Hillsborough County Florida Conservation and Environmental Lands Management Department
We manage more than 61,000 acres of environmentally sensitive wildlife habitat and corridors acquired through the Jan K. Platt Environmental Lands Acquisition and Protection Program (ELAPP).
Management responsibilities include:
Prescribed burning
Invasive species control
Wildlife inventory
Trail maintenance
Feral animal control
Habitat improvements for endangered and threatened species of plants and animals
ELAPP is a voluntary program established for the purpose of providing the process and funding for identifying, acquiring, preserving and protecting endangered, environmentally-sensitive and significant lands in Hillsborough County. It is a citizen-based program with volunteer committees involved in every key aspect of the program. ELAPP is not a regulatory program, but lands are identified for the program because of their environmental significance.
About HCConservation
Hillsborough County FL Conservation and Lands Management
We protect Hillsborough County's natural lands and wildlife through a system of conservation parks and nature preserves, including more than 63,000 acres of environmentally sensitive lands through ELAPP. We also provide unique outdoor recreational activities ranging from picnicking and camping to hiking and kayaking.
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April 2015
Prepared for:
Tallahassee, FL
Prepared by:
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Purpose of the Handbook ............................................................................................................. 6
Chapter Contents .......................................................................................................................... 6
Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Definitions..................................................................................................................................... 7
Impacts of Urbanization..............................................................................................................10
Target Pollutants in Stormwater Runoff.....................................................................................11
Stormwater Pollutant Sources....................................................................................................17
Stormwater Regulations .............................................................................................................19
Identifying Target Pollutants...............................................................................................................20
Conducting a Sampling Campaign...............................................................................................20
Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Sample Analysis ......................................................21
Stormwater Pond Maintenance Issues...............................................................................................24
Maintenance Requirements Stemming from Excess Nutrient Loading......................................24
Maintenance Requirements Stemming from Hydrocarbons......................................................24
Maintenance Requirements Stemming from Heavy Metals ......................................................24
Maintenance Requirements Stemming from Floatable Debris ..................................................25
Maintenance Requirements Stemming from Sediment .............................................................25
Selection of Best Management Practices ...........................................................................................25
Overview .....................................................................................................................................25
Determine Project Objectives.....................................................................................................25
Identify BMPs that Meet Project Objectives ..............................................................................27
Selection and Design Considerations..........................................................................................28
BMP Selection based on Maintenance Issues ............................................................................29
Structural BMPs ..........................................................................................................................31
Nonstructural BMPs....................................................................................................................67
Best Maintenance Practices................................................................................................................69
Importance of Maintenance for Functionality............................................................................69
Maintenance Practices and Costs ...............................................................................................69
Maintenance and Inspection Equipment....................................................................................89
Safety during Maintenance and Inspection................................................................................91
Appendix A..................................................................................................................................................97
Figure 1: Wet Detention Basin Design (Maryland Department of the Environment, 1986) .......................................34
Figure 2: Example Infiltration Trench with Pretreatment BMPs.................................................................................40
Figure 3: Example Filter Strip (FDOT, 2007) .............................................................................................................46
Figure 4: Example Sand Filter Configuration. Not to Scale. (Washington State Department of Ecology, 2000) .......49
Figure 5: Exemplary Bioretention System (FDOT, 2007)........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 6: Check structure spacing diagram (FDOT, 2007) .........................................................................................56
Figure 7 : US Environmental Protection Agency, (2001)............................................................................................58
Figure 8: Side view of typical baffle box with trash collector. ...................................................................................59
Figure 1: Examples of FTWs with different floating mat materials, from left to right: interlocking foam mats, fibrous
polyester islands (Clemson University, 2013)………………………………………………………………………...63
Figure 10: Structure of a typical Turf Reinforcement Mat (Source: EPA, 1999)……………………………………65
Table 1: Sources of Pollution in Highway and Residential Runoff (EPA, 1993) ........................................................12
Table 2: Health and Environmental Concerns of Target Nutrients (EPA, 1986; Lijinsky, 1986; EPA, 1993; Reuben,
Table 3: Toxic effects and sources of heavy metals ....................................................................................................18
Table 4: Florida Administrative Codes for Regulating Stormwater Management (FDOT, 2012) ..............................19
Table 5: Florida Statutes for Regulating Stormwater Management (FDOT, 2012).....................................................20
Table 6: Commonly Reported Symbols and Units for Pollutants................................................................................21
Table 7: Florida Surface Water Quality Standards (FDEP, 2014)...............................................................................26
Table 8: An Overview of O&M Problems, Causes, and Solutions..............................................................................29
Table 9: BMP Effectiveness Summary (Yes = effective, Partial = partially effective, No = not effective) (MRI, 2003;
Wanielista et al., 2008; WWEGC, 2010; Pazwash, 2011) ..........................................................................................30
Table 10: Functionality of a Wet Detention Basin (WWEGC, 2010) .........................................................................33
Table 11: Functionality of an Infiltration Basin (MRI, 2003; WWEGC, 2010) ..........................................................37
Table 12: Functionality of an Infiltration Trench (WWEGC, 2010) ...........................................................................40
Table 13: Functionality of Vegetative Swales (WWEGC, 2010) ................................................................................43
Table 14: Functionality of Filter Strips (Pazwash, 2011) ............................................................................................46
Table 15: Functionality of Sand Filters (Pazwash, 2011)............................................................................................49
Table 16: Functionality of a Bioretention Basin (Pazwash, 2011) ..............................................................................52
Table 17: Bioretention system maintenance activities and schedule (ETA and Biohabitats, 1993) ............................53
Table 18: Functionality of Floating Treatment Wetlands (Pazwash, 2011) ................................................................62
Table 19: Recommended Fertilizer Rates for Various Turfgrass Species (Ferrell, J. 2012).......................................68
Table 20: Generalized Fertilizer Application Schedule (Ferrell, J. 2012) ..................................................................69
Table 21: FDOT MRP Standards for Drainage (FDOT, 2012; FDOT, 2013) .............................................................70
Table 22: FDOT MRP Standards Vegetation and Aesthetics (FDOT, 2012; FDOT, 2013)........................................80
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose of the Handbook
This handbook has been developed to strive toward a consistent level of expertise in the field of
Best Maintenance Practices (BMPs) for stormwater treatment.
The manual provides information
pertaining to implementation of maintenance practices to achieve reduction of pollutants in stormwater.
Included are discussions on types and sources of stormwater pollutants, detrimental effects these
pollutants may have on receiving water bodies, and how to reduce pollutant loading thorough use of
sound BMP design, operation, and maintenance. Finally cost considerations and maintenance guidelines
are presented for each BMP. Ultimately, the guidance of this handbook should give the reader knowledge
in construction and maintenance of BMPs for successfully meeting stormwater management criteria.
1.2. Chapter Contents
1.3. Acronyms
BAT – Best Available Technology
BMP – Best Maintenance/Management Practice
BOD – Biological Oxygen Demand
BOD5 – 5-day Biological Oxygen Demand
COD – Chemical Oxygen Demand
CBOD – Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand
CWA – Clean Water Act
DMI – Distance Measuring Instrument
DO – Dissolved Oxygen
ED – Extended Detention
EMC – Event Mean Concentration
EPA – Environmental Protection Agency
FDEP – Florida Department of Environmental Protection
FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency
FDOT – Florida Department of Transportation
GIS – Geographic Information Systems
I/I – Infiltration and Inflow
MCL – Maximum Contaminant Level
MMS – Maintenance Management System
MPN – Most Probable Number
MRP – Maintenance Rating Program
MUTCD – Manual on Traffic Control Devices
N/A – Not Applicable
NH3 – Ammonia
NH4 – Ammonium
NO2 – Nitrite
NO3 – Nitrate
NOAA – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPDES – National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NPS – Nonpoint Source
O&M – Operation and Maintenance
OP – Ortho-phosphate
OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PAH – Poly-aromatic Hydrocarbon
PS – Point Source
PSI – Pounds per Square Inch
PVC – Polyvinyl Chloride
PW – Present Worth
QA/QC – Quality Assurance/Quality Control
QAPP – Quality Assurance Project Plan
RPD – Relative Percent Difference
SABS – Suspended and Bedded Sediments
SDWA – Safe Drinking Water Act
SCS – Sediment Control Structure
SOD – Sediment Oxygen Demand
SS – Suspended Solids
SWMM – Storm Water Management Model
SSWMP – Statewide Stormwater Management Plan
TDS – Total Dissolved Solids
TKN – Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
TN – Total Nitrogen
TP – Total Phosphorus
TOC – Total Organic Carbon
TSS – Total Suspended Solids
USGS – United States Geological Survey
VOC – Volatile Organic Compound
WQ – Water Quality
1.4. Definitions
Alkalinity – A measure of the capacity of water to neutralize acids because of the presence of one or
more of the following bases in the water: carbonates, bicarbonates, hydroxides, borates, silicates, or
Ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N) – A reduced form of nitrogen produced by the decomposition of organic
matter and synthesized by biological and physical processes.
Best Available Technology – The best available technology that is economically achievable for an
industry or entity to meet regulatory requirements.
Best Management Practice - a control technique used for a given set of conditions to achieve water
quality and quantity at a reasonable? price.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand – A measure of the concentration of aerobically degradable compounds in
water. Measured as the oxygen consumed during degradation of organic and inorganic materials in
5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand – The biochemical oxygen demand which occurs after 5 days.
Chemical Oxygen Demand – A measure of the concentration of substances which can be oxidized in
water. Expressed as the oxygen equivalent consumed when the organic matter in an aqueous sample is
reacted with a strong chemical oxidant.
Clean Water Act – The primary federal law in the United States which governs water pollution.
Dissolved Oxygen - A measure of the total amount of oxygen which is dissolved in water.
Extended Detention – A function provided by BMPs which incorporates a water quality storage volume.
BMPs with extended detentions capture and slowly release runoff, thereby extending the amount of
travel time of the stormwater.
Filter Strip – A vegetated boundary characterized by the uniform slopes that contain vegetation. Filter
strips serve to treat stormwater by creating uniform sheet flow conditions of stormwater.
Forebay – Stormwater structure that uses a small basin to settle out incoming sediment prior to
discharge into a stormwater BMP.
Heavy Metal – Metallic elements which contain an atomic number greater than 21 on the periodic
Littoral Zone – A shallow area near to the edge of a pond which emergent vegetation may grow.
Maximum Contaminant Level – A maximum amount of a contaminant to be deemed acceptable.
Maintenance Rating Program – A uniform evaluation system for maintenance features on the State
Highway System. It is defined as a method of conducting a visual and mechanical evaluation of routine
highway maintenance conditions.
Method Detection Limit - The lowest concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported
with a 99% confidence.
Nitrite – A polyatomic ion with the molecular formula NO2-. Nitrites are typically quickly oxidized into
the nitrate form and rarely found in excessive concentrations in aquatic environments.
Nitrate – A polyatomic ion with the molecular formula NO3-. Nitrates are essential nutrients for
vegetation and may also contribute to excessive algae blooms.
Non-Structural BMP - Preemptive actions taken to reduce the need or size of a structural BMP, such as
educational measures, fertilizer control and street cleaning.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) – Authorized by the Clean Water Act, the
NPDES permit program controls water pollution by regulating point sources that discharge pollutants
into waters of the United States.
Nonpoint Source – Discharges due to intermittent, rain-fall driven, sources associated with everyday
human activities, such as runoff from urban lands, which do not travel through a pipe.
Peak Attenuation Storage – A storage volume used to attenuate the peak flow in stormwater and
reduce the peak flow rate.
Point Source – Discharges which occur through a continuous flow conveyance system, such as a pipe.
