Sovereign Privacy State Secrets Act 2011

Sovereign Privacy State Secrets Act 2011, updated 10/16/22, 4:33 AM


This law, by the short title “State Secrets Act”, exercises sovereign authority over certain information and materials which are otherwise protected by pre-existing conventional and international laws which establish legal privilege of privacy rights, confidentiality rights or intellectual property rights. It classifies such information or materials already protected by conventional law as State Secrets, asserting additional sovereign rights in the same matter, providing for stronger enforcement of otherwise pre-established legal rights. An official legislative or regulatory Act or Law, enacted by the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, as the nation-state subject of international law embodying the original Knights Templar from 1118 AD.

About Knights Templar Order

The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, the direct continuation of the original historical institution of the legendary Knights Templar, founded in 1118 AD, fully restored as a sovereign subject of international law in 2013 AD, embodying the authentic Templar heritage.

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Sovereign Privacy
& State Secrets Act
Ordo Regius Magistralis Templi Solomonis
Enacted by the Government and Ratified by the Grand Master
(Act of 2011, as Amended in 2016)
The text of this Act is the complete amended version, with all previous Acts, amendments,
sovereign orders and administrative regulations fully incorporated, as consolidated from all
traditional, customary and enacted sovereign protocols and laws of the Sovereign Magistral
Order of the Temple of Solomon since 1118 AD.
2013, 2016 Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon.
All International Rights Reserved.
Whereas, the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon is a sovereign subject of
international law, exercising governmental rights and authorities as a non-territorial
principality of statehood, with legal and jurisdictional independence;
Whereas, the Order does not pursue any secret agendas, and implements only its very public
historical missions declared as public law in its sovereign Constitution (Constitution,
Preamble), and publicly declared in its authenticated translations of restored historical
documents such as the Code of Chivalry of 1066 AD, Temple Rule of 1128 AD, and Templar
Code of 1150 AD;
Whereas, in furtherance of pursuing and implementing its publicly declared missions, the
Order (with its Crown Officers and Subjects) is legally entitled to the universal protections of
personal privacy and privileged professional confidentiality, as provided by established
international law on basic human rights and fundamental freedoms;
Whereas, the particular strategies and specific means and methods by which the Order
lawfully conducts its legitimate official activities are legally privileged and protected by
sovereign immunity and diplomatic privileges and immunities by force of international law
on non-interference, nation-state sovereignty, diplomatic and consular relations;
Whereas, the primary interests and functions of the Order and its government as a sovereign
principality of statehood consist of defending, upholding and advancing international law,
human rights, the rule of law, and the collective heritage of humanity;
Whereas, in the modern era those primary interests and functions of the Order are
pervasively under offensive attack by state-sponsored terror organizations, state-supported
criminal organizations, and corrupted state agencies and foreign governments, both overtly
and covertly;
Whereas, such systemic violations against the rule of law both warrant and require the
strongest possible legal protections for the defense of the sovereignty, security, rights and
operations of the Order and its Crown Officers;
The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon has enacted the present juridical
law as a parliamentary Act, to provide for the national security and common defense of those
whose protection and welfare depend upon the official activities of our sovereign principality.
Article 1 Title & Enactment
The full title of this law shall be the "Sovereign Privacy and State Secrets Act of 2011"
(as amended in 2016). The short title shall be the "State Secrets Act" (hereinafter "Act").
This public law is duly officially enacted by the Government of the Order of the Temple
of Solomon (hereinafter "the Order") as a sovereign subject of international law, by approval
of its titled officials of the Grand Mastery, and by ratification by His Most Eminent Highness
the Prince Grand Master as Head of State.
The present Act comprises a fundamental body of public law defining the named
sphere of sovereign rights and authorities of the principality of statehood, and thus
constitutes a binding multilateral contract and covenant between the Order, its Crown
Officers and other Subjects, and all third parties of the general public and the international
The present Act also serves as public law providing benefits supporting the sovereign
rights and authorities of the Ancient Catholic Church, possessing its own autonomous
statehood as a sovereign subject of international law in its own right, as a Sister State under
Ecclesiastical and Sovereign Patronage of the Order, under Constitution Article 12. For the
purposes of this Act, wherever applicable in context, all references to the Order, its
departments and governmental officials fully incorporate simultaneous or alternative
reference to the Ancient Catholic Church, and its analogous departments and pontifical
Article 2 Classification of State Secrets
All information, materials and communications of the Order and its Crown Officers
which consist of proprietary intellectual property, of the type which would otherwise be
protected by confidentiality rights by doctrines of customary or conventional international
law, are hereby classified as official State Secrets of the Order.
All information, materials and communications of the Order and its Crown Officers
which consist of legal strategies, legal advice or legal affairs, of the type which would
