.Y. May 16,
6See U.S. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, amended Dec. 1,
2006; see generally, The Sedona Principles, Second Edition,
supra, 2.
evidence. The latter could include a failure to check with all
reasonable custodians of documents, including key players
known to be material witnesses in the litigation.
During these seven decades, “motion practice†over doc-
ument requests usually has consisted of sequences of inter-
actions akin to chess moves: crafting requests in the broad-
est conceivable way; the receiving party reflexively oppos-
ing such language as overbroad, vague, ambiguous, and not
leading to the discovery of relevant evidence; the requesting
party filing a motion to compel a ruling from the court on the
ambiguity inherent in the requests, with a demand that the
adversary “do something†to respond to the original queries;
and the court finally stepping in at some later stage in the
process, to assist in the crafting of narrower or more precise
inquiries and to require production under a fixed deadline.
All of this litigation gamesmanship was routinely carried out
prior to any “meeting of the minds†by the parties to attempt
to resolve the scope of production amicably, and prior to any
production whatsoever of actual relevant documents by either
side in a case. Objectively speaking, there was some mea-
sure of rationality in not proceeding to undertake responses
to discovery where the relevant evidence at issue “merelyâ€
consisted of hard copy documents in traditional file cabi-
nets and boxes. Any search meant hours of intensive labor
manually performing file and document level review for rel-
evant evidence, plus a second pass to determine potentially
‘privileged’ documents out of those documents segregated as
responsive to particular requests.
2.2 The State of the Art: “Keyword Searchâ€
This general model for civil discovery carried even into
the era of office automation; however, the growth of net-
works and the Internet, resulting in exponential increases
in ESI, changed the legal terrain considerably. Lawyers fa-
miliar with structured databases of cases and legislation, as
created by Lexis and Westlaw, became readily adept at us-
ing keywords to find relevant precedents. To the same end,
lawyers also increasingly were able to utilize simple search
strategies to tackle the task of finding relevant documents
in unstructured corporate databases. As one court put it,
“[t]he glory of electronic information is not merely that it
saves space but that it permits the computer to search for
words or ‘strings’ of text in seconds.â€7 Most often, this in-
volves simply searching for a single term (i.e., a single word
or phrase). As recent legal scholarship has shown, however,
simple term matching suffers from a variety of known limi-
tations, given the inherent ambiguity of language, the well
characterized limitations in the ability of people to formulate
effective queries, and further complexities introduced by pre-
processing (e.g., optical character recognition for scanned
documents).8 Nor did the mere utilization of automated
means for conducting searches change the basic procedural
equation between legal adversaries, i.e., the inherent asym-
metry in the positions of parties with respect to the state
of their knowledge of what relevant documents exist—with
one side flying completely “blind,†throughout the discovery
7In re Lorazepam & Clorazepate Antitrust Litigation, 300
F. Supp. 2d 43, 46 (D.D.C. 2004).
8See The Sedona ConferenceoË Best Practices Commentary
on the Use of Search and Information Retrieval Methods
in E-Discovery, 8 Sedona Conf. J. 189 (2007), available at
In the past few years, and especially with the advent of the
2006 federal rules of civil procedure in the U.S., change has
been in the air: a variety of published decisions have been
handed down recognizing the need for parties to undertake
some form of limited collaboration with respect to search
protocols, most notably on the issue of exchanging proposed
“keywords†for use in possible searches.10 To an even more
limited extent, a few courts have recognized that there are
more sophisticated means of employing search strategies,
from using Boolean operators,11 to considering alternatives
to Boolean searches in the form of conducting what has been
deemed“concept searching,â€12 to using other forms of search
models incorporating probability, Bayesian, and/or fuzzy el-
ements.13 One court has gone so far to suggest that given the
interplay of statistics and “linguistics†in the matter of con-
structing search queries, that lawyers may need to introduce
forms of “expert†testimony as an aid to the fact finder.14
Although the“jury is still outâ€on the proven efficacy of using
alternative, non-Boolean forms of searching [3], there can be
little doubt that the legal profession (and corporate and in-
stitutional clients of all stripes) can collectively benefit from
demonstrated improvements in the science of information
retrieval, from both the perspective of accuracy (i.e., find-
ing would-be buried evidence), and efficiency (i.e., reducing
costs). Even just leveraging from some common informa-
tion retrieval technologies, we can still improve the current
e-discovery process, with existing keyword based search plat-
form, to achieve a new level of retrieval effectiveness.
Iterative Query Reformulation
Importantly, for purposes of the present paper, in the vast
majority of legal settings, there is an admitted asymmetry
of knowledge as between the requesting party (who does not
own and therefore does not know what is in the target data
collection), and the receiving or responding party (who does
own the collection and thus in theory knows its contents).
The extent to which asymmetry in information sharing be-
tween adversaries in litigation is a problem depends to a
large extent on the nature of the information retrieval task
being conducted.
Specifically with respect to the type of “task†to be per-
formed, three types of searches present themselves typically
in litigation:
9See Jason R. Baron, “E-Discovery and the Problem of
Asymmetric Knowledge,†60 Mercer L. Review 863 (2009).
10See, e.g., William A. Gross Construction Associates, Inc.
v. Am Mftrs. Mutual Ins. Co., 2009 WL 724954 (S.D.
N.Y. March 19, 2009); Spieker v. Quest Cherokee, 2008
WL 4758604 (D. Kan. Oct 30, 2008);Treppel v. Biovail,
233 F.R.D. 363 (S.D.N.Y. 2006). We note that at least one
court in the United Kingdom similarly has analyzed keyword
choices by parties at some length. See Digicel (St. Lucia)
Ltd. & Ors. v. Cable & Wireless & Ors., [2008] EWHC
2522 (Ch.).
11See ClearOne Communications, Inc. v. Chiang, 2008 WL
920336 (D. Utah, April 1, 2008); Williams v. Taser Intern,
Inc., 2007 WL 1630875 (N.D. Ga.).
12See Disability Rights Council of Greater Washington, et al.
v. Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority, 242 F.R.D.
139 (D.D.C. 2007).
13See Victor Stanley, Inc. v. Creative Pipe, Inc., 2008 WL
2221841 (D. Md.).
14See United States v. O’Keefe, 537 F. Supp. 2d 14 (D.D.C.
2008) .
Type I: Known-item search: users are looking for spe-
cific items whose characteristics are known and can be used
for search. For example, plaintiffs request the disclosure of a
file with the exact file name based on prior knowledge that
the requested document contains the particular trade secret
at issue. As the result, only the targeted item previously
known to the searcher is relevant.
Type II: Known-topic search: users are interested in
items that address certain topics and have at least a con-
ceptual model of how to confine a search to those topics.
Most e-discovery practice today falls into this category. In
this case, the relevance of the search results ultimately a
matter of judgment for domain experts (or, when collection
sizes exceed what domain experts could possibly review, for
large review teams in which individual reviewers may have
no special domain expertise).
Type III: Exploratory search: users simply want to
explore available resources for potential evidence, without
any predefined forms. Much like the fictional detective Sher-
lock Holmes inspecting the crime scene, lawyers may wish
to systematically or randomly scan through ESI reposito-
ries without predefined search targets. Certainly, Type III
exploration searches can evolve into Type II known top-
ics search, and often may be accompanied by dynamically
changing topics. Relevance is arguably a more ephemeral
concept here that evolves with the search topic(s).
The above three types of searches can well co-exist in a
given e-discovery process. In a recent a trade secret case,15
the plaintiff wished to obtain images of defendant’s servers
without any limitation in conducting the search. The de-
fendant in turn wanted to protect its confidential informa-
tion, so as to limit the search to the files that might con-
tain trade secret information only, such as files with unique
electronic fingerprints (or MD5 hash values), identified file
names, or certain keywords provided by the plaintiff. File
name matching and MD5 hash value matching both belong
to Type I known items searches. The keyword-based search
here would be a Type II known topics search. The plaintiff’s
proposed search falls into the Type III exploration search
due to its undefined scope.
Our focus in this paper is on the Type II known-topic
search. From the information requester’s perspective, there
is a wide and varying spectrum of possibilities representing
the requestor’s “state of knowledge†in a given e-discovery
setting of the opposing parties’ data store. For illustrative
purposes, we choose the following simple model representing
three such states:
Blind: when the requesting party lacks knowledge of
the responding party’s information system and data, the e-
discovery requests are based on general knowledge and com-
mon sense, supplemented (in the most sophisticated forms
of litigation) by whatever background information can be
acquired through the use of an interdisciplinary team of ex-
perts. After a “one-timeâ€meet-and-confer, opposing parties
may agree on a set of keywords, or perhaps on a more so-
phisticated query involving Boolean and proximity opera-
tors, for search —that effectively becomes the basic search
protocol. The responding party in turn fulfills its obligation
by producing a set of relevant items. Accordingly, regardless
whether the information request appears initially too broad
or too narrow, what you see is what you get. E-discovery
15Bro-Tech Corp. v. Thermax, Inc., 2008 WL 724627 (E.D.
Pa. March 17, 2008).
Unrestricted Disclosure
Incremental Disclosure
Figure 1: E-Discovery States
is a linear process in this setting and search is generally a
one-time “take it or leave it†deal.
Incremental disclosure: when the requesting party is
allowed to interact with the responding party’s information
system (either under a court-supervised, multiple-stage meet
and confer process, or in a form of feedback loop through
repeated communications between opposing counsel and/or
more directly with the actual system and/or IT staff), e-
discovery becomes an iterative and escalating process. The
requesting party can leverage the system response to refor-
mulate and refine the queries. Therefore, the goal for the re-
questing party is to formulate the optimal query and achieve
the highest recall level possible. Note, however, that given
sometimes limited willingness of the responding party as well
as limitations in information system, the full potential of the
query refinement might not be realized.
Unrestricted disclosure: when the requesting party
gains full access to the responding party’s information sys-
tem and data, then the whole corps of information retrieval
tools can be mobilized within the limitations of available
resources. This may occur when a court has ruled that
cost-shifting is appropriate and that one party (such as the
requestor) should bear the costs of a request for informa-
tion, including the initial obligation to search for relevant
In the current e-discovery landscape, the blind setting is
still the overwhelmingly dominant form. However, even with
a tremendous advantage one side has in knowing its own
data set, in the vast majority of settings neither party takes
advantage of knowing what results will be obtained. For
example, it is not presently even common to determine the
number of documents that would be found in the results
set from a negotiated query. This lack of knowledge forms a
baseline; it represents an“as isâ€model as currently practiced
by the legal profession that arguably is open to improvement
if information is gained—and shared—regarding the results
obtained from initial searches. Our focus in this paper is
therefore on exploring the incremental disclosure setting. In
particular, we are interested in whether this can improve
recall, and if so what the optimum number of rounds of
renegotiation would be and where the optimum timing for
those renegotiation points would be. While there have been
some calls in the past couple of years for lawyers to engage
in an iterative process of negotiations [4], we are not aware
of any cases in which courts have analyzed or reported on
the results of such negotiations.
Information Retrieval Experiments
Two prior research projects provide a useful framework
for our experimental design notion here for improving search
effectiveness in the e-discovery process.
The seminal study evaluating the success of text retrieval
methods in an e-discovery setting was conducted by Blair &
Maron over 20 years ago [2]. That study identified a seri-
ous gap between the perception on the part of lawyers that
using keywords they would retrieve on the order of 75% of
the relevant evidence to be found in a collection of 40,000
documents gathered for litigation purposes, whereas the re-
searchers were able to show on the basis of using additional
keywords that only 20% of relevant documents had in fact
been found. These results have been replicated in other set-
tings, and from them we can conclude that estimating recall
is simply a hard task for people to do. We therefore want
to avoid study designs in which accurate estimates of recall
would be required.
As is often the case, this seminal work was in some sense
before its time, since large collections of records in digital
form are a considerably more recent development. In 2006, a
new “Legal Trackâ€was started as part of the Text REtrieval
Conference (TREC)16 (which is run by the U.S. National
Institute of Standards and Technology) as one way of be-
ginning to draw the information retrieval and e-discovery
communities more closely together. The basic protocol of
the legal track’s “ad hoc†task has been to engage in (a)
constructing a series of hypothetical complaints; (b) con-
structing a large variety of what are known as “requests to
produce documents†which for simplicity we will refer to
here as a “topic;†and (c) negotiating between two lawyers a
search protocol for each topic using Boolean, proximity and
truncation operators should be used to conduct searches.
The negotiations carried out as part of the TREC Legal
Track topic broke down into a three-stage query negotia-
tion, consisting of (i) an initial query, as proposed by the
receiving party on a discovery request, usually reading the
request narrowly; (ii) a “counterâ€-proposal by the propound-
ing party, usually including a broader set of terms; and (iii)
a final ‘negotiated’ query, representing what was deemed the
consensus arrangement as agreed to by the parties without
resort to further judicial intervention. A team of volunteer
lawyers and law students have thereafter evaluated sampled
results for the purpose of assessing binary relevance: either
a given document found by one or more search methodolo-
gies is relevant to the topic, or it isn’t.
In this fashion,
nine complaints, 86 topics, and ultimately 56,142 relevance
judgments have been generated in the first two years of the
research [1, 7].
One of the clearest results from the TREC legal track
is that many relevant documents are missed by the best
present search methods [1, 7]. For example, in 2007, the
second year of the track, the negotiated queries identified
only 22% of the total known relevant documents—that left
at least 78% to be found by some other means. Of course,
the alternative systems that found those relevant documents
could take advantage of ranking algorithms, automated ap-
proaches to query expansion (e.g., blind relevance feedback),
stemming, and other advanced techniques, so the limited ef-
fectiveness of an exact-match query built using a blind pro-
cess (i.e., a process in which nobody looked at any results
during the negations) should not be surprising. What is
16The Text REtrieval Conference (TREC), available at
surprising, however, is that no other single system found a
greater number of relevant documents (on average, across
many topics) than the negotiated query (when limited for
purpose of evaluation to the number of documents returned
by the negotiated query).
Although the extent to which the parties were aware of
what they were in fact accomplishing when conducting their
Boolean negotiations is not known, some of the resulting ef-
fects can be measured. Zhao, et al. [10] concluded that“[t]he
primary techniques used in the Boolean refinement process
are enriching the query with synonym-like terms and relax-
ing Boolean constraints†[10]. That paper went on to note a
basic infertility of Boolean query negotiations, as practiced,
given that “the negotiation[s] [were] ineffective to discover
and inject semantically independent terms into queries. In
other words, the negotiated final query essentially has the
same semantic coverage as what was initially proposed by
the defendant after we drop all of the Boolean syntax.†In
a similar vein, Tomlinson found that in the initial Boolean
proposal by the receiving party (i.e., the party with an inter-
est in limiting the scope of its own production obligations)
reliably always recovered fewer documents than the final ne-
gotiated query [7]. Conversely, the rejoinder proposal by the
propounding party of the discovery (designated plaintiff in
the legal track), with only limited exceptions, resulted in a
much larger set of retrieved documents than the set finally
negotiated by the parties.
These results from fully automated experiments have mo-
tivated several preliminary experiments with iterative refine-
ment. For example, in 2006 a domain expert used an inter-
active system to identify 100 documents per topic with the
principal goal of enriching the set of known relevant docu-
ments. When scored using R-precision, that domain expert
outperformed every automated system (regardless of how
many documents the automated system returned) [1]. This
led to creation of a new “interactive task†in 2007 in which
eight teams explored alternative approaches to interactive
query reformulation [7]. User studies of this sort offer sig-
nificant potential for inspiration, but reliable measurement
of specific effects would incur tremendous costs because hu-
man nature adds significant uncontrolled variability that can
only be controlled for when very large numbers of users are
employed. Moreover, the results from user studies are not
easily reused to test alternative hypotheses that were not
included in the initial study design.
As an alternative to user studies, a pilot “relevance feed-
back†task was also tried in 2007.
In that task, 10 top-
ics from 2006 for which relevance judgments were available
were made available to participating teams for use as a ba-
sis for identifying additional terms that could be produc-
tively added to a query (or for any other fully automated
purpose). Although some improvement was demonstrated
from the use of relevance feedback, perhaps the most im-
portant conclusion from these initial experiments was that
the characteristics TREC legal track test collection add a
good deal of complexity to the design of relevance feedback
experiments. The reason for this is that the collection con-
sists entirely of scanned documents for which the content has
been recovered using Optical Character Recognition (OCR),
and the OCR accuracy varies markedly (e.g., because of de-
graded images and because some documents consist entirely
of handwriting). Some metadata describing each document
is also available, and jointly using OCR of variable quality
along with structured metadata is indeed an interesting re-
search problem. But it is not the problem in which we are
interested here. We therefore have chosen to use a “born
digital†collection of electronic text for the experiments that
we report in this paper.
With that as background, we can now begin to design a
set of experiments in this section.
3.1 Making Choices
Our goal is to inform the current practice of e-discovery,
keyword based search, by exploring alternatives to the present
practice of what is essentially a blind discharge of the meet-
and-confer obligation. In particular, we have chosen to fo-
cus on an incremental disclosure approach to what we have
called Type II known-topic search. That focus leads to the
following research questions:
RQ1 Can incremental disclosure be used with query rene-
gotiation to increase the number of relevant documents
found without increasing the total manual review work-
RQ2 How many rounds of query renegotiation are needed
before a point of diminishing returns is reached?
RQ3 By what criteria should decisions be made about when
each incremental disclosure and renegotiation should
be conducted?
Attempting to address such a broad sweep of research
questions requires that we adopt an affordable and repeat-
able methodology. One reasonable approach in such cases is
to leverage an information retrieval test collection by using a
fixed set of relevance judgments to score multiple variants of
a process model. Such an approach requires compromises, of
course. In particular, the process must be fully automated
if a large number of variants are to be explored, the conclu-
sions will be most useful if the topics, the documents, and
the evaluations measure(s) are representative of the envi-
sioned application, and the evaluation measure(s) must be
reliably computable for all system variants using the existing
relevance judgments. While none of these desiderata can be
achieved perfectly, we can approximate each. In particular:
• We model the query renegotiation using well known
techniques for “relevance feedback.†the automatic en-
richment of an existing query based on the statistics
of term occurrence in documents that are known to
be relevant. Existing approaches to relevance feed-
back models can learn not just presence but also term
weights. Learning Boolean, proximity and truncation
operators would also likely be feasible (e.g., using rule
induction), but we have chosen to focus on simpler
models that learn only term weights in order to avoid
introducing additional complexity at this stage in our
work. Our initial queries are therefore simple term
lists, and our results are enriched ranked term lists.
• We use an information retrieval test collection from
the TREC Robust Track. The topics in this collection
were selected from a larger universe of TREC topics
with a focus on those for which one-pass (i.e., blind)
query formulation had proven in earlier evaluations to
yield relatively poor results. This comports well with
our goals—if there is a benefit to be obtained from
incremental disclosure, these are exactly the types of
topics where we would expect that benefit to be most
apparent. A simple term-list query is provided with
the collection; this matches our experiment design well.
• We model incremental disclosure by progressing down
the ranked list from the top and establishing a deci-
sion rule that fires when a query update using relevance
feedback should be performed. The documents in the
list above that point are frozen in place so that the sub-
sequent refined query can affect only the remainder of
the ranked list. We have explored two broad classes
of decision rules, one based on the number of docu-
ments that have so far been reviewed, and a second
based on the number of relevant documents that have
so far been found (which can be at least approximately
known during the review process).
• As an evaluation measure, we use the total number
of relevant documents found with a fixed level of ef-
fort. We measure this as recall at a fixed cutoff (e.g.,
10,000 documents). Because we are more interested in
expected performance on future topics than in the re-
sults for particular pre-defined topics, we compute the
expected value of this recall measure over all topics.
This computation is known to be problematic for small
cutoffs (e.g., 10 documents) in experiments modeling
interactive use because some topics will have fewer rel-
evant documents than the cutoff and others will have
many more. We model the e-discovery with far larger
cutoffs, however, so stability of this measure is less of a
concern in our case. Note that we are focused here only
on review for relevance; review for claims of privilege
is not modeled in our experiments.
• Any set of relevance judgments for a large informa-
tion retrieval test collection will naturally be both in-
complete (because sampling strategies are needed to
constrain the cost of constructing the collection) and
somewhat eclectic (because opinions regarding rele-
vance vary to some degree between individuals). Ear-
lier experiments have, however, confirmed that sub-
stantial relative differences in effectiveness measures
are nonetheless usually robust indicators of true dif-
ferences when comparing fully automated systems [8].
We therefore focus principally on relative differences in
our analysis. Reporting only differences in the mean
can, however, mask significant variability that would
be important in operational settings. We therefore re-
port statistical significance using a two-sided t-test for
paired samples (at p < 0.05) when comparing specific
pairs of mean values.
3.2 Computational Models
In this section, we formalize our computational approach
to modeling query renegotiation based on e-discovery.
3.2.1 Test Collection
We chose the TREC 2005 Robust Track test collection [9],
which was in turn built from the AQUAINT collection. The
AQUAINT collection consists of about a million English
news stories from the New York Times, the Associated Press,
and the Xinhua News Agency. For each of the 50 topics in
the collection, we used the words in the title field of the
topic statement as the initial query. The name of the “titleâ€
field is somewhat anachronistic in TREC usage; the words
in this field are generally intended to model the initial (i.e.,
“blindâ€) query that an interactive searcher might pose. Po-
tential additional query terms are available in other fields of
the topic statement, but experience has shown that so-called
“title queries†often are as good as longer queries when used
with ranked retrieval systems. We therefore adopted these
title queries as a suitable starting point for our relevance
feedback experiments.
3.2.2 Relevance Feedback
When renegotiating the query, both the plaintiff and the
defendant will have access to the documents in the initial
(partial) review set that are known to be relevant, and the
defendant will additionally have access to the documents
that are known not to be relevant. One natural goal in such
cases is to find an improved query that will tend to find more
documents that are similar to those in the relevant set, and
dissimilar from those in the set of documents that are known
by the defendant not to be relevant. This is modeled by
adding some fixed number of terms that are selected based
on their offer weights [6] as shown in Equation 2.
RW = ri log
(ri + 0.5)(N − ni −R+ ri + 0.5)
(ni − ri + 0.5)(R− ri + 0.5)
OW = riRW
relevance weight
offer weight
the collection size
number of relevant documents for a topic
number of documents in which term i occurs
number of relevant documents in which term i occurs
The prior query offers some additional evidences for what
is sought that may not be fully captured by the terms se-
lected using offer weights. As is common practice, we use
a simple linear combination as introduced by Rocchio to
combine the new and existing query term weights as shown
in Equations 3 and 4. We empirically set β = 0.5 in our
log N
ETW = β RWy
∑Y RWy
OTW weights for original query terms
ETW weights for expanded query terms
relevance weight for expanded query term y
number of original query terms
number of expanded query terms
smoothing factor
3.2.3 Fixed-Partition Decision Rule
Let Nt be the number of documents to be reviewed for
topic t; in our experiments we set Nt to the same value
∀t. The plaintiff and defendant can then agree on any way
of selecting a partition Pn smaller than Nt for relevance
feedback. In this setting, the number of documents to be
reviewed in each relevance feedback stage is fixed, while the
number of relevant documents found during that stage is
variable. In some initial experiments, we tried some simple
models for fixed partition sizes:
Pn = a+Nt/k arithmetic progression
Pn =
a rn−1
geometric progression
iteration sequence number
topic number
a positive integer number
a starting value
a ratio
Pn partition size at iteration of n
Nt upper bound of documents
to be reviewed for topic t
3.2.4 Variable-Partition Decision Rule
A potential drawback of a fixed partition for the request-
ing party is that the density of relevant documents is not
known in advance, and thus a partition that is adequate
for one topic might be too small to contain enough relevant
documents for some other topic. A natural alternative is
to model the responding party as continuing their review
until some fixed number of relevant documents have been
found. A maximum partition size is, however, still needed
to accommodate topics with exceptionally low densities of
relevant document densities,
3.2.5 Evaluation Measure
As an evaluation measure, we have selected recall at Nt
(i.e., the fraction of the known relevant documents that are
at or above rank Nt in the final ranked list). For incremental
disclosure, the position of all reviewed documents is frozen
upon disclosure. This is one of several commonly used eval-
uation designs for relevance feedback experiments, and the
one that best matches our goal of producing results that can
be directly compared across multiple conditions while faith-
fully modeling a fixed review effort constraint. Of course,
some effort must also be devoted to renegotiate the query at
each iteration, so ultimately the evaluation comes down to
a tradeoff between cost (of additional incremental disclosure
stages) and benefit (as modeled by recall at Nt).
Our first set of experiments were designed to explore al-
ternative designs for fixed-partition decision rules. For the
first experiment, we set Nt = 1K (i.e., we truncated each
ranked list at 1,000) and we partitioned the resulting set into
equal-sized regions using an arithmetic progression accord-
ing to Equation 5. Table 1 shows the resulting partitions.
For example, the “500-500†entry for k = 2 means that for
2 partitions the available relevance judgments for the first
500 documents will be used as a basis for relevance feed-
back, and then another 500 documents (after freezing the
first 500) will be retrieved using the improved query.
This also provided an opportunity to tune the number
of expansion terms that are to be added at each iteration.
As Figure 2 shows, 5 expansion terms is not enough, 10
k Progression
Table 1: Arithmetic progression partitions.
Number of Partitions
Expansion Terms 5
Figure 2: Recall@1K for arithmetic progression.
might be a reasonable choice, and 15 is plenty. Since adding
query terms increases the query processing time, we have
limited the number of expansion terms per iteration to 15
consistently throughout our remaining experiments.
As Figure 2 shows, relevance feedback is a big win for this
collection regardless of the partitioning details. This is not a
surprise, of course—relevance feedback has repeatedly been
shown to be helpful in fully automated experiments such as
these. What is interesting, however, is that as Table 2 shows,
a paired t-test reveals that performing relevance feedback a
second time (i.e., at k = 3) results in a further statistically
significant improvement in recall. The third and fourth iter-
ations of relevance also seem as if they may do a bit of good,
although the improvements are small enough at that point
that the added benefit might not justify the added cost of
renegotiation in actual e-discovery settings. We must caveat
this result, however, by observing that our experiment de-
sign varies both the number of partitions and the number
of documents in a partition simultaneously. In other words,
perhaps 666 documents is better than 500 as a basis for rel-
evance feedback, regardless of whether they are used in one
or two iterations. We will come back to this point below.
As Table 3 shows, our geometric progression in Equa-
tion 6 results in a very small initial partition followed by
progressively larger subsequent partitions. For these exper-
iments we set the starting value α = 1 and let the ratio
vary r ∈ [1 . . . 10]. The intuition behind these choices is
Relative Change
1-to-2 <0.001
2-to-3 <0.01
4-to-5 <0.05
5-to-6 <0.05
Table 2: Changes in Recall@1K for arithmetic pro-
gression (bold=significant).
Geometric Ratio
Geometric Partition
Figure 3: Recall@1K for geometric progression.
that rapidly leveraging early learning might pay dividends.
But if that is the case, we can’t see evidence for it in Fig-
ure 3, which plots the results for each value of r (as always
henceforth, with 15 feedback terms). No variant of geomet-
ric progression that we tried outperforms our best results
from the arithmetic progression.
r Progression
Table 3: Geometric progression partitions.
Our experiments with fixed-partition decision rules proved
to be useful for tuning the number of expansion terms to use,
for confirming that relevance feedback can be useful for this
collection, and for illustrating that choices that we make
about when to enhance the query using relevance feedback
do matter. But both our arithmetic progression and our ge-
ometric progression had the undesirable characteristic that
we varied the number of partitions and the size of those
partitions at the same time. For our remaining experiments
we therefore decided to measure retrieval effectiveness in a
finer grained way, computing the recall achieved by each
query in a sequence. Because Figure 2 suggests that a sub-
stantial benefit can be achieved with just a few iterations,
we elected to focus on plots in which the number of relevant
documents in the first iteration is set and then the number
of relevant documents in the second iteration is allowed to
vary. Figure 4 illustrates this idea, which we explain in more
detail below.
A second factor that complicated the interpretation of
our fixed-partition decision rule results is that the optimal
number of documents to review might vary with the nature
of the topic. It is well known that some topics are much
harder than others, and even among the topics selected for
the TREC 2005 Robust track we would expect this to be
true. An initial 500-document partition, for example, might
therefore be too large in some cases, and too small in oth-
ers. In information retrieval experiments it is usually not
considered fair to base system decisions on actual relevance
judgments (since if you had the judgments you would not
need the system!), but the e-discovery setting is different be-
cause (at least at present) the normal practice is to manually
review documents prior to their disclosure. This key differ-
ence makes possible protocols in which the decisions about
incremental disclosure are based on the number of relevant
documents found so far, rather than simply on the number
of documents reviewed so far. This is the basis for what
we call a variable-partition decision rule: the total number
of documents in a partition is set in a way that is designed
to place some desired number of relevant documents in each
partition. Of course, it is possible that the desired number of
relevant documents may not actually exist, so we also need
to bound the maximum size of a partition to avoid the case
in which the first partition expands to Nt, thus preventing
any relevance feedback at all.
Now, let us compare recall levels for a variable-partition
decision rule across a greater range of evaluation cutoffs.
The results in the “25|500†column of Table 4 were obtained
with one iteration of relevance feedback after finding the
first 25 relevant documents for each topic (what we call the
“targetâ€), or the first 500 total documents (what we call the
“limitâ€), whichever came first. This approach clearly works
at least as well as our best fixed-partition experiments for
Recall@1K. Importantly, substantial improvements are also
evident even when far more documents are selected for man-
ual review, as this is becoming increasingly common in com-
plex litigation. As the final column shows, a larger limit of at
most 2,000 total documents in the first partition yields some
further improvement in recall, but only for evaluation cutoffs
larger than 2,000. The lack of benefit for evaluation cutoffs
of 2,000 and below occurs because 9 of the 50 topics miss the
target and hit the limit; for those topics, the first partition
grows to encompass the entire evaluated set, thus precluding
any benefit from relevance feedback. For the remainder of
our experiments, we therefore focus on evaluation cutoffs of
5,000 and 10,000 (which we believe to be reasonable values
for the number of documents that might require review in
today’s increasingly complex litigation) with a partition size
limit of 2,000 documents.
Figures 4 and 5 show the effects of adding a second stage of
relevance feedback to these variable-partition decision rules.
Each line represents a specific target number of relevant doc-
uments for the first partition, with values along the X axis
showing alternative targets for the second partition. For ex-
ample, the lowest line in Figure 4 (i.e., the solid line in that
R@N R@N Relative
no RF 25|500 Change
1K 0.5621
0.7871 +48.2% <0.001
2K 0.6666
0.8784 +33.0% <0.001
5K 0.7776
0.9351 +23.6% <0.001
10K 0.8497
0.9596 +16.2% <0.001
Table 4: Relative improvements from relevance
feedback with a variable partition decision rule
figure) shows that with a target of 5 relevant documents in
the first partition and a target of an additional (different) 5
relevant documents in the second partition, a recall of 0.93
is achieved. The leftmost value for each line (at X = 0)
shows the results of performing only a single instance of rel-
evance feedback. For example, the next (dashed) line up
shows that for a first target of 10 relevant documents and
no second partition a recall of 0.94 is achieved. Somewhat
counterintuitively, this indicates that if a total of 10 relevant
documents will be used for relevance feedback, it does not
help (and may actually hurt!) to break them up into two sets
of five and do two stages. This suggests that 5 documents
may simply not be enough to reliably obtain an improved
query using our fully automatic method. Indeed, the same
pattern is evident for two rounds of 10 relevant documents
each or one round of 20 relevant documents—larger initial
sets are clearly helpful, at least up to a point. The same
pattern is evident in Figure 5.
Second Target
First Target 5
Figure 4: Recall@5K for a variable partition decision
From inspection of Figures 4 and 5, it seems that the sweet
spot is located somewhere around 30 relevant documents
in the first partition for this test collection. That is, on
average, about one quarter of the relevant documents for a
topic, and we might reasonably expect this number to vary
a bit from one collection to another (and certainly from one
topic to another!). Moreover, it is important to point out
that this is the number of examples of relevant documents
that our automated algorithm needs in the first partition;
experienced lawyers might achieve good results from fewer
Second Target
First Target 5
Figure 5: Recall@10K for a variable partition deci-
sion rule.
The more surprising result, however, is that if we set the
first partition size in this way (a target of 30 relevant docu-
ments, with a limit of 2,000 total documents), no benefit is
evident from any second stage of relevance feedback.
This set of experiments effectively answers our three re-
search questions. To the extent that our experiments rea-
sonably model actual human behavior, we have shown that:
RQ1 incremental disclosure can be used with query rene-
gotiation to increase the number of relevant documents
found without increasing the total manual review work-
RQ2 One round of query renegotiation seems sufficient.
RQ3 A variable-partition decision rule in which a relatively
small number of relevant documents (e.g., two to three
dozen) are used as a basis for the renegotiation seems
to work fairly well, but with the caveat the partition
now be allowed to grow larger than some reasonable
limit (e.g., half the total number of documents to be
That’s not to say, however, that no benefit could possibly
accrue from multi-stage relevance feedback. Consider, for
example, the results shown in the last line of Table 5, which
were obtained by performing relevance feedback after every
relevant document was found. This results in an apparent
slight improvement over the recall values shows in Table 4
(which are repeated here for convenience), although none
of the apparent improvements turned out to be statistically
significant. But the key point for e-discovery practice is
that the potential gains are small, and of course costs would
grow with the number of stages in the query negotiation
process. Our results point to a strong benefit to one stage
of renegotiation, and at present we can find no basis for
suggesting that a second renegotiation would typically be
E-discovery is one example of a class of search problems in
which disclosure must be balanced with confidentiality. Pro-
fessional practice in the era of paper was for the most part
Target Limit
N/A 0.8030
Table 5: Comparing alternative cutoffs for the max-
imum number of documents to review.
a manual search-then-review process, and this same process
has now been widely adopted for digital content as well with
only limited use of the capabilities of modern search engines.
This kind of direct transfer is natural early in the life of any
new technology, but the next natural stage in the process
of innovation is to start from there to explore alternatives
that might be better suited to new situations. Our investi-
gation in this paper of selective disclosure for known-topic
searching is one such path that an exploration might take.
We have found that one round of query renegotiation can
improve retrieval effectiveness (for a fixed level of review
effort) and that it would likely be helpful to have a substan-
tial number (in our experiments, 25 or above) of relevant
documents before renegotiating the query. That gains are
possible is, of course not at all surprising—simulations of in-
teractive relevance feedback have long been known to show
improvements over initial queries (at least on average across
many topics) [5]. Our work’s focus on deep recall rather
than early precision, motivated by the primacy of recall in
many e-discovery settings, add a useful perspective to that
body of work. Moreover, somewhat surprisingly, our exper-
iments offer no evidence that additional rounds of selective
disclosure and query renegotiation are helpful. This might
reflect our limited ability to model query renegotiation using
fully automated techniques, or it may be an artifact of the
limited number of known relevant documents for the topics
in our collection (131, on average), or it may well be a real
effect that would be observed in real e-discovery settings.
That suggests two very obvious next steps: (1) repeat
these experiments using additional test collections, and (2)
test any results that are confirmed in other settings with
user studies. The TREC legal track test collection would
be a natural focus for one replication of this study, perhaps
as part of the 2008 legal track relevance feedback task. The
more complex queries in that collection (with Boolean, prox-
imity and truncation operators), and the complexity added
by the variable OCR quality and the nature of that collec-
tion’s metadata, pose challenges that will need to be ad-
dressed, however. It might, therefore, also be useful to first
replicate our study design more directly using a test collec-
tion with a simpler structure (for which TREC and TREC-
like evaluations around the world offer numerous possibili-
Designing an affordable user study is an even larger chal-
lenge, of course, but the key to affordability will be to focus
the research questions narrowly. Our results should help to
inform that study design. For example, if upon replication
it again turns out that only a single round of selective disclo-
sure is needed, then a first user study could test whether the
gains we see from one round can indeed be achieved with ac-
tual negotiations between representative users. The human
subject costs in this case would be limited to the renegotia-
tion process – subsequent scoring could be fully automatic.
If those results are promising, a second excursion to explore
whether human subjects can obtain benefits from a second
round of selective disclosure could be conducted, again with
automatic scoring. And once a promising protocol was in
this way, that protocol could be subjected to a more com-
plete vetting using new relevance judgments, perhaps as part
of the TREC legal track’s interactive task.
Of course, the ultimate extent to which our model of se-
lective disclosure can influence practice in the real world de-
pends on a number of factors that extend well beyond mere
technical issues. In particular, adoption of such a process
largely seems dependent on the degree to which the legal
profession is willing to embrace notions of collaboration and
transparency on such matters.
The authors are grateful to Bruce Hedin, Dave Lewis, Paul
Thompson, and Stephen Tomlinson for helping to organize
the TREC legal track that inspired this work.
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