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U.S. History Spring Pre/Post Test
[test begins]
1. The policy of a strong country extending its rule over a weaker territory is known as: (HS.SP1.2; HS.H1.1; HS.H2.4)
a. Isolationism
b. Sectionalism
c. Militarism
d. Imperialism
(Image 1)
2. The photograph above (Image1) best represents which of the following? (HS.SP1.1; HS.H1.6; HS.H4.1)
b. Tenement living
c. Mass transit
3. Which of the following initially stood to gain the most through America’s acquisition of Hawaii? (HS.SP1.1;
HS.H1.1; HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4; HS.H3.3)
a. Inhabitants of the islands
b. American Businessmen
c. Great Britain
d. The Hawaiian Kingdom
4. Which one of the following was a factor that led to the Spanish-American War? (HS.H1.1; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.4)
a. The destruction of the USS Maine
b. The invasion of the Spanish mainland by the United States Marines
c. Construction of the Panama Canal
d. The Philippine Insurrection
5. Which one of the following did the US gain as a result of its war with Spain? (HS.H1.1; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.2; HS.H2.3;
a. Philippines
b. Dominican Republic
c. Spanish Samoa
d. Canary Islands
6. Yellow Journalism can best be described as (HS.SP1.1; HS.SP1.3; HS.SP2.1)
a. Honest reasonable reporting
b. One-sided political commentary
Investigative journalism
d. Sensationalized news reporting
7. Which group was responsible for the formation of the Populist Party? (HS.C1.1; HS.C2.3; HS.H3.1; HS.H4.4)
a. Farmers
b. Popular sovereigns
c. Miners
d. Business Owners
8. Building codes requiring fire escapes were the result of what event? (HS.SP1.1; HS.SP1.2; HS.SP1.3; HS.C2.3;
HS.H3.1; HS.H4.1)
a. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire
b. Destruction of the Hindenburg
c. Haymarket riot
d. Collapse of the Brooklyn Bridge
9. This American contribution to architecture and construction helped solve the issue of how best to use limited space in
large cities by making possible the building of skyscrapers. (HS.SP1.3; HS.H1.7; HS.H4.2; HS.H4.3)
a. Bamboo
b. Steel
c. Pig Iron
d. Slavery
10. The U.S. policy of using the nation’s economic power to exert influence over other countries. (HS.H1.1; HS.H2.2;
a. Big Stick Diplomacy
b. Dollar Diplomacy
c. Triangular Diplomacy
d. Strong Arm Diplomacy
11. Which statement is true regarding immigrants living in large U.S. industrial cities in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries? (HS.SP1.1; HS.SP1.3; HS.H1.6; HS.H4.1; HS.H4.4)
a. They settled in neighborhoods with an existing population of their own ethnicity
b. They were the first ones to find jobs because they were willing to work harder than most
c. They often sheltered their children from the harsh reality of the immigrant workforce
d. They often refused to learn the English language because it was too difficult
12. Segregation laws passed in southern states that were meant to separate whites and African Americans in public and
private facilities were known as: (HS.SP1.1; HS.C2.3; HS.H1.6; HS.H3.1; HS.H4.1; HS.H4.4)
a. Jim Crow Laws
b. The Inequality Act of 1902
c. the Plessy laws
d. the Ferguson
13. The foreign policy position held by the US immediately prior to World War I was: (HS.H2.2; HS.H2.4)
a. Pacifism
b. Militarism
c. Sectionalism
14. World War I was the first war in which (HS.SP1.1; HS.H4.1)
a. African Americans served in the U.S. army
b. Hot air balloons were used
c. Guerrilla warfare was used
d. Women officially served in the armed forces
15. In 1917, the US passed the Selective Service Act primarily to… (HS.SP1.3; HS.C1.1; HS.C2.4; HS.H3.4)
a. Provide enough American soldiers to meet the large scale of warfare that was taking place in Europe
b. Ensure African Americans and Native Americans were not in combat roles
c. To make sure that men and women were drafted in equal numbers
d. Attempt to push Woodrow Wilson’s agenda on European countries
16. According to the Zimmermann telegram, if Mexico allied with Germany, Germany would (HS.SP2.1; HS.H2.1)
a. Help Mexico regain Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona
b. Help Mexico take control of Central America
c. Prevent the United States from taking control of Mexico.
d. Send troops to support the Huerta government.
17. Which of the following is not a reason the United States entered WW I? (HS.H2.1; HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4)
a. The Zimmermann telegram
b. The sinking of the Lusitania
c. Unrestricted submarine warfare
d. To check the expansion of Japan in the Pacific
18. What was the reason for the United States' refusal to participate in the League of Nations? (HS.H2.1; HS.H2.2;
HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4)
Joining would have led to an increase in federal spending.
b. The U.S. wanted to avoid being pulled into more international affairs.
c. The U.S. did not want to negotiate with any European nations.
d. The League's members were long-time enemies of the U.S.
19. Which of the following best describes the Great Migration? (HS.SP1.1; HS.H1.6; HS.H3.1; HS.H4.2; HS.H4.4)
a. Native Americans began moving to Canada
b. Eastern European moved to America by the thousands
c. Thousands African Americans moved to northern cities
d. Mexicans began moving north into California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas
20. The post WWI period in which Americans hunted down socialists, communists, anarchists, and persecuted many
associated with these groups was known as (HS.SP1.1; HS.H3.4; HS.H4.4)
a. The Dying Time
b. The Red Plague
c. The Bolshevik Crisis
d. The Red Scare
21. Which of the following best describes what the flappers of the 1920s were rebelling against? (HS.SP1.1; HS.SP2.1;
HS.C2.3; HS.H3.1; HS.H4.1; HS.H4.4)
a. The cult of domesticity
b. The liberal values of the time
c. The supporters of socialism
d. The Progressive Movement
22. The Harlem Renaissance best illustrates which of the following? (HS.SP1.1; HS.H1.6; HS.H4.1; HS.H4.2; HS.H4.4)
a. A flowering of African American culture
b. Urbanization and social progress
c. Technological improvements in the 1920s
d. A popular type of rebellious dance from the 1920s
23. Which one of the following was not an economic condition that contributed to the cause of the Great Depression?
(HS.H3.1; HS.H3.3)
a. People had less money to spend
b. Rising prices
c. Not enough banks
d. Stagnant wages
24. This event triggered the Great Depression (HS.H3.1; HS.H3.3)
a. The president was assassinated
b. The stock market crash
c. The Federal reserve burned down
d. President Hoover’s 1928 State of the Union Address
25. The area in the Midwest which was ravaged by drought was known as the: (HS.SP1.1; HS.H3.3)
a. Southwest
b. Eastern Seaboard
c. Appalachian Mountains
d. Great Plains
26. What were the three R’s associated with the New Deal? (HS.SP1.2; HS.H3.1; HS.H3.3)
a. Relief, reform, reaction
b. Relief, reaction, reconstruct
c. Relief, reform, recovery
d. Reform, reaction, reconstruct
27. During its peak, unemployment during the Great Depression reached (HS.H3.3; HS.E1.3)
a. 25%
b. 11%
c. 50%
d. 75%
28. Which of these describes a 1930s "Hooverville"? (HS.SP1.1; HS.H3.1; HS.H3.3; HS.H4.4)
a. A government district of subsidized housing
b. A shantytown that sprung up in most of America's cities
c. A U.S. town with the highest unemployment rate
d. A run-down apartment building in the slums
29. Roosevelt’s Fireside Chats were primarily made to… (HS.SP2.1; HS.C2.3; HS.H3.1)
a. Explain government policy and inspire confidence among American citizens
b. Call Americans to do specific tasks
c. Put pressure on Congress to enact reforms
Inspire citizens to join the army for World War II
30. Two major causes of the rise of dictatorships after World War I were (HS.SP1.1; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.2; HS.H2.3;
a. the Treaty of Versailles and economic depression
b. the emergence of new political ideas and economic depression
c. the Treaty of Paris and a lack of strong leadership after the war
d. the emergence of new political ideas and a lack of strong leadership after the war
31. In 1935, Congress passed a series of laws designed to keep America out of future wars. They were called the…
(HS.C2.3; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.2; HS.H2.4)
a. Good Neighbor Policies
b. Atlantic Charters
c. Nonintervention Acts
d. Neutrality Acts
32. How did Navajo soldiers help the Allies regain islands in the Pacific during the war? (HS.SP1.1; HS.H2.2; HS.H4.1;
a. Navajo soldiers used their native language to code messages that the Japanese could not
b. Navajo fighter pilots escorted bombers to Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
c. Navajo fighter pilots firebombed Japan cities once the Allies controlled Iwo Jima.