otherwise be protected as privileged lawyer-client relations shielded by confidentiality by
doctrines of customary or conventional international law, are hereby classified as State
Secrets of the Order.
All information, materials and communications of the Order and its Crown Officers
which consist of judicial strategies, judicial adjudication or judicial affairs, of the type which
would otherwise be protected as privileged independence of the Judiciary shielded by
confidentiality and immunity by doctrines of customary or conventional international law, are
hereby classified as State Secrets of the Order.
All information, materials and communications of the Order and its Crown Officers
which consist of diplomatic or consular strategies, operations, missions or functions, of the
type which would otherwise be protected by sovereign immunity rights as privileged
diplomatic correspondence, diplomatic bags or transport by doctrines of customary or
conventional international law, are hereby classified as State Secrets of the Order.
All information, materials and communications of the Order and its Crown Officers
which consist of ecclesiastical ministry functions in the form of counseling, confession and
similar traditional practices, of the type which would otherwise be protected by historically
customary or contemporary jurisprudence as privileged priestly confidences shielded by
confidentiality by doctrines of customary or conventional international law, are hereby
classified as State Secrets of the Order.
The specific nature of official assignments, the precise scope of official capacity, and
the authorized means and methods of operations of Crown Officers of the Order, of the type
which would otherwise be protected by sovereign privilege rights or personal privacy rights by
doctrines of customary or conventional international law, are hereby classified as State
Secrets of the Order.
All information about any and all events and circumstances which may or may not
have occurred during the performance of any official functions of any Crown Officer of the
Order, of the type which would otherwise be protected by privileged diplomatic
confidentiality rights, personal privacy rights or due process rights by doctrines of customary
or conventional international law, are hereby classified as State Secrets of the Order.
In addition to the above, any other information, materials or communications of the
Order and its Crown Officers, of any nature, without restriction, may be classified as State
Secrets by unilateral declaration of the Sovereign Grand Master as Head of State, whether by
pre-emptive determination or retroactive declaration.
Article 3 Protection of State Secrets
Under no circumstances shall any subject matter which is classified as State Secrets
under the present Act be compelled, required nor requested to be disclosed in order to prove
its nature as being that of protected State Secrets, nor under any other claimed justification
nor pretense.
No foreign country, government, state agency or court shall presume to impose their
own conceptions of "state secrets", and no interpretation of what constitutes "state secrets"
shall contradict the provisions of the present sovereign legislative Act, as applied to the Order
and its Crown Officers.
In the event of any uncertainty in particular cases, for the avoidance of debate or
dispute as to what in fact constitutes officially classified State Secrets of the Order within the
lawful scope of its official sovereign authorities, privileges and immunities, any interested
foreign authority shall submit an inquiry to the Order (through its official website). The
Government will issue a written determination in reply, within a reasonable timeframe
without undue delay. Only the Government alone shall autonomously determine whether or
not the subject matter in question falls within the legal classification of protected State
All Crown Officers, and all other members, subjects or nationals of the Order who may
be entrusted with State Secrets as defined by the present Act, are bound by a legal obligation
to maintain, preserve and make good faith efforts to protect all sensitive information of the
Order which they have actual or constructive knowledge, or have reason to believe, consists of
sovereign State Secrets. Such persons are liable for compensatory damages, restitution, and
punitive damages for breach of this fundamental obligation. Such persons may only be
subject to criminal charges and penalties if the breach constitutes Treason or Hostilities
Against Peace under constitutional law of the Order. (Constitution, Article 22.)
It shall be a criminal offense for any private person or foreign official, carrying liability
for any private organization, quasi-governmental entity or government entity of which such
person or official is an agent, to disregard, undermine or otherwise violate the protected
rights in, or the status, protections and immunities of any State Secrets of the Order, as
established by the present Act or under codified or adjudicated international law.
Jurisdiction over any criminal offenses against State Secrets of the Order is vested in
the sovereign Judiciary as the Magistral Courts or any appointed Court of Record of the
Order. (Constitution, Articles 23-25.) The provisions of the Sovereign Protection and Rule of
Law Act of 2010 shall apply to such criminal charges and legal proceedings, in addition to the
provisions of the present Act.
Enactment & Ratification
The present Sovereign Defense and Crown Office Act of 2011, as Amended in 2016, is hereby
fully enacted and ratified, in accordance with Article 20 of the Constitution, by the following
legal acts of the Government and Grand Mastery:
Enacted by the Government:
____________________________________ 03 March 2016
His Excellency Viscount Michael Henry Dunn
Grand Commander as Chairman of the Government
Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon
Ratified by Magistral Assent of the Grand Master:
____________________________________ 03 March 2016
His Most Eminent Highness Prince Matthew of Thebes
Sovereign Grand Master as Head of State
Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon