Need professional help for your mental health but unsure of where to get it? If you live in California, Mission Connection offers flexible virtual appointments for talk therapy. Visit or call them at (866) 833-1822 to learn more.
Mission Connection City: San Juan Capistrano Address: 30310 Rancho Viejo Rd. Website: Cloud
California Treatment Center Offers Talk Therapy
For Trauma Through Telehealth Platform
More and more Americans are reporting they have
unmet mental health needs, with prohibitive costs, lack
of time, and fragmented care being common causes.
To improve accessibility, Mission
Connection offers flexible virtual
appointments for
psychotherapy, also known as
talk therapy, through its
telehealth platform.
The services can be delivered through video conferencing, phone calls, or secure
messaging. All you need is a stable internet connection and a device with a camera and
While many people can benefit from talk therapy,
it's particularly recommended for individuals with
anxiety, depression, trauma, and other emotional
Before your first appointment, you’ll be required to
submit some essential information to receive an
accurate assessment of your needs.
Once this step is complete, you’ll be matched with one of Mission Connection’s licensed therapists, who
will determine the best course of treatment for your personal growth.
Find Out More At
For Trauma Through Telehealth Platform
More and more Americans are reporting they have
unmet mental health needs, with prohibitive costs, lack
of time, and fragmented care being common causes.
To improve accessibility, Mission
Connection offers flexible virtual
appointments for
psychotherapy, also known as
talk therapy, through its
telehealth platform.
The services can be delivered through video conferencing, phone calls, or secure
messaging. All you need is a stable internet connection and a device with a camera and
While many people can benefit from talk therapy,
it's particularly recommended for individuals with
anxiety, depression, trauma, and other emotional
Before your first appointment, you’ll be required to
submit some essential information to receive an
accurate assessment of your needs.
Once this step is complete, you’ll be matched with one of Mission Connection’s licensed therapists, who
will determine the best course of treatment for your personal growth.
Find Out More At