Don't let good customers slip through the net. Just because their credit rating isn't A+, there are still products that you can offer without taking unnecessary risks. You can do it all with Zip Loan. More details at
Learn How Your Auto Shop Can Profit
From Zip Loan's Customer Credit
Looking for a simple and streamlined solution to
credit financing for your automotive business?
For multiple credit levels
to help you accept more
customers even if their
ratings aren't great, you
need Zip Loan!
Zip Loan offers auto traders,
repair garages, car audio
specialists, and custom body
shops an API-enabled
financing platform with real-
time decision-making.
You can lower your customer
acquisition costs while increasing
conversions and driving an
increase in turnover.
With a full suite of customized payment
levels for both prime and sub-prime
borrowers, the platform offers you a genuine
alternative to 'off-the-shelf' credit.
The company's unique API
supports the entire credit
application process, delivering
data on ratings, resolving pre-
approval queries & facilitating
joint agreements.
Speed your way to a better
bottom line with Zip Loan!
Go to
From Zip Loan's Customer Credit
Looking for a simple and streamlined solution to
credit financing for your automotive business?
For multiple credit levels
to help you accept more
customers even if their
ratings aren't great, you
need Zip Loan!
Zip Loan offers auto traders,
repair garages, car audio
specialists, and custom body
shops an API-enabled
financing platform with real-
time decision-making.
You can lower your customer
acquisition costs while increasing
conversions and driving an
increase in turnover.
With a full suite of customized payment
levels for both prime and sub-prime
borrowers, the platform offers you a genuine
alternative to 'off-the-shelf' credit.
The company's unique API
supports the entire credit
application process, delivering
data on ratings, resolving pre-
approval queries & facilitating
joint agreements.
Speed your way to a better
bottom line with Zip Loan!
Go to