Exhibiting chronic absenteeism is a sure way for students to fall behind and struggle academically. Hope Rising's EI curriculum, "My Best Me", promotes hope and engaged classroom environments to reduce absenteeism and improve academic performance. Go to https://hoperisingedu.com/the-science-of-hope/
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K-12 Schools Can Reduce Chronic
Absenteeism With This Emotional
Intelligence Program
Regardless of how much work educators do to create engaging
activities and interesting projects, and encourage participation, if
students are absent, they can't reap the benefits.
Chronic absenteeism is often a
symptom of a deeper issue.
Emotional pain, current or past
trauma, or high levels of stress
can keep students from attending
class regularly.
Hope Rising has designed a hope-
driven EI curriculum, "My Best Me",
to build resilient behaviors in
students that aid them in
overcoming adversity and
regulating their emotions.
Hope is one of the strongest
indicators for positive life
outcomes and achievement,
and has been proven to help
regulate stress and negative
By practicing skills that
build hope and resilience,
students are better able
to focus on their
academic goals.
"My Best Me" fosters hope in
students with a simple 3-step
method: set a positive goal,
create an actionable pathway
to that goal, and build the
willpower needed to achieve it.
Schools using "My Best Me" have
reported a 44% lower rate of
chronic absenteeism, increased
student participation, improved
classroom relationships, & higher
academic achievement.
Find Out More At
Absenteeism With This Emotional
Intelligence Program
Regardless of how much work educators do to create engaging
activities and interesting projects, and encourage participation, if
students are absent, they can't reap the benefits.
Chronic absenteeism is often a
symptom of a deeper issue.
Emotional pain, current or past
trauma, or high levels of stress
can keep students from attending
class regularly.
Hope Rising has designed a hope-
driven EI curriculum, "My Best Me",
to build resilient behaviors in
students that aid them in
overcoming adversity and
regulating their emotions.
Hope is one of the strongest
indicators for positive life
outcomes and achievement,
and has been proven to help
regulate stress and negative
By practicing skills that
build hope and resilience,
students are better able
to focus on their
academic goals.
"My Best Me" fosters hope in
students with a simple 3-step
method: set a positive goal,
create an actionable pathway
to that goal, and build the
willpower needed to achieve it.
Schools using "My Best Me" have
reported a 44% lower rate of
chronic absenteeism, increased
student participation, improved
classroom relationships, & higher
academic achievement.
Find Out More At