Precision – The degree of mutual agreement relative to individual measurements of a particular sample.
Seasonally High Water Table – The highest elevation a water table reaches during seasonally
Sediment Control Structure (SCS) – A BMP structure which is designed to settle and reduce the amount
of sediments in the water column. Often times SCSs will encourage the pooling of stormwater to
enhance the settling of solids.
Sediment Oxygen Demand – A measure of the biological and chemical oxygen demand that occurs in a
sample of sediment.
Sheet Flow – Water flow characteristic of relatively thin and uniformly spread out across a given area.
Suspended and Bedded Sediments - Particulate organic and inorganic matter that suspend or are
carried by water, and/or accumulate in a loose, unconsolidated form on the bottom of natural water
Structural BMP - An engineered stormwater management solution possessing a physical structure.
Total Dissolved Solids – A measure of the combined content of all inorganic and organic substances
contained in a molecular form in water.
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen – The sum of organic nitrogen, ammonia and ammonium in the chemical
analysis of water.
Total Nitrogen – A measure of all organic and inorganic nitrogen forms in a water sample. The sum of
TKN and NOx equals the total nitrogen.
Total Organic Carbon – A measure of the total reduced carbon in a water sample.
Total Suspended Solids – A measure of the filterable solids in a water sample.
Treatment Train – Terminology used to refer to a combination of BMPs in series.
Volatile Organic Compound – Organic chemicals that have a high vapor pressure at ordinary room
1.5. Impacts of Urbanization
1.5.1. Stormwater Quantity and Quality in an Urban Setting
The hydrologic cycle is a continuous process that constantly cycles water from the atmosphere to
the ground and back. Movement of water is made through many different phenomena including
precipitation, runoff, evapotranspiration, infiltration, groundwater recharge, and stream base flow, all of
which contain important properties of both water quantity as well as water quality. The development of
urban settings may alter this water cycle in several ways, which if not adjusted by stormwater
management practices, could lead to increases in flooding, eutrophication of lakes and other detrimental
pollutant impacts to water bodies such as rivers, lakes, streams and oceans.
Firstly, the quantitative properties of stormwater may be changed with alterations in land
characteristics due to urbanization. With the inclusion of impervious areas such as roads, parking lots,
roofs, etc, quantities of water which previously percolated into the groundwater will be re-directed as
surface runoff, thereby decreasing groundwater recharge volumes and increasing surface runoff volumes.
These changes may have two major impacts on the surrounding areas. Increases in the volume of runoff
can cause flooding within and downstream of the urban setting, especially during heavy rainfall events.
While increases in the peak flow from the urban setting may increase water velocities in downstream
water bodies such as rivers which in-turn may increase the erosion of banks and structures. To avoid such
events, management of the stormwater is required to control the post-development volumes of runoff to
match pre-developed conditions.
Secondly, chemical and biological water quality characteristics may be altered with the
urbanization of land. As land is transformed from pervious to impervious areas, the retention time of
stormwater remaining on the site will be decreased, resulting in a more rapid transport of runoff from the
site. With a decrease in retention time, less time is allowed for the natural settling processes of suspended
solids and other pollutants. Without proper management to attenuate the runoff leaving the site, the
increased pollutant loading may lead to detrimental environmental and economic impacts downstream.
Additionally, pollutant loading to water bodies is also likely to increase with urbanization as pollutants
and nutrients are added to the land and transported in runoff during storm events. Nutrient loading has
become a big issue due to fertilizer application to lawns and agricultural areas, which may lead to
eutrophic conditions in downstream and surrounding water bodies. Other sources of pollutant sources
are added such as vehicle exhaust and wear and tear. Management of the stormwater through BMPs
may help to reduce such pollutant loadings, as will be discussed further in this manual.
1.5.2. First-Flush Phenomenon
The first-flush phenomenon in stormwater relates to the increased concentrations of pollutants
commonly found during the initial “flush” of runoff from a storm event. During inter-event dry periods, a
dry deposition build-up of pollutants from sources such as atmospheric deposition, fertilizer applications,
vehicle wear and exhaust, spills, etc, will accumulate on the land within a watershed. During the first
storm following this dry period, many of these pollutants are transported in the runoff to ponds, rivers
and lakes. As a result, the first-flush of runoff will likely contain higher pollutant concentrations of heavy
metals, suspended solids and nutrients as compared to the remaining runoff from the storm. By using
BMPs designed specifically to capture and treat the first-flush of storms, much of the pollutant loading
may be reduced without needing to treat the entire volume of runoff. Additionally BMPs should typically
be designed to provide treatment control for smaller rainfall events. In Florida, nearly 90 percent of the
storm events in a given year produce one inch or less of rainfall and contribute to 75 percent of the total
volume of rain fall (Wanielista, 1977). Therefore by designing BMPs to treat one inch storms or less, a
cost-effective sizing of the BMP may be obtained.
1.6. Target Pollutants in Stormwater Runoff
In an urban environment, the roadways, parking lots, rooftops, sidewalks, and surfaces of low
permeability contribute to the total imperviousness of an area. Impervious landscapes are known to affect
an aquatic area’s habitat, biodiversity, water quality, and hydrology (Schueler, 1994). The reason for this
is twofold. Since the volume of the stormwater runoff is not reduced through infiltration, receiving water
bodies will receive increased amounts of runoff, which causes erosion and flooding—leading to habitat
destruction. Furthermore, as the runoff flows across the impervious surfaces, it acquires and transports
nutrients, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, pathogenic bacteria, suspended solids, and trash. The significant
influx of these pollutants into a domestic water body will disrupt the ecological balance, as evidenced by
symptoms such as hypoxia, fish kills, eutrophication, and the accumulation of heavy metals and toxicants.
In order to better understand the maintenance problems caused by the pollutants in stormwater
runoff, it is important to know the source of pollutants. In a natural watershed, the ecosystem operates
in such a manner that the low concentrations of pollutants are utilized as resources; thereby moderating
the amount that will be discharged downstream (NRC, 2008). However, anthropogenic activities have
reshaped these natural waterways through the addition of impervious surfaces, disturbance of soils
during construction and agriculture, and other forms of urbanization. As a result, the watersheds are
exposed to elevated pollutant levels that cannot be remediated through natural processes. Pollutant
sources are split into two main categories: point sources (PS) and nonpoint sources (NPS). As per section
502(14) of the Clean Water Act (CWA), point sources can be linked to a discernible and discrete point of
supply, such as an industry or water treatment plant. Conversely, NPS are pollutant sources that cannot
be labeled as a point source; their source is more widespread and diffuse such as runoff from an
agricultural field. As stormwater runoff moves across the earth’s surface, it collects deposited natural and
anthropogenic pollutants, which are then transported to receiving water bodies. Common pollutants and
pollutant sources in stormwater runoff are detailed in Table 1:
Table 1: Sources of Pollution in Highway and Residential Runoff (EPA, 1993)
Common Sources
Pavement wear, vehicles, atmospheric deposition, maintenance
activities, septic tank leakage
Nitrogen and
Atmospheric deposition, fertilizer application, septic tank
leakage, roadway runoff, and decaying plant matter
Heavy Metals
Leaded gasoline from automotive exhaust and tire wear
Tire wear, motor oil, and grease
Auto body rust, steel highway structures, and moving engine
Metal plating, bearing and brushing wear, moving engine parts,
brake lining wear, fungicides, and insecticides
Tire wear and insecticide application
Metal plating, moving engine parts, and break lining wear
Diesel fuel and gasoline, lubricating oil, metal plating, brushing
wear, break lining wear, and asphalt paving
Moving engine parts
Spills, leaks, antifreeze and hydraulic fluid, and asphalt surface
Fecal Coliform
Domestic animals, birds, and septic leakage
Care should be taken to manage runoff in a manner that has the least impact on the ecosystem
within a watershed through the use of best management practices. A best management practice (BMP) is
defined as “a control technique used for a given set of conditions to achieve water quality and quantity at
a minimum price” (MRI, 2003). This is usually achieved through the reduction of the pollutant quantity,
peak flow rate, and volume of the stormwater runoff. BMPs are separated into two main categories,
structural and nonstructural. Structural BMPs are engineered stormwater management solutions
possessing a physical structure. Nonstructural BMPs are not physical structures; instead, they are
preemptive actions taken to reduce the need or size of structural BMPs. Nonstructural BMPs improve
stormwater quality by managing both stormwater and pollutant accumulation and generation at or near
the source. This can pertain to educational measures, as well as management and development exercises
such as wetland and forest protection, fertilizer control, and street cleaning. Lastly, it should be noted
that BMPs can be used together in series in order to meet flow attenuation and treatment criteria. A
“treatment train” is the typical terminology used to refer to a combination of BMPs. As more BMPs are
added to the system design, the effluent quality will increase.
1.6.1. Nutrients
As detailed in Section 303(d) of the 1998 List Fact Sheet for Florida, the EPA found that high
concentrations of nutrients were the primary cause of surface water impairment in Florida. Nitrogen and
phosphorus are the most common nutrients found in stormwater runoff, especially in agricultural and
residential areas. Stormwater ponds require nutrients to maintain a healthy aquatic ecosystem, yet
unmanaged excess nutrient loadings will cause the prolific development and growth of algae, shoreline
plants, and submerged aquatic plants. Vegetation along the pond bank and littoral zone will populate and
expand into the pond if left unchecked. This reduces the storage volume and visual aesthetics of the pond.
For stormwater ponds with public access, this growth will interfere with recreational activities, such as
boating and swimming.
Excessive nutrient loads to stormwater ponds may cause aesthetic and biological problems. Algal
growth stimulated by excess nutrients can lead to large, unsightly blooms, which deprive submerged
aquatic vegetation of sunlight and evoke hypoxic conditions. The destruction of submerged aquatic
vegetation exposes juvenile fish to predation and combined with low oxygen levels in the water column
can have drastic repercussions throughout the food chain. As the algal bloom dies and sinks to the bottom
of the pond, bacteria begin to decompose the algal matter. The sudden increase in decay will spur the
oxygen consumption rate of bacteria causing a rapid decrease in oxygen levels in a process called
eutrophication. The depressed oxygen levels in the pond will have detrimental impacts on the pond
ecosystem, sometimes leading to massive fish kills.
Specific species of blue-green algae produce
hepatotoxins and neurotoxins that impair or kill organisms within the water, as well as wildlife or humans
using the pond as a water source (Zhang et al., 1991).
Additional problematic forms of nitrogen identified by the EPA are ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite
(EPA, 1993). Un-ionized ammonia is toxic to fish at concentrations higher than 0.2 mg∙Lˉ¹ (EPA, 1986; EPA,
1993). Acute doses are known to cause a loss of equilibrium, increased cardiac output, comas, or death,
while lower concentrations decrease hatching success and impair proper development (EPA, 1986).
Humans are primarily exposed to nitrate through ingesting water contaminated with nitrogen-based
fertilizers (Ward, 2008). Nitrates are known to cause organ cancers and nervous system disorders for both
humans and animals through the formation of N-nitroso compounds (Lijinsky, 1986). Due to the increase
in nitrogen fertilizers and fertilizer application, the presence of nitrate in stormwater runoff will remain a
problem that must be dealt with (Reuben, 2010). At high levels of nitrate the reaction of nitrite with
hemoglobin in infant warm blooded animals has the potential to prove fatal (EPA, 1986) although these
levels are not commonly found in surface waters. Safe levels of nitrate and nitrite for warm water fish are
90 mg∙Lˉ¹ and 5 mg∙Lˉ¹ respectively (McCoy, 1972; Knepp and Arkin, 1973).
Phosphorus is rarely found in its elemental form, which is exceptionally toxic; instead, the more
common form is as a phosphate (EPA, 1986). Phosphates are utilized by plants, algae, and bacteria for
growth. An excess of phosphates leads to eutrophication of waters, which in turn leads to the proliferation
of nuisance plants and increased biological activities in the pond. While this may not present a direct
threat to human health or significantly compromise the ecology of the water body, the source of
phosphorus could introduce dangerous pollutants into the water body. Phosphate fertilizers typically
contain cadmium. In fact, areas using phosphate fertilizers exhibit up to six times the level of cadmium in
the soil (IARC, 1973). Cadmium is known to accumulate within the tissues of grains and fish, which exposes
predators to high concentrations of cadmium. Links have been established between pancreatic cancer in
humans and high doses of cadmium (Mason et al., 1975). Lastly, phosphate induces the leaching of arsenic
from soil into the groundwater (Tao et al., 2006).
1.6.2. Heavy Metals
Vehicles are the main source of heavy metals in stormwater ponds (EPA, 1993). Lead is discharged
from leaded gas exhaust as well as during tire wear. Zinc is also a product of tire wear and is found in
motor oil and grease. Iron, chromium, manganese, and copper are all generated from moving engine
parts. Although living organisms require metals in small amounts, significant concentrations can produce
lethal and sub-lethal impacts. Dissolved metals are more problematic and may be mobile enough to
contaminate groundwater supplies. The high solids content present in the first-flush of stormwater runoff
provides bonding sites for the metals, but there is the possibility that the metals will de-sorb at a later
point and enter the water column.
Barium is commonly used in manufacturing applications for metals, glass, paint, and electronics
(EPA, 1993). It has the potential to induce vomiting, diarrhea, spasms, and paralysis (Browning, 1961;
Patty, 1962). Barium salts are water soluble, and the main method of exposure is through ingestion and
respiration (NAS, 1974). However, these threats are minimized by the fact that barium ions adsorb and
settle out from the water column quickly (NAS, 1974). For human safety, it is recommended that barium
concentrations are limited to 1,000 µg∙Lˉ¹ (EPA, 1986). Experiments conducted in marine environments
have shown that barium levels would need to exceed a concentration of 50 mg∙Lˉ¹before it poses a threat
to aquatic species (EPA, 1986). The propensity for barium to react with sulfate and carbonate dictates that
such concentrations of barium would rarely be achieved, and it would be unwarranted to consider barium
a threat to aquatic life.
The application of phosphate fertilizers may facilitate the release of arsenic from contaminated
soils. This substance is a valid concern in stormwater runoff due to its carcinogenic effects. Arsenic is
subject to bioaccumulation within small aquatic species, but the short half-life ensures that significant
amounts will not build up in the tissues of predatory fish (EPA, 1986). The level of acute toxicity for
freshwater aquatic life is 48 µg∙Lˉ¹ (EPA, 1986). For humans, regularly consuming arsenic-tainted water,
the acceptable risk level is limited to 0.12 ng∙Lˉ¹ and 1.76 ng∙Lˉ¹ when consuming aquatic organisms.
Leaded gasoline is no longer permitted as an energy source for on-road vehicles, yet off-road
vehicles, such as boats, airplanes, and farming equipment, are permitted to use it. Other sources of lead
include tire and engine wear (EPA, 1993). Lead is toxic in aquatic life starting at concentrations of 142.5
µg∙Lˉ¹. The human ingestion limit is 50 µg∙Lˉ¹ (EPA, 1986; Reuben, 2010). Nickel is exposed to the
environment from a variety of sources including: diesel fuel and gasoline, lubricating oil, metal plating,
brushing wear, break lining wear, and asphalt paving (EPA, 1993; Reuben, 2010). The most sensitive
aquatic organisms find nickel concentrations toxic at 56 µg∙Lˉ¹, while humans should limit nickel levels in
drinking water to 632 µg∙Lˉ¹ in order to reduce the risk of pancreas, larynx, and stomach cancer (EPA,
1986; Reuben, 2010). Selenium is one of the metals commonly removed in drinking water treatment.
Human health concerns cause by selenium occur in excess of 10 µg∙Lˉ¹ when ingested, and concentrations
should be limited to 35 µg∙Lˉ¹ for the protection of aquatic wildlife (EPA, 1986). Tire wear, motor oil, and
grease are the main sources of zinc in stormwater runoff (EPA, 1993). While zinc does not present any
health concerns to humans, concentrations are toxic to aquatic organisms when in excess of 680 µg∙Lˉ¹
(EPA, 1986). In addition to health risks to the environment, zinc will give water an unfavorable color and
Sources of cadmium include fertilizers, tire wear, and insecticide application (EPA, 1993; Reuben,
2010). Cadmium presents a danger to both aquatic life and humans. Trout and similar fish species are
sensitive to cadmium at concentrations of 1 µg∙Lˉ¹ to 20 µg∙Lˉ¹ (EPA, 1993). Contaminated water and the
bioaccumulation of cadmium in fish and other wildlife exposes higher level members of the food chain to
the pollutant. In humans, quantities of cadmium as low as 10 µg∙Lˉ¹ acquired through ingestion may
induce the formation of cancerous tumors (Mason et al., 1975; Reuben, 2010). Silver concentrations in
freshwater begin effecting the most sensitive species when present at 0.12 µg∙Lˉ¹; however, the presence
of hardness in the water can increase this to a range of 1.2 to 13 µg∙Lˉ¹ (EPA, 1986). Significant
concentrations of silver may discolor skin in humans and create ulcers. Chromium is applied over metals
as a protective coating, and engine wear will introduce it into the environment. Chromium (III & IV) are
toxic to freshwater aquatic life between concentrations of 23 µg∙Lˉ¹ up to 2,221 µg∙Lˉ¹. In humans,
ulceration may occur after prolonged ingestion of contaminated water (EPA, 1993).
Brake wear and building siding are the leading contributors of copper collected by stormwater
runoff (Davis et al., 2001). Copper serves as an all-around treatment, capable of controlling algae, bacteria,
external protozoa, and various parasites (Mackenthus, 1952; Watson, 2011). Copper sulfate, also known
as bluestone and blue powder, is one of the more commonly used forms of copper for pond treatment
due to copper sulfate’s soluble nature which readily permeates through the water column (Watson, 2011).
While cost effective, there are drawbacks to copper sulfate. “If your water is low in alkalinity, or you have
a heavy algae bloom and no aeration, copper treatments are not recommended” (Watson 2011). Copper
sulfate is toxic to fish when the pond alkalinity is below 50 ppm or a pH of 4 (Watson, 2011; Wurts, 2011).
This is because the copper separates from the sulfate and can be toxic as a free ion to organisms that are
sensitive to copper. However, too high of a pH will induce conditions that cause the copper ion to remain
bound to the sulfate; thus, decreasing the effectiveness of the treatment method. In the event of adding
copper sulfate to treat a large algae bloom, certain precautions should be taken. Algae serves as a major
producer of oxygen in the pond, however when it dies, additional oxygen is required to decompose the
algal matter (Watson, 2011). One solution to prevent an instantaneous drop in dissolved oxygen levels is
to gradually treat the pond, or use an aerator to saturate the water column with dissolved oxygen. Lastly,
copper sulfate is markedly toxic to invertebrates, such as snails and zooplankton (Watson, 2011).
1.6.3. Hydrocarbons
Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of over 100 different organic compounds,
composed of fused aromatic rings. PAHs are a pollutant of concern because of their carcinogenic,
mutagenic, and teratogenic characteristics along with their slow half-lives in geological media. PAH
concentrations in bottom sediments tend to be greater than water column concentrations due to their
hydrophobic nature and high affinity for suspended particles (Neff, 1984). Because of their lipophilic
chemical nature, dependent on chemical characteristics, PAHs may be absorbed through the skin,
respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract then transported through the circulatory system and
metabolized in the liver (Busbee, 1990). Several PAHs are considered probable or possible human
carcinogens by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) and the EPA. The US EPA has listed 16 PAHs as priority pollutants, and of these
16 priority PAHs, at least seven of the following PAHs are commonly found in stormwater runoff:
Benzo(a)anthracene, Chrysene, Benzo(b)fluoranthene, Benzo(k)fluoranthene, Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP),
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, and Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (Prabhukumar et al., 2011).
1.6.4. Pesticides
Pesticides picked up by stormwater runoff contribute as a non-point source of pollutant, which
may cause serious environmental issues. Pesticides are normally referred as biopesticides, antimicrobials
and chemical pesticides, which is a common source of pesticides used in urban watersheds. Pesticides are
used to maintain lawn, garden, roadside greening, etc. Nonagricultural use of pesticides often causes a
peak concentration due to the first-flush effect in highly impervious urban watersheds. Main examples of
chemically-related pesticides include Organophosphate pesticides, Carbamate pesticides, Organochlorine
insecticides and Pyrethroid pesticides.
The organophosphate (OP) pesticides, diazinon and chlorpyrifos are commonly used to control
termites, ants, and lawn and garden pests. More than 100,000 pounds of active ingredient diazinon and
chlorpyrifos are used each year on residential properties in some counties in the United States (Lee and
Taylor, 1997). Pyrethroid pesticides are the most common class of insecticide used in urban environments
today with over 700,000 lbs being used every year for residential use in California (Lee, 2009).
OP pesticides are toxic to a wide variety of non-target aquatic organisms including fish and
invertebrates (Menconi et al. 1994). Diazinon and chlorpyrifos have been found in wet weather runoff
from urban watersheds, resulting in discharge and ambient water column toxicity. Surface water with high
organochlorine insecticides concentration alters the metabolic processes of the aquatic species. The well-
known pesticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) has been shown to transform male fish into
female (Savy, 2000). Exposure to pesticides in air may result in eyes, nose, or mouth irritations while
direct contact of pesticides on human body through skin may cause skin allergies and skill diseases.
Ingesting large amount of pesticides in drinking water or through food routes may result in vomiting,
diarrhea, stomach flu, headache, nervous system problems, etc.
1.6.5. Coliforms
Coliforms and fecal streptococci are two bacterial groups commonly found in human and animal
species and used as indicators of possible sewage contamination. Although the bacteria are generally not
harmful themselves, their presence indicates the possible presence of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and
protozoans that typically live in the digestive systems of mammals. Coliforms are commonly found
widespread in the environment and may not be an indication of contamination, however a subset of
coliforms, known as fecal coliforms which are fecal-specific in origin, are more commonly used as an
indicator of contamination. A specific species of fecal coliforms, known as Escherichia coli, or more
commonly known as E. coli, is specific to the fecal material from humans and other warm-blooded animals
and therefore recommended as the best indicator of health risk from water contact in recreational waters
by the EPA (EPA, 1986).
Potential contamination of water bodies by coliforms and E. coli may come from a variety of both
“point” (discharges through a continuous flow conveyance system, such as a pipe) and “non-point”
sources (intermittent, rain-fall driven, sources from associated with everyday human activities, such as
runoff from urban lands). Examples of point sources may include wastewater or industrial treatment
plant pipe discharges, whereas examples of non-point sources may include leaking underground septic
tanks, run-off from pasture lands containing mammals such as cows and sheep and run-off from natural
and urban areas.
Criteria for assessing water quality in terms of fecal coliform bacteria are given numerically. For
Florida, the water quality criteria for the protection of Class III waters, as established by Rule 62-302,
F.A.C., states the following:
Fecal Coliform Bacteria:
The most probable number (MPN) or membrane filter (MF) counts per 100 mL of fecal
coliform bacteria shall not exceed a monthly average of 200, nor exceed 400 in 10 percent
of the samples, nor exceed 800 on any one day.
1.6.6. Sedimentation
Sediments, as defined by the EPA, are fragmented materials that originate from weathering and
erosion of rocks or unconsolidated deposits which are transported by, suspended in, or deposited by
water. Excessive build-up of sediments within wet detention basins may become an issue by reducing the
permanent pool volume of the basin, thereby decreasing the effective treatment volume and efficiency
of the basin. Excessive sedimentation may also cause clogging issues for BMP structures such as swales
and check dams, and in the case of filters and porous pavement may render them useless. A thorough
understanding of the sediment loading characteristics of site runoff should be understood prior to proper
design of BMPs. Some BMPs, such as baffle boxes, may be used to reduce the loading of sedimentation
for downstream waters.
Sediments may also come in the form of suspended and bedded sediments (SABS), which defined
by the EPA include particulate organic and inorganic matter that suspend in or are carried by the water,
and/or accumulate in a loose, unconsolidated form on the bottom of natural water bodies. SABS can be
a source of phosphorus and nitrogen loading due to its organic and inorganic nature.
1.7. Stormwater Pollutant Sources
1.7.1. Nutrient Sources
Common sources of nitrogen and phosphorus in stormwater runoff are residential fertilizer
application, vehicular exhaust, animal waste, septic leakage, and atmospheric deposition. Suspended
solids in stormwater often contain considerable amounts of adsorbed nutrients (Lin, 1972; Middlebroks,
1974; Carlile et al., 1974). Nutrients attached to settling solids contribute to bacterial growth and
ammonia production (Burton et al., 2001). A primary example of a nutrient that is transported by
sediment erosion is ammonia and phosphorus (EPA, 1993). Target nutrients along with their health
concerns and sources are summarized in Table 2:
Table 2: Health and Environmental Concerns of Target Nutrients (EPA, 1986; Lijinsky, 1986; EPA, 1993;
Reuben, 2010)
Health Concerns
Environmental Concerns
Total Nitrogen (TN)
Eutrophic conditions
encouraging the growth of
algae and nuisance
vegetation. Severe cases lead
to hypoxia, fish kills, the
destruction of sub-aquatic
vegetation, odors,
unsightliness, and the
reduction of pond storage
animal waste,
septic leakage
Nitrate + Nitrite
Prolonged exposure may
cause cancer, and may
cause death in infant
warm-blooded animals
Disorientation, comas, and
death in fish
Total Phosphorus (TP)
+ Orthophosphate
Fertilizer sources often
contain cadmium (cancer
risk), and phosphates leach
arsenic from the soil
1.7.2. Heavy Metals
Common sources of heavy metals include vehicle exhaust and wear and tear, manufacturing
operations, building siding, diesel fuel, gasoline, fertilizers, metal coatings, soil leaching and coal
combustion operations. Metals have a tendency to adsorb to organic matter and although may be low
in soluble concentrations may be higher in sediment concentrations. Table 3 summarizes the toxic effects
and potential sources of a number of common heavy metals found in stormwater runoff.
Table 3: Toxic effects and sources of heavy metals
Health and Environmental Concern
Carcinogenic effects
Soil leaching due to
phosphate fertilizer
Tau et al.,
Vomiting, diarrhea, spasms, and paralysis in
humans. It is rarely found in significant
quantities to threaten aquatic life
operations involving
metals, glass, paint,
and electronics
EPA, 1993
Toxic to fish species, and exposure is linked
with cancer formation in humans
Fertilizers, tire wear,
insecticide application
EPA, 1993
Reuben, 2010
Chromium Ulceration if ingested in significant quantities
Engine wear, protective
coatings on metal,
wood preservation, dye
EPA, 1986
EPA, 1993
Reuben, 2010
Acute toxicity to fish in water at a low pH,
and it is generally toxic to aquatic
Brake wear, building
siding, engine wear
EPA, 1993
Davis, 2001
Cancer in the brain, nervous system, lungs,
kidneys, and stomach
Leaded gas exhaust,
tire wear, engine wear
EPA, 1993
Reuben, 2010
Cancer in the larynx, stomach, and pancreas
Diesel fuel and
gasoline, lubricating oil,
metal plating, brushing
wear, break lining
wear, and asphalt
EPA, 1993
Reuben, 2010
Toxic to aquatic species
Glass, electronic, and
pigment manufacture.
Agricultural and coal
combustion operations
Discoloration of the skin and kidney damage
EPA, 1986
Minor threat to aquatic organisms. Excess
levels lead to unfavorable odor and color in
Tire wear, motor oil,
EPA, 1993
1.7.3. Hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons are known carcinogens (NTP et al., 2002) and threaten aquatic wildlife (Long et al.,
1990). Typically found in developing urban areas, they are the result of incomplete combustion (Van
Metre et al., 2000). Specific sources of hydrocarbons include but are not limited to: vehicle exhaust,
asphalt deterioration, engine oil, and gasoline (Van Metre et al., 2000; Mahler et al. 2005). A more recently
discovered source of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are the coal-tar emulsion sealcoats used
on parking lots (Mahler et al., 2005). The purpose of these sealants is to protect the parking lot surface
and enhance its appearance. By weight, PAHs make up at least 50% of coal-tar (NTP et al., 2002), and the
coal-tar emulsion “sealcoats” need replacement every two to three years as a result of rapid wear (Dubey,
1999). In a study by Mahler et al., it was found that the PAH load from sealed parking lots is 50 times
greater than unsealed parking lots, and it is suggested that sealed parking lots are the main sources of
PAHs in watersheds. Infiltration trenches, oil and grit separators, and sorption media can be used to
remove hydrocarbons from stormwater runoff.
1.8. Stormwater Regulations
1.8.1. Administrative Codes and Statues
Florida Administrative Codes, Rules, Guidelines, and Statues are subject to change, and to assure
proper compliance, the most current version of the Florida Administrative Code and Florida Statues should
be checked. The Florida Administrative Codes for regulating stormwater are given in Table 4:
Table 4: Florida Administrative Codes for Regulating Stormwater Management (FDOT, 2012)
Stormwater Management Topic
Florida Administrative
Code Chapter
Drainage Connections
Water Resource Implementation Rule
Surface Water Improvement and
Surface Water Quality Standards
Dredge and Fill
Wastewater Facility and Activities
Generic Permits
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer
Underground Storage Tank Systems
Environmental Resource Permits:
Surface Water management Systems
Standard Environmental Resource
Next, the Florida Statues involving stormwater management are detailed in Table 5:
Table 5: Florida Statutes for Regulating Stormwater Management (FDOT, 2012)
Stormwater Management Topic
Florida Statues Chapter
Laws of Florida
County and Municipal Planning and
Land Development Regulations
Transportation Administration
State Highway System
Water Resources
Pollution of Waters
Environmental Control
2. Identifying Target Pollutants
2.1. Conducting a Sampling Campaign
Because of the intermittent nature of stormwater and urban runoff, testing of characteristics is
often difficult. Nevertheless, sampling and quantification of pollutant loads, sources and fate are essential
in developing a control plan. The data collected should be site specific, focus on potential pollution
sources, compliance with local, state and federal regulations and take into consideration potential future
changes in development to the site. The information presented in Section 1 should help to establish which
sampling criteria and which potential sources to look for while preparing a sampling campaign.
The goals and priorities of a sampling campaign should be laid out prior to commencement and
may differ from site to site. For example, if a site is discharging to a sensitive water body with historical
eutrophication problems, then the analyses of phosphorus and nitrogen species may weigh more heavily
than that of heavy metals. Conversely the source of runoff may play more importance in the sampling
campaign, such as analyses of hydrocarbons for an area receiving runoff from a layer of asphalt. Wet-
weather sampling may be used to determine the characteristics of stormwater runoff for parameters such
as nutrient concentration, total suspended solids and flow rate. This data may assist in the decision
process of which BMP may be most applicable to the site. The analysis may also give insights into the
effects of runoff on ambient water quality, whether runoff is meeting water quality standards and
whether the stormwater could be used for other purposes such recycle.
Sampling of water and sediments should be carried out according to methods prescribed by
manufacture guidelines.
In addition laboratory testing of samples should be carried out in methods
prescribed by the manufacturer. For clarity, a list of commonly used symbols and units of the pollutants
described in Section 1 is presented in Table 6.
Table 6: Commonly Reported Symbols and Units for Pollutants
Common Symbol
Total Suspended Solids
Total Phosphorus
Soluble Reactive Phosphorus
or Orthophosphate
SRP or Ortho-P
Total Nitrogen
Nitrate + Nitrite
NO3 + NO2 = NOx
Heavy Metals
2.2. Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Sample Analysis
2.2.1. Intended Uses of Acquired Data
The intended uses of the data acquired under this protocol are to determine the degree of
treatment a pollutant reduction technology achieves during a site-specific testing period by measuring
influent and effluent concentrations of selected parameters.
2.2.2. Analytical Quality Levels and Quality Control Levels
Whether the quality assurance (QA) objectives for the project, as outlined in the Quality
Assurance Project Plan (QAPP), are met will be determined through the use of quality control (QC)
elements assessing precision, accuracy, representativeness, completeness and comparability. Each of the
QC elements is discussed in the following section.
2.2.3. Quality Control Indicators Precision
Precision is defined as the degree of mutual agreement relative to individual measurements of a
particular sample. As such, Precision provides an estimate of random error. Precision is evaluated using
analysis of field or matrix spiked duplicates. Method precision is demonstrated through the reproducibility
of the analytical results. Relative percent difference (RPD) may be used to evaluate precision by the
following formula:
C1 = Concentration of the compound or element in the sample
C2 = Concentration of the compound or element in the duplicate
The relative standard deviation between replicates will be calculated as follows:
S = Standard deviation
y’ = Mean of the replicates Accuracy
For water quality analyses, accuracy is defined as the difference between the measured or
calculated sample result and the true value for the sample. The closer the numerical value of the
measurement comes to the true value or actual concentration, the more accurate the measurement. Loss
of accuracy can be caused by errors in standards preparation, equipment calibrations, interferences, and
systematic or carryover contamination from one sample to the next.
Analytical accuracy may be expressed as the percent recovery of a compound or element that has
been added to laboratory reagent water at known concentrations prior to analysis. The following equation
is used to calculate percent recovery:
Percent Recovery (%R) =
Cs = Total amount detected in spiked laboratory reagent water
Cu = Amount detected in unspiked laboratory reagent water
Ca = Spike amount added to laboratory reagent water.
For parameters which are not routinely spiked during analysis (e.g., BOD, CBOD, TSS, pH, and
alkalinity), performance evaluation samples shall be obtained and used to develop control limits for the
laboratory. Where appropriate and stable, the same performance evaluation sample may be analyzed
over a period of time.
Accuracy will be ensured in technology evaluation by maintaining consistent sample collection
procedures, including sample locations, sample timing, sample handling, and by executing random spiking
procedures for specific target constituent(s). The Test Plan shall discuss methods to determine the
accuracy of sampling and analyses.
For equipment operating parameters, accuracy refers to the difference between the reported
operating condition and the actual operating condition. For operating data, accuracy entails collecting a
sufficient quantity of data during operation to be able to detect a change in system operations. As an
example, accuracy of flow rate may be the difference between the flow indicated by a flow meter and the
flow measured on the basis of volume over time (with a container of known volume and a stopwatch).
Meters and gauges shall be checked at least monthly for accuracy. The Test Plan shall discuss means for
determining the accuracy of equipment operating parameters. Method of detection limit
The lowest concentration that can be measured and is different from zero with a 99% confidence
is determined as the MDL. The lowest standard concentration used for the calibration will be analyzed a
number of times and the MDL will be calculated using the following equation:
n = number of replicates
S = Standard deviation of the replicates
2.2.4. Type of QC samples Method blank
A method blank is a generated sample prepared from a clean matrix, generally deionized water.
It is treated exactly as a sample. This blank is prepared to check for contamination of container and
24 Calibration blank
A calibration blank is a volume of reagent water without the analyte. The concentration of the
analyte should be less than three times the instrument detection limit. Matrix spike
This is a sample with a known concentration of the analyte added to original sample and is used
to assure that the recovery of the target compounds is acceptable for the matrix involved. Field duplicate samples
A field duplicate sample is a second sample collected at the same location as the original sample.
Duplicate sample results are used to assess precision, including variability associated with both the
laboratory analysis and the sample collection process. Duplicate samples are collected simultaneously or
in immediate succession, using identical recovery techniques, and treated in an identical manner during
storage, transportation, and analysis. One of every ten samples will be collected as a duplicate for each
sampling interval. The sample point which will be duplicated will be randomly selected.
3. Stormwater Pond Maintenance Issues
3.1. Maintenance Requirements Stemming from Excess Nutrient Loading
Common nutrients in stormwater are nitrogen and phosphorus. Algae, shoreline plants, and sub-
aquatic plants use these nutrients for growth, which facilitates nutrient removal from stormwater.
However, as these plants decay, stored nutrients are released and consumed by bacteria which may
depress dissolved oxygen levels within the water column. Furthermore, excess nutrient loadings stimulate
the growth of algae, which can lead to algal blooms and the eutrophication of the stormwater pond.
Another consequence is that the littoral zone and nuisance vegetation can rapidly populate and expand
into the water body; thus reducing the storage volume and visual appeal. From Table 1, typical sources of
nitrogen and phosphorus include the atmosphere and fertilizer application. Methods for removing high
nutrient concentrations from stormwater include baffle boxes where the nutrients are able to settle out,
sorption media, and grass swales in addition to the biological uptake within the ponds.
3.2. Maintenance Requirements Stemming from Hydrocarbons
Hydrocarbons are known carcinogens (NTP et al., 2002) and threaten aquatic wildlife (Long et al.,
1990). Typically found in developing urban areas, they are the result of incomplete combustion (Van
Metre et al., 2000). Excessive hydrocarbons concentrations may not be as visually apparent as excessive
nutrients or sediment loading. However as hydrocarbons may affect aquatic life, changes in ecosystem
dynamics of the pond, due to their detrimental effects, may lead to shifts in favoring conditions for one
species. This could lead to an overgrowth of a single species rather than a mixture of many. However
such cause and effects are complex and difficult to prove.
3.3. Maintenance Requirements Stemming from Heavy Metals
Vehicles are the main source of heavy metals that are washed into stormwater ponds (EPA, 1993).
Lead is discharged from leaded gas exhaust as well as during tire wear. Zinc is also a product of tire wear,
and it is also found in motor oil and grease. Iron, chromium, manganese, and copper are all generated
from moving engine parts. Although living organisms require metals in small amounts, significant
concentrations can produce lethal and sub-lethal impacts. Dissolved metals are the most toxic as they are
suspended in the water column. The high solids content present in the first-flush of stormwater runoff
provides bonding sites for the metals, but there is the possibility that the metals will desorb at a later
point and enter the water column. Similarly to hydrocarbons the specific causes of excessive metal
loading is complex and difficult to test. However due to the lethal nature of metals in high concentrations,
it can be deduced that excessive loading may cause shifts in the ecosystem of ponds and result in changes
in growth characteristics, which in turn could cause maintenance issue.
3.4. Maintenance Requirements Stemming from Floatable Debris
Types of floatable debris range from human made metal containers, plastic bags, tires, and glass
bottles all the way to natural forms of debris such as leaves, branches, and other organic material. Floating
debris has the potential to clog outlet structures, ruin the aesthetic look of the pond, and impact
vegetation growth. Baffle boxes with screens can be used to capture debris at the pond inlet, while debris
already present in the water body needs to be manually collected.
3.5. Maintenance Requirements Stemming from Sediment
Sediment sources can be local, such as bank erosion, or it can be carried overland or through
stormwater pipes all the way from construction sites, pavement wear, and agricultural operations.
Sediment that has been suspended in the water column will reduce the ability of light to penetrate into
the water, which interferes with photosynthetic organisms. As previously mentioned, metals sometimes
bond to solids and desorb within water bodies. Over time, the accumulation of heavy metals can prove
toxic to the environment. Sediments will build-up in the pond and reduce the storage volume; however
ponds may be designed deeper with this in mind. However, excess sediment loads will require the pond
to be dredged more often. Sediment entry into the pond through overland stormwater flow can be
controlled by seeding the pond banks to ensure stability. At the inlet of the pond, a baffle box or forebay
may be put in place to allow for sediments to settle out before penetrating deeper into the pond.
4. Selection of Best Management Practices
4.1. Overview
Section 4 outlines the objectives, design criteria and details several types of structural BMP
options for stormwater management. This section is intended as a guideline for understanding structural
BMP background, design, treatment efficiencies, cost and maintenance concerns. Further detailed
information on particular maintenance activities which may relate to each BMP is given in Section 5.
4.2. Determine Project Objectives
Determining the project objectives is the first step in selection of the best fit BMP. Oftentimes
meeting regulations and budget may drive the decision process in selection of BMP. Attention should be
made to the receiving bodies of water downstream of the project site, and whether discharged water is
entering water bodies sensitive to suspended solids or prone to eutrophication, erosion or flooding. A
table listing the water body classifications, as defined by the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP), is presented in Table 7 below.
Table 7: Florida Surface Water Quality Standards (FDEP, 2014)
CLASS I - Potable Water Supplies
Includes fourteen general areas throughout the state with
tributaries, certain lakes, rivers.
CLASS II - Shellfish Propagation or Harvesting
Generally coastal waters where shellfish harvesting occurs.
CLASS III - Fish Consumption, Recreation,
Propagation and Maintenance of a Healthy,
Well Balanced Population of Fish and Wildlife
The surface waters of the state are Class III unless described in
rule 62-302.400, F.A.C.
CLASS III - Limited - Fish Consumption,
Recreation or Limited Recreation; and/or
Propagation and Maintenance of a Limited
Population of Fish and Wildlife
This classification is restricted to waters with human-induced
physical or habitat conditions that, because of those
conditions, have limited aquatic life support and habitat that
prevent attainment of Class III uses.
CLASS IV - Agricultural Water Supplies
Generally located in agricultural areas around Lake
CLASS V - Navigation, Utility and Industrial Use
Currently there are no designated Class V bodies of water.
Three primary mitigation strategies and control guidelines should be considered for project sites and
discussed further in the following sub sections. These include:
• Volume Control
• Peak Rate Control
• Nutrient and Pollutant Loading Control
Volume Control Guidelines
Volume control is inherent in most land development. Due to the addition of impervious area,
grading and/or compaction of underlying soils, run-off volume is usually expected to increase from a
developed site without the installation of volume control structure. As discussed in Section 1 this may be
attributed to decreased permeability of underlying soils in post-developed conditions, leading to more
surface runoff. Pre-developed site permeability can help predict to what degree runoff rates will increase.
For example a pre-developed site with existing low permeability soils will experience less additional post-
developed runoff than a pre-developed site originally containing high permeability soils. Knowledge of
pre-developed soils can therefore give insights into the degree of volume control required.
Criteria for volume control should take into account several factors to create post-developed
conditions which are similar to pre-developed.
These include protection of downstream channel
morphology, maintaining groundwater recharge and prevention of flooding. With increases in volume,
runoff channels and streams downstream of the site are more prone to bank full or near bank full
conditions. Such increases in high flow conditions will increase the frequency and rate of natural erosional
processes, which in turn could lead to higher suspended solids concentrations and loss of property near
the banks. Volume control may be accomplished by either retention/detention facilities or BMPs capable
of increased groundwater recharge through infiltration.
Peak Rate Control Guidelines
Peak rate control is imperative to mitigate against flooding and excessive erosion. Typically, detention
systems are incorporated into the stormwater design to reduce post-developed peak flow rates to equal
or below pre-developed flow rates. Both non-structural and structural BMPs may be used to decrease or
delay the flow of water from a site. Often existing characteristics of the pre-developed site, such as
shallow depressions or existing vegetation may be used in BMP design. By allowing pooling of water in
the depressions or the sheet flow through existing vegetation, run-off peak flows may be reduced and
delayed. Additionally, reducing the amount of compaction to a site will result in more ground water
recharge, which will both decrease the volume and peak flow from the site. This may be especially useful
in areas with existing high permeable soils.
Nutrient and Pollutant Loading Control
Reducing nutrient pollutant loading is an important consideration in keeping water bodies clean and
healthy. Focus on nutrient loading has become more prominent in recent years with studies examining
eutrophication in Florida water bodies. With the implementation of impervious areas in urban
environments, runoff may quickly accumulate phosphorus, nitrogen, heavy metals, hydrocarbons and
pesticides and transport them to receiving water bodies. With increases in traffic and fertilized areas,
pollutant loading from cars and fertilized area runoff only increases pollutant loading rates. Without
proper installation of BMPs to remove the pollutants and retain/slow the movement of the runoff,
pollutant loads will increase in post-developed conditions. Both structural and non-structural BMPs may
be utilized to help reduce the nutrient and pollutant loading for stormwater systems.
4.3. Identify BMPs that Meet Project Objectives
Several different options may exist when selecting a proper BMP to meet the project objectives.
Each BMP will have unique advantages and disadvantages in regards to performance, cost and
In some cases one BMP may be more justified than another due to the particular
characteristics of the project site such as slopes, infiltration rates, existing vegetation, etc. In other cases
a BMP may make sense if included in the preliminary site development, yet be too costly or unfeasible as
a retrofit option. An important first step in meeting project goals is developing an overall BMP plan during
the preliminary stages of the project covering a wide spectrum of project criteria including:
• Required volume runoff criteria
• Peak flow attenuation requirements
Effluent water quality levels
Infiltration rates of the surrounding project site
Existing natural features may be used as or in conjunction with a BMP
• Determining if a non-structural or structural BMP (or combination) is best suited for the project
• Analyzing costs associated with BMP implementation and maintenance
• Determining what degree of inspection and maintenance will be required of a proposed BMP
During the preliminary design stages of the project, it is key to determine which of these project
objectives are most important. Often times the project area site may impact BMP selection. For instance
if a narrow right-of-way is the only space available for implementation then a BMP such as an infiltration
trench may be more feasible than a detention pond.
4.4. Selection and Design Considerations
4.4.1. Performance
The performance of a BMP will vary from one to another due to project site characteristics and
construction methods. Generally each BMP performance may be characterized by the following:
• Run-off Volume Reduction
• Groundwater Recharge
• Peak Flow Attenuation
• Pollutant Reduction
Performance of a BMP should take all of these parameters into consideration. However depending
on the project site, one BMP may have a more weighted advantage compared to another. Considerations
in receiving water bodies may affect the selection of a BMP. For instance, for a project site discharging to
a eutrophic lake, a BMP capable of reducing nutrient loading may be more advantageous; whereas for a
project site discharging to a stream with high bank erosion a volume reduction may be more
Often times utilizing existing site characteristics may be a viable option for implementation of a BMP.
If a project site is situated around soils with high infiltration rates a BMP which utilizes stormwater
infiltration may be more justified and cost effective. Conversely if a project site contains native vegetation
a BMP may utilize the existing vegetation for water quality improvement. In these cases the performance
of the BMP will largely rely on the site characteristics and may only be determined after site analysis.
Long-term performance of BMPs is also of great importance. Maintenance considerations must be
accounted for in BMP selection. Some BMPs may perform well initially, however without proper
maintenance may quickly deteriorate and may cause more harm than good. Additional the frequency of
inspections and repair may justify one BMP over another due to cost considerations.
4.4.2. Cost
When conducting cost analysis for BMPs all associated costs should be taken into account. Costs
for BMP installation at a minimum should account for material, labor, engineering, operation and
inspection. In some cases the maintenance and inspection costs may be more than the material costs.
The long-term availability of products and materials for constructing and maintaining the BMPs should
also be considered. By not including maintenance costs a BMP may be unmaintained, potentially making
the BMP inefficient. Cost prices per BMP is discussed further in section 4.6.
4.4.3. Maintenance
Maintenance requirements will vary from one BMP to another with maintenance frequencies
varying from monthly to yearly. The proper maintenance of BMPs is crucial for effective performance and
treatment efficiencies. Without placing the proper time in accounting for future maintenance activities,
a BMP may not operate to its potential. In some instances, the simple logistics of maintenance may favor
one BMP selection over another, while in others maintenance costs may play a more important role.
Additionally, the maintenance frequency of BMPs may have an impact in selection. In some instances,
such as check dams, excessive solids concentrations may cause the upstream pooling areas to fill up with
sediments, thus decreasing the settling performance of the check dam and requiring increased
maintenance for proper functionality. Understanding the runoff characteristics, such as total suspended
solids, total dissolved solids, and nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations, is crucial in predicting how the
BMP will perform. Further detailed maintenance per structural BMP may be found in section 4.6.
4.4.4. Safety
Safety should always be incorporated into the planning and design of BMPs. Understanding the
site characteristics, equipment and environmental conditions all are important factors to consider.
Further safety guidelines are presented in Section 5.4.
4.5. BMP Selection based on Maintenance Issues
In order to handle stormwater pond maintenance issues in the most effective manner possible,
Table 8 has been developed to link maintenance issues to their causes. With the cause of the problem
known, BMP solutions can be put in place to manage the problem.
Table 8: An Overview of O&M Problems, Causes, and Solutions
BMP Solutions
Excess Littoral
Zone Growth
• High N & P loading from
agricultural runoff
• Residential fertilizer
• Reduced flood
storage capacity
• Clogged discharge
• Enhanced internal
nutrient circulation
• Vegetation
• Baffle box
• Sorption media
• Vegetated/Grass
• Infiltration
• Grier, 2008
• Morris et
al., 2006
• Bank erosion
• Pavement wear
• Agricultural runoff
• Construction sites
• Reduced water
• High turbidity
• Choked waterways
• Vegetated/Grass
• Infiltration
• Check dam
• Forebay
• Periodic removal
• Livingston
et al., 1997
BMP Solutions
• Oil and greases from
• Release of PAHs from
sealed parking lot
• Oil sheens
• Death of sensitive
aquatic wildlife
• Bioaccumulation
• Oil and grit
• Hydrocarbon
• Infiltration
• Birds
• Domesticated pets
• Exotic invasive animals
• Human health risks
• Infiltration
• Sand Filters
• Sorption Media
• Clary et al.,
Algal Blooms
• High N & P loading from
agricultural runoff
• Residential fertilizer
• Eutrophication
• Hypoxia
• Source control
• Grass swale
• Baffle box
• Sorption media
• Grier, 2008
Heavy Metal
• Vehicular engine wear,
braking, and exhaust
• Roof runoff
• Human and
health concerns
• Loss of biodiversity
• Baffle box
• Sorption media
• Infiltration
• Lack of infiltration due to
a impervious surfaces
• Downstream BMP
facilities become
• Flooding
• Outflow control
• Livingston
et al., 1997
• Human activity
• Trees/brush
• Unsightly
• Clogs inlets and
• Shelter mosquito
• Manual removal
• Baffle box with
collection screen
• NRC, 2008
BMPs that work in series with stormwater ponds are presented in Table 9:
Table 9: BMP Effectiveness Summary (Yes = effective, Partial = partially effective, No = not effective)
(MRI, 2003; Wanielista et al., 2008; WWEGC, 2010; Pazwash, 2011)
Nitrogen Phosphorus
Grass Swale
Filter Strip
Sand Filter
Sorption Media
4.6. Structural BMPs
4.6.1. Introduction
Structural BMPs are BMPs which include a structural component to the design and include a
variety of options for managing stormwater runoff. This section presents eleven (11) structural BMPs
including a description or their function, design, performance, costs and maintenance considerations.
These include:
• Wet Detention Basin / Wet Pond
• Retention Basin / Infiltration Basin
Exfiltration Trenches
• Vegetative Swales / Grass Swales
• Vegetated Filter Strips
• Constructed Filters
• Bioretention Basins / Landscape Retention
• Check Dams
• Baffle Boxes
Floating Treatment Wetlands
Turf Reinforcement Mats
Structural BMPs operate by a number of mechanisms to reduce stormwater total volume flow
and peak flows, increase groundwater recharge and reduce pollutant loading in runoff. Such mechanisms
include: settling, physical filtration, attenuation, evapotranspiration, chemical processes, and biological
transformation and uptake. Oftentimes the use of existing conditions and “natural” processes are
incorporated into structural BMPs such as use of the soil mantle or existing vegetation. A structural BMP
may be as simple as a vegetated swale or as complex as a sand filter with a holding basin and underdrain
It is important to note that in many cases non-structural BMPs may be used in place or in
combination with structural BMPs, and sometimes may offer a more affordable option with reduced
maintenance concerns.
4.6.2. Wet Detention Basin / Wet Pond
Description: Wet detention basins /
wet ponds are water basins that
collect and store stormwater for
peak runoff attenuation and water
quality improvement.
The basins
maintain a permanent wet pool
volume and allow space for an
additional variable volume used for
the attenuation of storm runoff.
They mainly serve as means to
reduce stormwater runoff peak
loads and reduce pollutant loads
through natural
and biological
Photo Source: Florida Department of Environmental Protection,
Design Considerations
Volume Reduction:
• Natural high groundwater table
Groundwater Recharge:
• Maintenance of control structures
Peak Rate Control:
• Short circuiting of run-off from influent to
Water Quality: Medium
outlet control structures
• Forebay or baffle box for sediment
Removal Efficiency
collection and removal
Sediments: 70%
• Adequate drainage area
Total Phosphorus: 45% – 70%
• Relatively impervious underlying soils
Total Nitrogen 30% – 50%
• Relatively large areas required
COD/BOD: 30%
Heavy Metals: 40% - 80%
Maintenance Considerations
Capital Costs
• Periodic removal of excess vegetation
• Removal of invasive plant species
O&M Costs
• Restoring eroded bank slopes
• Mowing of slopes
Function: Wet basins / wet ponds function to attenuate the volumetric loading of stormwater runoff to
receiving downstream water bodies “mimic” pre-development run-off characteristics, thereby minimizing
the flooding potential downstream. By retaining stormwater runoff for extended periods of time the
ponds also serve to reduce nutrient and pollutant loads by mechanisms including sedimentation, plant
growth and bacterial processes. In addition the ponds serve as a habitat for aquatic wildlife and provide
visual appeal to the public. These functions have been detailed in Table 10:
Table 10: Functionality of a Wet Detention Basin (WWEGC, 2010)
Water Quantity
Flow Attenuation
Runoff Volume Reduction
Pollutant Removal
Suspended Solids
Heavy Metals
Design: Wet basins / wet ponds are designed to maintain a normal wet pool elevation throughout the
year, as displayed in Figure 2. In order to maintain a wet pool elevation, wet basins / wet ponds are
typically installed in areas with soils of low infiltration rates. As a result, only a minimal amount of
groundwater infiltration will occur with wet basins / wet ponds.
Figure 2: Wet Detention Basin Design (Maryland Department of the Environment, 1986)
The runoff that is trapped in the pool will experience an improvement in water quality as it is slowly
released. The degree of water quality improvement is dependent upon the detention time, or the amount
of time that water is detained before being released. With time, gravity will settle sediments to the bottom
of the basin, and the inclusion of a littoral zone can provide nutrient and heavy metal reduction.
Several design considerations should be made when building wet detention basins / wet ponds.
These include:
• Wet basins / wet ponds should be designed so as to receive and retain a sufficient amount of flow
from run-off, rain and groundwater to maintain a permanent water surface.
Soil testing should be conducted to determine if suitable soils with low infiltration rates currently
exist or if modification by compaction or addition of new soils is required.
• Wet basins / wet ponds should be designed to treat the water quality volume required depending
on specifications.
If necessary the ponds should also mitigate against peak rate run-off and
potential flooding.
• Wet basins / wet ponds should be designed to allow easy access for maintenance purposes.
Short-circuiting of runoff flowing through the pond should be avoided. This may be achieved by
pond configuration, placement of the influent and outlet control structures or by installation of
baffle barriers to route the pond water throughout the pond prior to exiting through the outlet
control structure. These design considerations may also reduce the chance of certain areas of
the pond becoming stagnant.
Influent and outlet control structures should be designed so as to reduce clogging frequency.
Littoral zones, comprised of shallow water areas near the shore, may encourage the growth of
certain emergent aquatic vegetative species. These zones may increase the nutrient removal of
the pond by enhancing the plant up-take of nitrogen and phosphorus species. Littoral zones
should be designed to allow access for future maintenance and take into account the seasonal
fluctuations of the water level in the pond and what impact this may have on the plants.
Maintenance Requirements: When calculating the size of the basin, a specific “water quality” volume is
set aside for sediment capture. As this area fills to capacity, it will need to be dredged; otherwise, the
design capacity of the pond will be diminished, which could lead to a decrease in water quality volume
attenuation and possible flooding downstream. Other tasks include mowing the grass surrounding the
pond, controlling weeds on the shoreline and in the littoral zone, and restoring portions of the bank lost
to erosion. “This can be made easier with slopes of 3:1 or less for easy access, trash racks at principal
intakes, and construction of the principal spillway to resist failure from erosion or deterioration for its
design life” (Midwest Research Institute, 2003). Detailed maintenance tasks found in Section 5 which may
relate to wet detention basins include:
• Activity No. 461: Cleaning Drainage Structures
• Activity No. 471: Large Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 482: Slope Mowing
• Activity No. 484: Intermediate Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 485: Small Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 494: Chemical Weed and Grass Control
• Activity No. 541: Litter Removal
Capital and Maintenance Costs: Capital costs for the installation of a wet detention basin may vary greatly
depending on the size, depth, configuration, control structures, etc. Consideration also needs to be taken
if property needs to be purchased, which depending on location could add a considerable amount to the
capital cost. A majority of the capital costs will go to earthwork and planting. EPA estimates put capital
costs for wet detention ponds in the range of $25,000 to $50,000 per acre-foot (USEPA, 1999). Annual
maintenance costs may include mowing, fertilizer application, inspections, and upkeep of control
structures. Studies have suggested that preliminary cost estimates may be made using the following
equation (adapted from Wiegand et al., 1986)
C = 168.39 x V*0.69
C = construction cost estimate (based on 1995 dollars in the literature)
V = volume of storage of the pond (cubic meters) up to the crest of the emergency spillway
4.6.3. Retention Basin, Infiltration Basin
Description: Retention basins /
stormwater runoff in a pond like
structure and infiltrate the stored
water directly to the groundwater.
Unlike wet detention basins, the
water level in retention basins will
drop below ground
level and
become completely dry. The rate
infiltration depends on the
volume captured, the infiltration
characteristics of the underlying
soil and degree of compaction.
Photo Source: Department of Environmental Protection, (2014)
Design Considerations
Volume Reduction:
• High infiltration rates of underlying soil
Groundwater Recharge:
• Keep compaction of subgrade to a minimum
Peak Rate Control: Med/High
• Size to effectively attenuate peak volumetric
Water Quality:
loadings to receiving water bodies.