d. Navajo soldiers were part of a tank battalion that halted the Axis forces at the Battle of the
33. What was the name for the strategy to cut Japan off from the empire it had been creating? (HS.H2.1; HS.H2.2;
HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4)
a. Island Hopping
b. The Nimitz Corollary
c. The MacArthur plan
d. Anaconda Plan
34. Executive order 9066 led to the… (HS.SP1.1; HS.C2.3; HS.H1.6; HS.H2.3; HS.H4.1; HS.H4.4)
Internment of Japanese Americans
b. Construction of prisoner of war camps
c. The repatriating of native Hawaiians
d. Supreme Court packing
35. The allied invasion of France is more commonly known as (HS.H2.1; HS.H2.2; HS.H2.3)
a. V-E Day
b. D-Day
c. The Battle of the Bulge
d. The Great Crusade
36. The Manhattan Project led to… (HS.SP1.1; HS.H1.7; HS.H2.3; HS.H4.2; HS.H4.3)
a. The internment of suspected spies from Japan and Germany
b. The creation of atomic weapons
c. The plan for dividing Germany in the post-war world
d. The rise of Joseph Stalin
37. What was the primary reason the Soviet Union refused to leave the Eastern European countries it occupied?
(HS.SP1.2; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.2; HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4)
a. The Soviet government wanted to assist the United States with the implementation of the Marshall Plan,
It wanted to “create a buffer zone” against capitalism and Germany
It wanted to participate in the occupation of Germany along with England, the US and France
It wanted a port city so that it could obtain resources more easily
38. Why did the US target Hiroshima and Nagasaki? (HS.H1.6; HS.H1.7; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.3; HS.H4.2; HS.H4.3)
a. They were largely uninhabited by 1945
It was presumed that Hirohito was living in one of those cities
c. They were seen to be providing material and training to the Japanese military
d. They were densely populated and were targeted to make a point
39. The Marshall Plan was (HS.C2.3; HS.H1.1; HS.H2.2; HS.H2.4)
a. An economic plan to rebuild the Soviet Union
b. An economic plan to rebuild western Europe
c. A plan designed to repair America’s infrastructure
d. A plan designed to rebuild southeast Asia
40. The post WWII policy designed to block the spread of communism was called (HS.H1.1; HS.H2.2; HS.H2.4)
a. Containment
b. The Truman defense
c. Executive Order 9066
d. Domino Theory
41. The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were similar in that they were both (HS.SP1.1; HS.C2.3; HS.H1.1;
HS.H2.2; HS.H2.4)
a. Part of the larger containment policy
b. Designed to assist an economic recovery program in Eastern Europe
Issued in response to the construction of the Berlin Wall
d. Articulated by diplomatic adviser George Kennan
42. That period of time after World War II in which the United States and Soviet Union engaged in a war of ideologies
was known as… (HS.C2.3; HS.H1.1; HS.H1.7; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.2; HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4)
a. The Cold War
b. World War III
c. The U.S./Soviet Conflict
d. The Red Scare
43. What is the first significant crisis of the Cold War? (HS.SP1.1; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4)
a. The construction of the Berlin Wall
b. The Korean War
c. The Vietnam War
d. The Berlin Blockade
44. During the 1950’s, this politician led a “witch hunt” against suspected Communists. (HS.SP2.1; HS.C2.3; HS.H2.3;
HS.H3.4; HS.H4.4)
Joseph Kennedy
Joseph McCarthy
c. Harry Truman
d. Alger Hiss
45. The Cuban Missile Crisis was ultimately caused by which of the following? (HS.H2.1; HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4)
a. The discovery of Soviet troops in Cuba
b. The discovery of Japanese missiles in Cuba
c. American blockade of Cuba
d. The discovery of offensive Soviet missiles in Cuba
46. "I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners
will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi,
a desert state sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and
This speech was delivered by Martin Luther King, Jr. as part of the… (HS.SP1.1; HS.SP1.2; HS.C1.1; HS.H1.6;
HS.H4.1; HS.H4.4)
a. Civil Rights Act
b. March on Washington
c. Voting Rights Act
d. Montgomery Bus Boycott
47. Who were the Freedom Riders? (HS.SP1.1; HS.SP2.1; HS.C1.1; HS.H1.6; HS.H4.1; HS.H4.4)
a. White and Black college students who challenged interstate bussing discrimination laws
b. College students who travelled around the country demanding equal rights for all
c. High school students who boycotted busses in Alabama
d. College students who boycotted busses in New York City
48. What impact did the Cold War have of Americans’ perception of the assassination of President John Kennedy?
(HS.SP2.1; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.3)
a. Americans were unsure if this was a Soviet plot to destabilize the American government
b. The assassination led to the end of the Red Scare
c. The assassination forced the Soviets to tear down the Berlin Wall
d. The assassination ended the Cold War
49. What unexpected piece of evidence created controversy around the official report of the Kennedy Assassination?
(HS.SP2.1; HS.H4.2; HS.H4.3)
a. Federalist Papers
b. Zapruder Film
c. Pentagon Papers
d. Executive Order 9066
50. What is the long-term effect of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? (HS.SP2.1; HS.C2.3; HS.H1.6; HS.H3.1; HS.H4.1;
a. Banned segregation
b. Prohibited discrimination based on race, gender or religion
c. Prohibited the use of poll taxes
d. Made lynching a federal crime
51. Lyndon Johnson’s idea to reform American society both socially and economically was known as… (HS.C2.3;
HS.H3.1; HS.H3.3; HS.H4.1; HS.H4.4)
a. The War on Poverty
b. The Great Society
c. The New Deal
d. The Greatest Generation
52. What was one of the consequences of Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination? (HS.SP1.1; HS.SP1.3; HS.H1.6;
HS.H4.1; HS.H4.4)
a. His death led to further segregation in hundreds of southern cities.
b. President Johnson urged Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act.
c. People around the country lost interest in the Civil Rights Movement.
d. Urban rioting broke out in more than one hundred cities.
It was the only deployment of American ground troops into South Vietnam.
It was the only formal Congressional approval for American intervention in Vietnam.
53. What was the significance of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? (HS.SP1.1; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.4)
It involved multiple countries throughout Southeast Asia.
It had the effect of promoting General Westmoreland.
54. Why was it difficult for the American military to identify the enemy in Vietnam? (HS.H1.6; HS.H2.1)
a. The enemy had good hiding places
b. Poor American leadership
c. the enemy combatants blended in with the civilian population
d. the enemy wore excellent camouflage.
