How to Declutter Your Home and Keep It Tidy for Good

How to Declutter Your Home and Keep It Tidy for Good, updated 10/17/24, 8:42 AM


More importantly, once you’ve decluttered, you can maintain this tidiness for good. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you declutter your home and keep it that way.

More Info: How to Declutter Your Home

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Home Organisers
How to Declutter Your Home and Keep It Tidy for Good
A cluttered home can feel overwhelming and stressful, but decluttering doesn’t have
to be a daunting task. With a clear plan and the right strategies, you can transform
your space into a clean, organized, and peaceful environment. More importantly,
once you’ve decluttered, you can maintain this tidiness for good. Here’s a step-by-
step guide to help you declutter your home and keep it that way.
More Info: How to Declutter Your Home
1. Start Small: Focus on One Area at a Time
When starting a decluttering project, it’s important to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Begin by focusing on one room or area at a time. A great way to start is by tackling
smaller, manageable spaces like a closet, a drawer, or even just a section of a room.
This approach will not only make the process less stressful but will also provide a
sense of accomplishment as you gradually see your progress.
You can set a timer for 15 or 30 minutes to work on one specific area. Knowing you
only have a limited amount of time can motivate you to focus and prevent
2. Sort and Categorize Your Belongings
When decluttering, it’s essential to sort through your belongings and group them
into categories. One popular method is the "Three-Box Method," where you have
three boxes labeled "Keep," "Donate/Sell," and "Throw Away." As you go through
your items, place each one into the appropriate box.
This step helps you evaluate what you actually need and use versus what is just
taking up space. Be honest with yourself — if an item no longer serves a purpose, it’s
time to let it go. Sentimental items can be harder to part with, but setting limits on
how many you keep can help.
3. Let Go of Unnecessary Items
A major challenge in decluttering is the emotional attachment we often have to
things. However, remember that your home should be a place of relaxation, not a
storage unit for unused or forgotten items. Take a minimalist approach: if you
haven't used something in the last year or it doesn’t bring you joy, it’s time to part
Consider donating items that are in good condition to local charities or sell them
online to earn some extra cash. By letting go of these items, you’re not only making
space in your home but also giving them a second life elsewhere.

Home Organisers
4. Organize with Purpose
Once you've sorted through and decluttered your belongings, it’s time to organize
what’s left. Group similar items together, such as kitchen tools, office supplies, or
clothing. Invest in organizational tools like shelves, storage boxes, or drawer dividers
to help keep everything in its designated place. Vertical storage solutions, such as
wall-mounted shelves, can also save floor space and keep your home neat.
Labeling storage containers can be helpful in maintaining organization over time,
especially for family members. Knowing where everything belongs will make it easier
to return items to their proper places after use.
5. Establish Daily Habits to Maintain Tidiness
Decluttering your home is one thing, but maintaining that level of tidiness requires
consistent effort. Create daily habits that help keep clutter at bay. For example,
make your bed each morning, clear off countertops, and spend just 10 minutes
tidying up before bed. Simple routines like these can prevent clutter from piling up
and make your home feel organized every day.
Another helpful tip is to adopt the "one-in, one-out" rule — for every new item you
bring into your home, you must get rid of something else. This prevents
accumulation of unnecessary belongings and keeps clutter in check.
6. Schedule Regular Decluttering Sessions
Even with the best of habits, clutter can slowly creep back into our homes over time.
To avoid this, schedule regular decluttering sessions. You can choose a frequency
that works for you, whether it’s once a month, every season, or at the start of each
new year. These sessions allow you to re-evaluate your belongings and keep your
space clutter-free.
During these sessions, focus on areas that tend to accumulate clutter, such as junk
drawers, kitchen counters, or closets. Regular check-ins will prevent these spaces
from becoming overwhelming again.
7. Involve the Whole Family
If you live with family or roommates, encourage them to get involved in the
decluttering process. Teaching children the importance of organization from a young
age can make it easier to maintain a tidy home. Assign each person specific tasks or
areas to manage, so everyone shares the responsibility of keeping the home clutter-
Decluttering your home can lead to a more organized and peaceful environment, but
it’s also about maintaining that tidiness for the long term. By breaking the process

Home Organisers
down into manageable steps, letting go of unnecessary items, organizing with
purpose, and adopting daily habits, you can enjoy a clutter-free home for good. With
regular maintenance and a mindful approach, you’ll ensure your home remains a
calm, welcoming space for years to come.
More Info: How to Declutter Your Home