• Preserve existing surrounding vegetation if
Removal Efficiency
Sediments: 75% - 99%
• Design for applicable overflow conditions to
Total Phosphorus: 50% – 70%
prevent downstream flooding.
Total Nitrogen 45% - 70%
• May require relatively large area to construct
COD/BOD: 70% - 90%
Heavy Metals: 50% - 90%
Maintenance Considerations
Capital Costs
• Periodic removal of excess vegetation
• Mowing and weed control
O&M Costs
Inspection of inlet and outlet control
Function: Retention basins capture overland flow and store it; unlike a wet detention pond, this will not
retain a permanent water level. The runoff is held indefinitely, allowing it to infiltrate into the soil, thus
recharging the groundwater, or evaporate. This serves to reduce the peak stormwater flow rate and
volume, as well as foster pollutant removal. Table 11 details the attributes of a retention basin.
Table 11: Functionality of an Infiltration Basin (MRI, 2003; WWEGC, 2010)
Water Quantity
Flow Attenuation
Runoff Volume Reduction
Pollutant Removal
Suspended Solids
Heavy Metals
Design: Retention basins are partially effective at reducing the peak flow of stormwater runoff, since they
are typically an off-line BMP and only the first-flush is received. There are a number of concerns when
sizing the basin to adequately reduce the runoff volume. The area of the basin must be large enough to
store an adequate amount of storm water, whilet allowing it to percolate into the ground at a rate of
three to five inches an hour (Midwest Research Institute, 2003). If the water level in the basin is too high
or the runoff does not percolate into the ground quickly enough, the vegetation in the basin can die off.
Thus, the soil permeability and water table height in the area should be analyzed prior to design. There
are also human health concerns associated with using retention basins. As these systems are designed to
facilitate the movement of runoff into the ground, soluble contaminants and pollutant concentrations
that cannot be completely filtered out by the basin can be carried into the groundwater.
Vegetation should be used to line the floor of the basin. This protects against erosion, and the
plant root systems enhance the infiltration capacity of the basin by creating channels in the soil.
Additionally, the vegetation serves as a source for nutrient uptake. One last consideration in designing
infiltration basins is to remove coarse sedimentation from the influent through the use of another BMP.
Heavy sedimentation will reduce the basin volume and reduce the infiltration rate of water into the soil.
Maintenance Considerations: Sedimentation buildup in the basin will need to be periodically removed.
Vegetation should be maintained and replaced as necessary. The basin will need to be mowed and steps
should be taken to control weeds. Control structures should periodically be inspected clogging or
excessive debris or sediment buildup which may compromise the performance of the basin. Mowing and
trimming of vegetation may be necessary to maintain the performance of the basin, all detritus should be
removed of properly. Detailed maintenance tasks found in Section 5 which may relate to retention basins
• Activity No. 461: Cleaning Drainage Structures
• Activity No. 471: Large Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 482: Slope Mowing
• Activity No. 484: Intermediate Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 485: Small Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 494: Chemical Weed and Grass Control
• Activity No. 541: Litter Removal
Capital and Maintenance Costs: Capital costs for the installation of a wet detention basin may vary greatly
depending on the size, depth, configuration, control structures, etc. Consideration also needs to be taken
if property needs to be purchased, which depending on location could add a considerable amount to the
capital cost. Adding rip rap for bank stabilization will increase the cost of the basin significantly. A majority
of the capital costs will go to earthwork and planting. One method of evaluated proposed the following
equation before adjusting for inflation from 1997 (Brown and Schueler, 1997)
C = 12.4V0.760
C = Construction, Design and Permitting Cost
V = Volume needed to control the 10-year storm (cubic feet)
Exfiltration Trench
Description: An exfiltration trench
is a
filled with highly
gravel) and/or a stormwater sewer
pipe with perforated holes to allow
infiltration of stormwater to the
groundwater. Exfiltration trenches
groundwater as well temporarily
capture and store a certain volume
of stormwater.
Photo Source: Village of Palmetto Bay, (2014)
Design Considerations
Volume Reduction: Medium
• Good for capturing the “first-flush” of storm-
Groundwater Recharge:
water runoff
Peak Rate Control: Medium
• Trench may be wrapped in geotextile
Water Quality:
material to hold in place
• Typically placed over soils with good
Removal Efficiency
infiltration characteristics
Sediments: 75% - 99%
• Best use over un-compacted soils
Total Phosphorus: 50% – 75%
Layer of top soil added above the trench
Total Nitrogen 45% - 70%
COD/BOD: 70% - 90%
Heavy Metals: 45% - 70%
Maintenance Considerations
Capital Costs
• Removal of accumulated debris
O&M Costs
Function: Infiltration trenches capture the first-flush during a storm event and facilitate the infiltration of
the runoff into the ground through the sides and bottom of the trench. In comparison to an infiltration
basin, the trenches are long, narrow, and filled with a coarse aggregate. The trenches reduce the peak
flow and volume of runoff, and aid in the abatement of pollutant concentrations. This is summarized in
Table 12:
Table 12: Functionality of an Infiltration Trench (WWEGC, 2010)
Water Quantity
Flow Attenuation
Runoff Volume Reduction
Pollutant Removal
Suspended Solids
Heavy Metals
Design: Can be used in areas without space for infiltration basins. The trenches can be used at ground
level to intercept overland flow, or depressions can be used to direct runoff into the trench. An example
infiltration trench with surrounding pretreatment BMPs is shown in Figure 3:
Figure 3: Example Infiltration Trench with Pretreatment BMPs
The trenches typically range from three to twelve feet in depth, as determined from a 1-year
storm event and the permeability of the surrounding soil. The surrounding soils should be permeable, yet
in the case of a less permeable medium, the trench should be deeper to increase the drainage surface
area. The walls of the trench are lined with a filter fabric, while the bottom can be lined with fabric or a
fine sand layer. The stormwater flowing into the trench will temporarily reside between the stone
aggregate gaps, where microbial action and adhesion to the soil will reduce pollutant levels.
As with infiltration basins, the influent will need to be pretreated with an upstream BMP, such a
grass filter strips, to reduce the quantity of course sediments and debris, which would clog pores and
reduce the infiltration rate over time. Groundwater contamination can be inhibited by ensuring the trench
bottom is at least four feet above the water table during the wet season (Livingston, 1991).
Maintenance Considerations: The removal of sediment from the trench and upstream BMPs is the most
important aspect of infiltration trench maintenance. Once the upstream basins and grass filters have lost
10% of the design storage volume, the debris should be vacuumed out (Midwest Research Institute, 2003).
Complete trench rehabilitation can be expensive, yet one way to minimize the amount of trench that
needs to be reconstructed is to place a fabric liner six to twelve inches below the trench surface in order
to capture inbound sediments. Detailed maintenance tasks found in Section 5 which may relate to
exfiltration trenches include:
• Activity No. 482: Slope Mowing
• Activity No. 484: Intermediate Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 485: Small Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 494: Chemical Weed and Grass Control
• Activity No. 541: Litter Removal
Capital and Maintenance Costs: Capital costs for exfiltration trenches may vary greatly depending on the
site configuration, dimensions of the trench and site-specific conditions. An analysis of the soil type
beneath the trench may be necessary to determine infiltration rates. Typical construction costs have been
reported as $4 - $9 per cubic foot of storage, in 2003 dollars (SWRPC, 1991; Brown and Schueler, 1997).
Annual maintenance costs may be in the range of approximately 5% – 10% of capital costs (Schueler,
4.6.4. Vegetative Swales / Grass Swales
Description: Vegetative swales are
narrow grass filled furrows used to
suspended solids, and removal of
Photo Source: US Environmental Protection Agency, (2014)
Design Considerations
Volume Reduction:
• Should be planted with low growing native
Groundwater Recharge:
vegetation suitable for dry season weather
Peak Rate Control: Med/High
• Properly slope side to prevent bank erosion
Water Quality: Med/High
• Should aesthetically be designed for the
project site
Removal Efficiency
Incorporation of check dams will increase the
Sediments: 70% - 80%
retention time of stormwater by creating
Total Phosphorus: 30% – 50%
small detention pool storage
Total Nitrogen 25% - 40%
• Should percolate 80% of runoff from a 3-inch
COD/BOD: 25% - 40%
storm in 72 hours.
Heavy Metals: 50% - 90%
Maintenance Considerations
Capital Costs
• Periodic removal of excess vegetation
• Accumulated debris removal
O&M Costs
Function: Vegetative swales are shallow, grass-lined furrows that are designed to settle pollutants and
allow for the infiltration of stormwater runoff. Given their propensity to quickly settle coarse sediments,
the swales can be used as the first step in a BMP treatment train. This allows for the pretreatment of
runoff before it is discharged to BMPs that are prone to clogging from coarse sediments. A secondary
function of grass swales is to provide minor to moderate attenuation of the runoff flow rate and volume.
Refer to Table 13 for a summary of vegetative swale attributes:
Table 13: Functionality of Vegetative Swales (WWEGC, 2010)
Water Quantity
Flow Attenuation
Runoff Volume Reduction
Pollutant Removal
Suspended Solids
Heavy Metals
Design: Grassed swales are commonly seen on the sides of highways and are one of the oldest BMPs for
stormwater management. “Used alone, swales must percolate 80% of the runoff from a three-inch rainfall
within 72 hours to provide proper water quality benefits” (Livingston, 1991). The shallow swales use low
velocities and vegetation to facilitate the settling of pollutants. On a similar note, vegetative swales should
not be installed in parallel with a steep slope because the increased flow rates will disrupt settling and
cause erosion. In order to retard the flow, small check dams can be constructed, resulting in an increased
detention time and torpid flows. Grass swales near highways must be designed with driver safety in mind.
In order to accommodate this, the depth of the swales should be no greater than 1.5 feet and the facing
slope of a check dam should be limited to 2.75 degrees (Livingston, 1991).
The swale is vegetated in order to prevent erosion, enhance nutrient uptake, and allow for quicker
infiltration rates. Native grasses can be used as covering for the swale, and if the climate is not arid, the
watering may not be required. When designing grass swales, care should be taken to ensure that water
levels during storms will not rise above the grass level. High water levels can force the grass down flat;
thus, reducing the treatment effectiveness.
Maintenance Considerations: Much like a residential lawn, the maintenance for grass swales is relatively
simple. The grass swales will need to be mowed,, although the grass can be grown higher than normal
lawns while be getting nutrient inflows from surrounding areas. Debris should be cleared from the swale,
and vehicular usage on the swale should be prohibited. Detailed maintenance tasks found in Section 5
which may relate to vegetated swales may include:
• Activity No. 461: Cleaning Drainage Structures
• Activity No. 482: Slope Mowing
• Activity No. 484: Intermediate Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 485: Small Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 494: Chemical Weed and Grass Control
• Activity No. 541: Litter Removal
Capital and Maintenance Costs: Vegetated swales require a minimal amount of materials, and as such
may be attractive options when compared to concrete guttering and piping. Capital costs will vary per
design and site specifications. Generally speaking, costs will likely include earthwork, sodding, real estate
value and installation fees. Total costs, including construction and material costs have been estimated as
ranging from as little as $8.50 to as high as $50 per linear foot depending on swale depth and bottom
width (SEWRPC, 1991). Annual operation costs have been estimated as $0.75 per linear foot (PDEP, 2006).