55. What relatively new source of information had the greatest impact in turning public opinion against the Vietnam War?
(HS.SP1.2; HS.SP2.1; HS.H1.7; HS.H4.2; HS.H4.3)
a. Television
b. Radio
c. Telegraph
d. the internet
56. What occurred at Kent State University? (HS.SP1.1; HS.H2.3; HS.H3.4; HS.H4.4)
a. Four anti-war protesters were killed by the Ohio National Guard
b. A massive anti-war rally that caused the resignation of President Richard Nixon
c. Students bombed the ROTC building
d. A major sit-in
57. Who was the first person to set foot on the moon? (HS.C2.3; HS.H1.7; HS.H2.3; HS.H4.2; HS.H4.3)
a. Alan Shepard
b. Buzz Aldrin
c. Yuri Gagarin
d. Neil Armstrong
58. The Supreme Court Case that overturned Plessy v. Ferguson was… (HS.C2.3; HS.H1.6; HS.H4.1; HS.H4.4)
a. Roe v. Wade
b. Korematsu v. US
c. Brown v. Board of Education
d. Marbury v. Madison
59. The purpose of Agent Orange was to (HS.H1.1; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.3)
a. Cut Vietcong supply lines.
b. Destroy the Vietcong’s ability to hide in jungles.
c. Infiltrate the Vietcong military.
d. Force the Kingdom of Laos to surrender
60. The Watergate scandal resulted in… (HS.H3.1; HS.C3.3; HS.C3.4)
a. Congressional reforms
b. The resignation of Richard Nixon
c. The impeachment of Richard Nixon
d. A failure of the 4 th estate
61. The Pentagon Papers revealed that… (HS.SP2.1; HS.C1.1; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.3)
a. American prisoners of war were being tortured in North Vietnamese prisons.
b. American soldiers had massacred Vietnamese civilians at My Lai.
c. many more Americans had died in Vietnam than had been reported.
d. the government had not been honest with the public about Vietnam.
62. As part of President Nixon's policy of detente, he… (HS.C2.3; HS.H2.2; HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4)
a. Traveled to Moscow and signed the Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty
b. Withdrew the American troops from Vietnam
c. Encouraged more domestic support for the Vietnam War
d. Assisted the People's Republic of China in forcing the Nationalists to Taiwan
63. Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding the Watergate scandal? (HS.SP2.1; HS.C3.3; HS.C3.4;
a. Nixon’s narrow victory in the Electoral College in 1972 turned the press against him.
It was largely caused by Nixon’s steadfast commitment to Republican ideas in all of his views.
It was largely caused by President Nixon’s paranoia, which involved audio tape recordings.
d. The Judicial Branch ultimately rose to check Nixon.
64. The wars in Korea and Vietnam during the Cold War are examples of _______ wars. (HS.H2.1; HS.H2.3)
a. Proxy
b. Unfinished and ongoing
d. Decisive
65. President Nixon did all of the following except, (HS.H2.2; HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4)
a. Ping Pong Diplomacy (invited talks with China)
b. Introduced détente with the Soviet Union during the Cold War
c. Successfully withdrew troops from Vietnam
d. Free Cambodia
66. How did Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem contribute to the feminist movement during the 1960s and 1970s?
(HS.SP1.1; HS.SP1.3; HS.C1.1; HS.C2.3; HS.H1.6; HS.H3.1; HS.H4.1; HS.H4.2; HS.H4.3; HS.H4.4)
a. They campaigned for gender equality through peaceful protests and sit-ins.
b. They campaigned for gender equality through literature and political activism.
c. They helped pass a law that eliminated gender discrimination in the workplace.
d. They helped pass a law that gave more job opportunities to women.
67. The United States saw an increase of women entering the workforce in the 1960s and 1970s. How did having a career
outside the home impact women? (HS.SP1.1; HS.SP1.3; HS.SP2.1; HS.C1.1; HS.H4.1; HS.H4.4)
a. Fathers did not modify their lifestyles to help accommodate the influx of women into the workforce.
b. The divorce rate in the United States declined significantly between the 1960s and 1970s.
c. Many women were forced to find a balance between working a job and having a home life.
d. Women automatically earned the same salaries as their male counterparts in the same field.
