Get MRI Scan Without Referral | Grantham, UK Fast & Private Diagnostics Clinic

Get MRI Scan Without Referral | Grantham, UK Fast & Private Diagnostics Clinic , updated 11/25/22, 5:46 AM

Don't spend weeks in pain, waiting for an MRI before you can even begin treatment - call Open MRI (0333-335-5848) in Grantham, UK. You can schedule your own appointment, without needing a referral, and there's absolutely no waiting list. Visit to learn more.

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Get MRI Scan Without Referral |
Grantham, UK Fast & Private Diagnostics
If you or a loved one
has been injured, the
last thing you want is to
spend weeks without a
Not only does it leave you living in
pain, but having the injury untreated
for so long can extend your recovery,
make treatment more difficult, or lead
to additional injuries.
The NHS Constitution promises
that patients should wait no more
than six weeks, but Open MRI can
get your scan completed the same
week, even without a referral.
If you already know what you need to have
scanned, you can book your scan immediately
- or you can book a virtual pre-consultation
with their medical team to learn more.
You will receive a digital copy of your MRI
images, along with a Consultant
Radiologist report, and preferential rates
for treatment through MSK Doctors.
Want more information? You
can schedule a Screen Share
or F2F appointment with a
Consultant Orthopaedic
Surgeon to go over your
results slide-by-slide.
Open MRI provides the best possible care, from the UK's top musculoskeletal
specialists, and you don't even have to wait for it. Call them today to book an
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