Therapists have found Therapy Tree Directory to find new therapy patients online. The online directory can be found at and offers affordable marketing solutions for speech therapists to grow their therapy practice and get new patients in the door.
SLPs Are Flocking To
This New Online
Therapy Directory To
Get More Patients
It takes time and practice to hone and refine your
therapy skills.
How do you get new patients
online if you don't market your
therapy practice? The answer
is simple..
A new therapy directory is making it easy for Speech Language
Pathologists to connect with new patients online.
Therapy Tree Directory is the
fastest growing online platform
built to support private therapy
For every hour you spend writing a blog post, you could be
charting, working on continuing ed, or scheduling new
patient evaluations.
A directory spokesperson had
this to say, "Online visibility is
essential in today's new socially-
distanced world.
Speech therapists need to be everywhere patients are
searching for therapy.
But we know they don't have
time to serve patients well AND
market their services.
Our business directory gives therapists an affordable solution to market therapy services so
they can focus on serving new patients and growing their practice." The marketing team
behind Therapy Tree Directory's lightning growth uses top marketing ideas to get new
patients to visit the directory.
They create valuable,
trustworthy, relatable blog
articles to help reduce the stress
for patients looking for online
You can easily finish an article on a snack break or
between patients.
Should you choose NOT to use their
done-for-you marketing services, the
articles will give you enough
information to handle marketing and
business growth on your own.
Contact Us At:
This New Online
Therapy Directory To
Get More Patients
It takes time and practice to hone and refine your
therapy skills.
How do you get new patients
online if you don't market your
therapy practice? The answer
is simple..
A new therapy directory is making it easy for Speech Language
Pathologists to connect with new patients online.
Therapy Tree Directory is the
fastest growing online platform
built to support private therapy
For every hour you spend writing a blog post, you could be
charting, working on continuing ed, or scheduling new
patient evaluations.
A directory spokesperson had
this to say, "Online visibility is
essential in today's new socially-
distanced world.
Speech therapists need to be everywhere patients are
searching for therapy.
But we know they don't have
time to serve patients well AND
market their services.
Our business directory gives therapists an affordable solution to market therapy services so
they can focus on serving new patients and growing their practice." The marketing team
behind Therapy Tree Directory's lightning growth uses top marketing ideas to get new
patients to visit the directory.
They create valuable,
trustworthy, relatable blog
articles to help reduce the stress
for patients looking for online
You can easily finish an article on a snack break or
between patients.
Should you choose NOT to use their
done-for-you marketing services, the
articles will give you enough
information to handle marketing and
business growth on your own.
Contact Us At: