Financial Advisors Offer Safe Money Retirement Investment Options For Lifelong Guaranteed Income

Financial Advisors Offer Safe Money Retirement Investment Options For Lifelong Guaranteed Income, updated 7/28/23, 3:25 AM

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Certified Safe Money offers various financial strategies that will help you make your retirement years more secure and enjoyable. Visit Safe Money Basics for more information!

Certified Safe Money P.O. Box 3540, Silver Springs, NV 89429, United States Website Email

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Best Safe Money Retirement Investment
Options For Lifelong Guaranteed Income
Do you want to ensure you have enough for retirement and quit working by
65? Do you want to ensure that your lifestyle and medical needs are met
even with the "paycheck gap"?
Plan your retirement with a
professional financial
advisor with the help of
Certified Safe Money!
The company specializes in
helping individuals protect
and grow their wealth through
sound and reliable financial
CSM recommends three
primary safe money
investment options:
United States Treasuries,
Certificates of Deposit
(CDs), and Fixed
Annuities to their clients.
U.S. Treasuries include fixed-
income securities offered by
the U.S. government, such as
Treasury bills, notes, and
bonds, which vary in their
maturity periods and interest
Certificates of Deposit, offered through banks and credit
unions, provide a set interest rate over a specified period.
Fixed annuities are contracts between an individual and an insurance
company, in which the company promises to pay a fixed income stream for a
specific duration.
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