Book On Sea Salt Studies Healing Power Of This Remedy For Hypertension

Book On Sea Salt Studies Healing Power Of This Remedy For Hypertension , updated 1/30/23, 11:22 PM

The Science of Sea Salt presents a new approach to the treatment of hypertension and its authors believe with conviction that sea salt can promote good health. Go to to find out more.

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Book On Sea Salt Studies Healing Power Of
This Remedy For Hypertension
If you have hypertension, the authors behind
The Science of Sea Salt want you to know
there are new natural healing remedies
available to you.
The new book has been edited
by Eddie Kolos and explains that
sea salt and other bioactive
natural marine compounds have
vast potential in the realm of
alternative healing.
The Science of Sea Salt brings
together an extensive panel of
over 70 scientists, medical
researchers and doctors in order
to explore the medicinal potential
of sea salt.
Drawing on the healing properties of sea salt—
which has long been used in wound care and
oral care—the book contains information about
new healing avenues for the use of sea salt.
The Science of Sea Salt also focuses on
common chronic conditions that impact a
vast percentage of the population in the
United States, including hypertension.
Kolos and his assembled panel
of experts are asking how sea
salt and bioactive natural marine
compounds can be utilized in the
prevention and management of
this condition.
Although the text is evidence-
based and scientifically rigorous,
it has been written in am
accessible style and it is broken
into easy to follow, clearly
structured chapters.
Go to
science-of-sea-salt for more.