68. President Gerald Ford was the only American President to… (HS.H3.1; HS.C1.2; HS.C1.3)
a. Lack military experience
b. Serve in NASA
c. Never have been elected as President or Vice President
d. Feel the need to end the war in Vietnam
69. In 1976, Jimmy Carter won the election primarily because… (HS.SP1.3; HS.H3.1)
a. He had significant political experience
b. He seemed more like a true Republican than Nixon or Ford
c. He seemed open and came across as a Washington outsider
d. He had significant diplomatic experience dealing with Russia and China
70. President Jimmy Carter was most successful with which of these? (HS.H2.2; HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4)
a. Energy, Environment, & the U.S. Economy
b. Foreign Policy with Iran
c. Foreign Policy with Egypt & Israel
d. Ending Soviet occupation of East Germany
71. What was the main concept behind Reaganomics? (HS.H3.3; HS.E3.3)
Increase federal government spending
b. Regulate domestic markets
c. Provide widespread tax cuts
d. Provide more social welfare programs
72. Which national scandal involved the Reagan Presidency? (HS.C3.3; HS.C3.4)
a. Whitewater
b. Lewinsky
c. Watergate
73. As a result of the Challenger Explosion and the end of the Cold War, NASA… (HS.SP2.1; HS.H1.7; HS.H4.2;
a. Has decided to increase the number of manned space flights to the moon
b. Has received increased funding
c. Has experienced cuts in funding
d. Has merged with the space programs of other countries and no longer operates independently
74. Which of the following is true about the Persian Gulf War, or Operation Desert Storm? (HS.SP1.1; HS.H1.1;
HS.H1.7; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4; HS.H4.2; HS.H4.3)
a. President George H.W. Bush was concerned about Saddam Hussein’s profession of radical Islamic beliefs.
b. Most of the conflict ended quickly because of new US military technologies.
c. The US military suffered significant casualties as a result of fighting in desert terrain.
d. Since the US lost, it set the stage for another war in Iraq in the 2000s.
75. President Bill Clinton’s economic policy involved… (HS.H2.4; HS.E3.3)
a. The creation of Free-Trade Zones
b. Trickle-down economics
c. Focusing on increased government spending at the expense of the deficit
d. An increase in tariffs and regulation of international trade
76. Which statement best describes the outcome of the 2000 presidential election? (HS.SP2.1; HS.C1.1)
a. Florida's electoral votes did not apply to the election because of the voting controversy.
It was one of the closest elections in American history, and Florida needed an official recount.
c. The issue surrounding Florida's results centered on a low voter turnout.
d. The majority of Florida's democrats voted for George W. Bush.
77. The terrorist organization al-Qaeda was responsible for all of the following attacks EXCEPT (HS.SP1.3; HS.SP2.1;
HS.H1.6; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.3; HS.H2.4)
a. The 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center
b. The 2001 attack on the World Trade Center
c. The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing
d. The 2001 attack on the Pentagon
78. What is the principle behind the U.S.A. Patriot Act? (HS.SP1.1; HS.C2.3; HS.H2.3; HS.H3.4)
a. The United States government has the authority to monitor all suspicious activity.
b. Airport security will be heightened as a result of recent terrorist activity.
c. All U.S. military service men and women should be granted aid for education.
d. Law enforcement agencies have more leniency in searching citizens' records and personal information.
(image 2)
79. What is the main idea behind the political cartoon above(image 2)? (HS.SP2.1; HS.SP2.1; HS.H2.1; HS.H2.3)
a. The president should not be the one to make decisions regarding the military.
b. The American people do not fully understand the war on terror.
c. The U.S. government should have focused more on Afghanistan.
d. Many Americans feel as though Bush misinformed them before invading Iraq.
80. Waves of new immigrants have come to the United States in record numbers since the 1980s. These new immigrants
have typically been from which of the following areas? (HS.SP1.2; HS.H1.6; HS.H4.1; HS.H4.4)
a. Northern Europe and Russia
b. Eastern Europe and the Middle East
c. Asia and Latin America
d. Africa and Western Europe
[test end]