Ms Andrea Grout -

Ms Andrea Grout -, updated 2/22/19, 12:16 PM

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Ms Andrea Grout

Final year PhD candidate at James Cook
University, Australia, investigating the role of
airlines in infectious disease control in national
and international air travel.

During her doctoral studies, she has worked with
Professor Komla Tsey on Indigenous Family
Health and Wellbeing and is currently an
appointed tutor at the College of Public Health,
Medical and Veterinary Sciences.

Born in Germany, Ms Grout received her
pharmaceutical training in Germany and holds a
MSc in Public Health from the London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK.

She has a diversity of industry experience, including the airline industry, the pharmaceutical
industry, as well as the individual and group fitness sector. She has served as volunteer in
various positions at Kharaz Refugee Camp in Yemen as part of a UNHCR and ADRA joint

Drawing on her background as former cabin crew and independent public health consultant,
her area of interest is the impact of air travel on the health of passengers and crew, in
particular infection risks and control measures associated with air travel, as well as public
health guidance in commercial air transport.

She has published three journal articles in these subject areas, and one book chapter.