Understanding the Price Breakdown of Aluminium Composite Panels

Understanding the Price Breakdown of Aluminium Composite Panels, updated 9/25/24, 8:44 AM


Aluminum composite panels in today's construction world have become one of the most sought-after options. The lightweight property, combined with durability and an aesthetic appearance, has placed these panels in widespread use in buildings, signage, and interior design. Still, understanding the price breakdown of aluminum composite panels, specifically the aluminium composite panel price in Malaysia, could be a little tricky. In this article, we will delve into the different factors that influence the price of an aluminium composite panel in Malaysia to help you make an informed decision when buying.

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Aluminum composite panels in today's construction world have become one of the most sought-after
combined with durability and an aesthetic
appearance, has placed these panels in
widespread use in buildings, signage, and
interior design. Still, understanding the
price breakdown of aluminum composite
the aluminium
composite panel price in Malaysia, could
be a little tricky. In this article, we will
delve into the different factors that
influence the price of an aluminium
composite panel in Malaysia to help you
make an informed decision when buying.
What is an Aluminium Composite Panel?
First, one needs to understand what aluminum composite panels are before going into the details of the
cost. These composite panels consist of two aluminum cover sheets bonded to a non-aluminum core,
usually made of polyethylene or a fireproof material. ACPs provide a combination of rigidity and flexibility,
hence making them suitable for a wide range of applications.
Now that you have an idea of what ACPs are, let's dive deeper into what dictates the price.
Factors Affecting the Aluminium Composite Panel Price in Malaysia
Material Quality
● Aluminum Grade: As earlier stated, the price would depend on the grade of aluminum used. For
example, the higher the grade, the more the price will further increase. The core material is
important too. A fire retardant core is bound to be more expensive than a regular polyethylene
● Thickness: It will also depend on the thickness of the aluminum sheets and the core material.
Thicker panels tend to be more expensive due to their better durability and insulation.
● Surface Finish: ACPs can be availed in a variety of finishes, from matte to glossy or even textured.
More specialized finishes, such as wood grain or stone effect, are usually higher in price compared
to regular ones.
Size and Dimensions
● Standard Sizes: Normally, the sizes of ACP range between 3mm to 6mm, but with higher cost
when the panel is larger. Whereas normally, all manufacturers will provide the standard size at a
lower price while charging more for a custom size due to the need for special cutting and
● Custom Shapes and Sizes: Projects that use any non-standard sizes or shapes succumb to
complexity in making, and the material cost will increase. Custom cutting and shaping processes
usually add up to the labor costs, and the price turns out to be higher.
Manufacturing and Brand
● Local vs. Imported Brands: The cost of an aluminum composite panel in Malaysia will differ
between locally manufactured and imported panels. Generally, imported brands command a
higher price, depending on the additional features such as higher fire resistance or more intricate
● Brand Reputation: Most of the potential well-known brands come at a high price as it is because
they have proved their quality and trustworthiness over time. On the other hand, the lesser-
known brands may give more economical variants, though it could be on account of compromise
concerning long-term durability and safety.
Finishing and Coating
● PVDF Coating: PVDF coatings offer durability, weather resistance, and resistance to color
breakdown. These coatings often come with the highest price tag, but their long-lasting
performance justifies the initial expense.
● PE Coating: PE coating, on the other hand, is less expensive and suitable for indoor applications.
It gives a very smooth finish. However, in harsher outdoor conditions, the protection provided
may not match that of superior coatings, making it less suitable for exterior cladding.
Cost of Installation
● The complexity of Installation: Installation is another important component of total price. The
more complex the installation, the higher the labor costs. For example, if you need something such
as complex designs, curves, or elevated installations, you will in most cases have to pay more for
qualified labor.
● Labor Costs in Malaysia: Labour costs in Malaysia may vary due to regions and the experience
of the person involved. It is relatively higher in urban regions compared to rural setups.
Transportation and Logistics
● Supplier Location: The distance between the supplier and your project site will be a factor in
transport costs. If you ship the panels from another city or country, the logistics costs may be high
and will be factored into the final pricing.
● Order Size: The pricing typically involves some economy for a larger volume order on material
costs and transportation. Smaller orders, by contrast, will not yield the same level of cost
efficiency because of minimum order quantities and shipping charges.
Price Range of Aluminium Composite Panels in Malaysia
To give you a better idea, here's a rough estimate of the aluminum composite panel price in Malaysia:
● Standard ACPs, 3mm - 4mm thick: RM 50 - RM 80 per square meter.
● Fire-Retardant ACPs, 4-6mm thick: RM 120 - RM 180 per square meter.
● High-end ACPs with premium coating or imported brands: RM 200 - RM 350 per square
These prices may fluctuate with the market, along with the material's availability and currency
fluctuations, especially for imported panels.
Tips to Save Costs on Aluminium Composite Panel
Following are some of the practical ways of managing and reducing your ACP costs:
● Volume: Volume-related discounts can be availed from suppliers against bulk procurement of
any item.
● Alternatives from Other Local Brands: Alternatives may come from local manufacturers with
similar specifications but at a competitive price.
● Standard Sizes: Go with standard sizes with no customization.



● Negotiate with Suppliers: Request a quotation from multiple suppliers and negotiate with them
for better prices or discounts.
● Installation Planning: Do keep your installation design to a minimum in complexity so that your
labor cost is reduced.
Key determinants that will enable one to understand aluminium composite panel prices in Malaysia
include quality of materials, thickness, finishing, and the cost of installation. Weigh these factors against
each other to get the best value for money. Whether you are working on small interior jobs or large-scale
exterior cladding, carefully researching and comparing options will help you make a well-informed
decision and maximize your investment. Additionally, consider long-term performance and maintenance
costs to ensure optimal value.
Source Url: https://blogool.com/article/understanding-the-price-breakdown-of-aluminium-composite-
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Address- PTD 16041, Jalan Teknologi 9, Kawasan Perindustrian, Tangkak, Johor, 84900, Malaysia
Phone- 069787333