4.6.5. Vegetated Filter Strips
Description: Vegetated filter strips
nonpoint pollution sources and
receiving water bodies. They serve
to intercept runoff and remove
pollutants, nutrients, sediments and
Photo Source: VA Department of Environmental Quality, (2014)
Design Considerations
Volume Reduction:
• Slope of vegetated strip effects sheet flow
Groundwater Recharge:
characteristics of runoff and retention
Peak Rate Control:
• Slopes less than 5% are generally preferred
Water Quality:
Level ground is preferable for uniform sheet
flow across strip
Removal Efficiency
• Degree of slope should consider the type of
Sediments: 70% - 90%
soil and vegetation to minimize erosion
Total Phosphorus: 40% - 70%
Length and width of filter strip will affect the
Total Nitrogen 20% - 40%
percent reduction of pollutants
COD/BOD: 40% - 80%
Heavy Metals: 0% - 20%
Maintenance Considerations
Capital Costs
• Periodic mowing and fertilization
Inspection for sediment build-up
O&M Costs
Function: Filter strips are similar to grass swales in that they are vegetated surfaces designed to slow the
flow rate of stormwater runoff discharged from impervious surfaces, and provide nutrient and sediment
removal. Infiltration can occur, but this is not a primary application. These parameters are shown in Table
Table 14: Functionality of Filter Strips (Pazwash, 2011)
Water Quantity
Flow Attenuation
Runoff Volume Reduction
Pollutant Removal
Suspended Solids
Heavy Metals
Design: Filter strips are flat land surfaces with a gentle slope. They do not function properly in areas with
a 10% gradient or limited space (Pazwash, 2011). In order for the filter strip to function properly, the filter
strip should receive runoff as sheet flow and stretch along the length of the impervious surface, which
makes it ideal for use alongside parking lots and road ways. Sheet flow ensures that the runoff is evenly
distributed amongst the strip’s surface area, which optimizes pollutant removal, infiltration, and flow
attenuation. Figure 3 displays a typical design profile of a vegetated filter strip.
Figure 4: Example Filter Strip (FDOT, 2007)
Filter strips can be populated with a variety of vegetative covers. The vegetative cover serves to
slow the runoff flow rate, trap sediments, and remove pollutants. The root systems from the vegetation
protect against erosion and increases infiltration by creating channels in the soil. Selected vegetation can
range from turf and meadow grasses to indigenous woods, which remove between 60-80% of the
maximum suspended solids in the runoff (New Jersey Department of Environmental Projection, 2010).
Maintenance Considerations: Vegetated filter strips, as with all BMPs require a certain degree of
maintenance. Of importance is ensuring that sheet flow conditions persist throughout the filter strip. If
the filter strip is not inspected and maintained, preferential flow pathways may form which increase
erosion rates and lead to the deterioration of the filter strip. The filter strips should be regularly mowed,
only when the ground is dry to prevent compaction and tracking damage. Erosion gullies should be
repaired and replaced where lost vegetative cover may occur. Depending on the sediments incorporated
in the stormwater runoff, filter strips may need to be checked for buildup of sediments. If check dams
are incorporated with the filter strip they should be routinely inspected for structural integrity and cracks.
Detailed maintenance tasks found in Section 5 which may relate to vegetated filter strips include:
• Activity No. 461: Cleaning Drainage Structures
• Activity No. 471: Large Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 482: Slope Mowing
• Activity No. 484: Intermediate Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 485: Small Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 494: Chemical Weed and Grass Control
• Activity No. 541: Litter Removal
Capital and Maintenance Costs: Vegetated filter strips are minimal in material and construction costs.
However, when compared with other BMPs they will likely require larger land area, as compared on a
flow basis. As such vegetated filter strips may be an attractive option if land is cheap and readily available.
Costs will include earthwork, sodding, installation of vegetation and installation of berms (if added).
Annual maintenance costs will vary depending on maintenance frequency and site location but may
include mowing, weeding, inspection, liter removal, etc. Annual maintenance costs have been estimated
at $100 - $1,400 per acre (PDEP, 2006).
4.6.6. Constructed Filters
Description: Constructed filters are
structures designed for the physical
filtration of stormwater through a
filtration media such as sand or
sorption media. Filters may be built
in-place structures or
prefabricated and
installed on
infiltration may be
used in filters to reduce runoff
Photo Source: City of Sandy, (2014)
Design Considerations
Volume Reduction:
• Underlay perforated pipes may be used for
Groundwater Recharge:
conveyance of post-filter water
Peak Rate Control:
• Pretreatment for debris and floatable solids
Water Quality:
may be necessary to prolong run times
Infiltration rates of media should be
Removal Efficiency
considered for effective design
Sediments: 70% - 90%
• Can be down-flow or up-flow design
Total Phosphorus: 50% - 70%
Total Nitrogen 30% - 50%
COD/BOD: 50% - 80%
Heavy Metals: 50% - 90%
Maintenance Considerations
Capital Costs
• Regular inspection and maintenance required
for functionality of the filter
O&M Costs
• Replacement of filter media if excessive
clogging occurs
Function: The primary purpose of sand filters is to provide water quality improvement. These devices are
off-line systems and do not reduce the runoff flow rate. The concentrated first-flush from a storm event
is channeled to the sand filter, where pollutants, mainly suspended solids and heavy metals, are removed.
This is summarized in Table 15:
Table 15: Functionality of Sand Filters (Pazwash, 2011)
Water Quantity
Flow Attenuation
Runoff Volume Reduction
Pollutant Removal
Suspended Solids
Heavy Metals
Design: Filters require frequent maintenance to maintain functional efficiency. Consequently, these
systems are implemented when space is at a premium. Sand filter systems can have from two to three
chambers as displayed in Figure 5:
Figure 5: Example Sand Filter Configuration. Not to Scale. (Washington State Department of Ecology, 2000)
The first chamber serves to remove floatables and clarify the influent by removing solids, which would
otherwise clog the pores of the sand filter. As treated water flows of the weir into the second chamber,
percolation through the sand filters out additional suspended solids, while also removing nitrogen,
biological oxygen demand, suspended solids, and pathogens. The third chamber is termed the discharge
chamber and it is often combined with the second chamber. The effluent is then discharged through an
outflow pipe.
Another configuration for filter designs for inter-event treatment of wet detention pond water
are Media Bed Reactors (MBRs). MBRs may be designed in a sloped configuration or designed for
horizontal placement. MBRs incorporate solar power and DC pumps to cycle pond water through the filter
during dry inter-event periods, thereby creating a direct treatment method for the pond which may run
under continual operation. MBRs are usually filled with a sorption media rather than sand due to low
infiltration rates of sand. They may also be filled with “roughing” media or specialized media to remove
metals in the primary chambers.
There are a number of pollutant removal mechanisms in a sand filter. Solids are removed through
gravity settling in the sedimentation chamber. In the filtration chamber, particles that are too large to fit
through the poor spaces will be trapped and can also block smaller particles. However, the straining of
particles and subsequent clogging of pore spaces will increase the drawdown time. Adsorption is the
chemical bonding of pollutants to the surface of the sand particles. This is the main mechanism for soluble
nutrients, metals, and organic pollutant removal (FDOT, 2007). With regards to microbial action, if the
sand layer is kept moist, a biological layer will develop which breaks down organic pollutants and
consumes nutrients and coliforms. Lastly, wetland plants, algae, and grasses growing in the sand will serve
as a source of nutrient uptake.
Maintenance Considerations: Twice a year, sediment buildup should be removed from the sedimentation
chamber to ensure suitable detention times. Inspection of the filters is recommended four times per year
(depending on site specifics). The top layer of sediment and discolored sand (if a second chamber is being
used) should be removed and replaced when the sand filter is visibly clogged. Removal of any trash and
debris should occur as necessary. Replacement of the filter media may eventually be necessary, however
this will depend on the characteristic of the runoff and maintenance frequency. Detailed maintenance
tasks found in Section 5 which may relate to filters include:
• Activity No. 461: Cleaning Drainage Structures
• Activity No. 541: Litter Removal
Capital and Maintenance Costs: Capital costs for constructed filters vary greatly depending on the
configuration of the filter, piping, filtration media used as well as its availability and whether a concrete
holding structure is required for the filter. Maintenance costs will include inspections, media replacement
and labor for filter upkeep.
4.6.7. Bioretention Basin / Landscape Retention
Description: A bioretention basin is
a shallow surface depression, either
natural or constructed, with planted
vegetation designed for the capture
through pooling, settling, filtration
and plant up-take mechanisms. The
bioretention basins may also add to
the aesthetics in urban settings by
the inclusion of vegetated areas.
Photo Source: Australian Department of the Environment,
Design Considerations
Volume Reduction: Medium
• Typically used for aesthetic quality
Groundwater Recharge: Med/High
• Vegetation should be adapted for submerged
Peak Rate Control:
and dry environments
Water Quality: Med/High
• May incorporate trees
• Deep rooted vegetation may increase
Removal Efficiency
infiltration rates by creation of flow pathways
Sediments: 85%
Infiltration rates increased if placed on high
Total Phosphorus: 85%
permeable soils
Total Nitrogen *Limited data
• Perforated underdrains may be incorporated
COD/BOD: *Limited data
for post-basin stormwater conveyance
Heavy Metals: *Limited data
Maintenance Considerations
Capital Costs
• Regular landscaping maintenance
• Removal of trash and debris
O&M Costs
• Mowing
• Erosion repair (if present)
*Limited data available.
Function: Bio-retention basins are commonly used in parking lots and residences to reduce the flow rate
and volume of stormwater runoff. Furthermore, plants, microbes, and the soil improve the water quality
through a number of pathways common to forested areas in nature. This is achieved by diverting runoff
into the basin, where it is able to pool up. As the runoff percolates through the soil matrix, it is filtered by
the soil and plants. The water is then discharged into the water table or transported away through a
perforated pipe. Stormwater quantity and pollutant removal characteristics are shown in Table 16:
Table 16: Functionality of a Bioretention Basin (Pazwash, 2011)
Water Quantity
Flow Attenuation
Runoff Volume Reduction
Pollutant Removal
Suspended Solids
Heavy Metals
Design: Bioretention systems are shallow depressions, composed of a plant and soil matrix which receives
runoff from impervious surfaces and treats it onsite. Refer to Figure 5 for an example:
Figure 6: Exemplary Bioretention System (FDOT, 2007)
As the water pools in the depression, it is gradually filtered throughout the soil bed. In order to
prevent flooding the vegetation, water levels above the water quality volume are diverted out of the
basin. In regards to the soil matrix, it should be thick enough to properly treat the runoff, yet it should
also be permeable to ensure drainage of the basin within two days after the storm event (Pazwash, 2011).
Plants, trees, and grasses used within the basins should be native and able to withstand periods of partial
immersion. The specific pollutant removal mechanisms used in bioretention basins are adsorption,
filtration, volatilization, ion exchange, and decomposition (Prince George's Count Department of
Environmental Protection, 1993).
Maintenance Activities: Typical maintenance in a bioretention system is relegated to landscaping. The
system requires the most maintenance in the initial implementation phase. After the landscaping has
taken root, the maintenance demands are less intense. The maintenance activities are presented in Table
Table 17: Bioretention system maintenance activities and schedule (ETA and Biohabitats, 1993)
Maintenance Activity
Mulch bare spots
As required
Treat diseased vegetation
As required
Mow turf
As required
Clear litter and debris
Repair soil erosion
Replace diseased and dead
Prune shrubs
Add fresh mulch
Sediment removal
Once during the
system’s lifetime
Detailed maintenance tasks found in Section 5 which may relate to bioretention basins include:
• Activity No. 461: Cleaning Drainage Structures
• Activity No. 482: Slope Mowing
• Activity No. 484: Intermediate Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 485: Small Machine Mowing
• Activity No. 494: Chemical Weed and Grass Control
• Activity No. 541: Litter Removal
Capital and Maintenance Costs: Capital costs for a bioretention can be estimated using the following
equation relating treatment volume to cost (Brown and Schueler, 1997):