Renewal Training Email

Renewal Training Email, updated 1/11/21, 9:52 PM


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Thank you for service as a CDA PD Specialist™. Our records show that your PDS agreement is set
to expire in 2021.

To renew your agreement, the Council requires all PD Specialists to successfully complete our
“Renewal Training”. This is a self-paced training to review the processes and policies that govern the
CDA Verification Visit™.

This training will become available to you only within 90 days of your expiration date and not
before. You can view your expiration date by logging into your Personal Dashboard in YourCouncil.

The training center is accessible from your Personal Dashboard in YourCouncil. To begin
training, log into your YourCouncil account and select the “PDS Renewal and Refresher
Training” tab. *Again, this tab will not be available until
90 days before your expiration date.*

Once you have clicked this tab, follow the step-by-step instructions.
We are providing 30 calendar days from logging in, for you to complete the training.

The training is video-based and self-paced. Each PD Specialist must pass the examination in
order to renew the two-year PD Specialist Agreement with the Council. All PD Specialists
taking the exam are given two attempts.

For detailed instructions, see the options below:

Step-by-Step Instructions

Completing the Specialist Acceptance Process

Accessing the YourCouncil Training Center (Useful for when you leave the training and come
back to it another time.)

For any questions, please call our Customer Care phone number at 1-800-424-4310 or email
us at


Training & Development Department
Council for Professional Recognition