DocCheck – the medical community for physicians, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals
DocCheck is the largest community of healthcare professionals in Europe with more than 1,200,000 registered members. Users can further their learning online, network with peers and exchange or actively contribute their own knowledge. The free DocCheck password gives users quick access to websites of pharmaceutical companies and medical publishers, which are intended for healthcare professionals only.
But that's not all: In addition to the authentication service, DocChecks offers information and services centred on medicine: For example, the bi-weekly edition of DocCheck News, the medical image archive DocCheck Pictures, the extensive medicine wiki DocCheck Flexikon, the medical library DocCheck Publish, an online store with nearly 40,000 medical products and much more.
On DocCheck Jobs physicians, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals can find a wide range of vacancies.
On DocCheck Research users cannot only express their own opinion on healthcare topics, but also earn money by participating in online surveys.
The DocCheck Community is part of DocCheck AG.
DocCheck ist die Medizin-Community für Ärzte, Apotheker und andere Heilberufe ist mit mehr als 1.200.000 registrierten Mitgliedern die größte Community für medizinische Fachberufe in Europa. Hier treffen sich Ärzte, Apotheker, Studenten und Heilberufler, um sich online fortzubilden, mit Kollegen auszutauschen, mit Experten zu vernetzen und aktiv ihr Fachwissen einzubringen. Das kostenlose DocCheck-Passwort verschafft Medizinern darüber hinaus den bequemen Zugang zu mehr als 2.500 Internetseiten von pharmazeutischen Unternehmen und medizinischen Verlagen, die nur für Fachkreise bestimmt sind (siehe auch: Heilmittelwerbegesetz).
Doch das ist längst nicht alles: Neben dem Passwortdienst bietet DocCheck Ihnen Informationen und Services rund um die Medizin, z.B. die täglich erscheinenden DocCheck News, die medizinische Bilddatenbank DocCheck Pictures, das umfangreiche Medizinlexikon DocCheck Flexikon, das medizinische Videoarchiv DocCheck TV, die Medizinbibliothek DocCheck Publish, einen Online-Shopmit knapp 40.000 Medizinprodukten, Klinik- und Praxisbedarf und vieles andere mehr.
Bei DocCheck Jobs finden Ärzte, Apotheker und andere Heilberufler ein großes Angebot an freien Stellen. Den Nachschlag gibt es bei DocCheck Load. Ob Journal, eLearning-Kurse, Apps oder medizinische Klassiker wie den „Herold Innere Medizin“ – der eStore ermöglicht das schnelle und bequeme Herunterladen von aktuellem Medizinwissen.
Bei DocCheck Research kann man anhand von Marktforschungsbefragungen zu vielfältigen Gesundheitsthemen nicht nur die eigene Meinung vertreten, sondern durch attraktive Honorare dazu auch das eigene Konto aufbessern.
Die DocCheck-Community ist Teil der DocCheck AG.
Business planning ideas from around the internet.
Publishing documents on edocr is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing (brochures, data sheets, press releases, white papers and case studies), sales (slides, price lists and pro-forma agreements), operations (specifications, operating manuals, installation guides), customer service (user manuals) and financial (annual reports and financial statements) documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions. #SEO #leadgen #content #analytics
About edocr
I am an accomplished content marketing professional helping you to build your brand and business. In my current role, I fulfill a multi-faceted solution marketplace including: publishing and sharing your content, embedding a document viewer on your website, improving your content’s search engine optimization, generating leads with gated content and earning money by selling your documents. I gobble up documents, storing them for safekeeping and releasing the text for excellent search engine optimization, lead generation and earned income.
Publishing documents on is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing, sales, operations, customer service and financial documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions.
Get publishing now!
DocCheck Provides Extensive
Medical Resource Thanks to Flexible
PrizmDoc Viewer
Site needed robust document viewer to serve
huge healthcare community.
PrizmDoc's flexibility and reliability help make
it the ideal solution for DocCheck's needs.
Intuitive functionality important for users
publishing research and accessing work
of others.
Technical support making major difference in
maintaining client relationship.
Cologne, Germany
Healthcare Information
Technology and Services
1.2 million
Since 2015
Document and image viewing
with PrizmDoc HTML5 viewer
The Challenge
As a well-established virtual gathering place for the international
medical industry, DocCheck needed a shareable online viewing
platform to display hundreds of thousands of documents for students
and physicians and other healthcare professionals. Document security
was a key concern, given the often sensitive nature of medical data
and the site's mission of providing a resource intended strictly for the
healthcare industry.
The Solution
DocCheck sought a stable, affordable viewing solution and
implemented the Prizm Content Connect (since renamed PrizmDoc)
using the cloud option. The HTML5 viewer facilitates the needs of
the site's enormous user community, such as displaying a host of
different document and image file formats. And just as importantly,
PrizmDoc's search functionality handles large research periodicals
seamlessly, making for quick access to relevant topics. Its generating
CLIENT is the largest
community of healthcare
professionals in Europe with more
than 1,000,000 registered members.
Users can further their learning online,
network with peers and exchange
or actively contribute their own
knowledge. The site gives access to
websites of pharmaceutical companies
and medical publishers, intended for
healthcare professionals only.
of thumbnails for each page in a document is another time-saver,
and its ability to operate regardless of device type - desktop, tablet or
mobile - helps provide the reliability needed by DocCheck's diverse
user base.
PrizmDoc also allows developers to control printing and downloading
privileges based on user credentials, an important criteria for a
site that prides itself on document security. And it conveniently
converts files of dozens of types to common formats such as PDF for
standardizing the archived content available to DocCheck users.
DocCheck was very complimentary of the documentation provided
detailing PrizmDoc's functionality, as well as the technical support
offered when problems did arise.
"The Accusoft team was fast, flexible, competent and - last but not least
- very friendly," a company spokesman said. "We're looking forward
to working together and integrate more features and products from
Accusoft in the future."
The Result
The use of PrizmDoc as its viewing solution has helped DocCheck
maintain its reputation as the definitive online repository of
healthcare industry research and publishing tools in Europe. At
the time of its implementation of the viewer, DocCheck estimated
that 300,000 medical documents were retrievable on its site, and
that number has grown thanks in part to the viewer's intuitive user
controls and expansive functionality.
DocCheck is an excellent example of the versatility of PrizmDoc
in a demanding field such as healthcare, where various types of
documents and images need to be viewed within a single, zero-
footprint application. The viewer's security and search functions
are crucial for DocCheck but also for many other Accusoft clients,
ensuring that only credentialed users can access the data and manage
it efficiently.
Accusoft offers a robust portfolio of document and imaging tools created for
developers. Our APIs and software development kits (SDKs) are built using patented
technology, providing high performance document viewing, advanced search, image
compression, conversion, barcode recognition, OCR, and other image processing tools
for use in application and web development.
Founded in 1991, Accusoft is focused on solving document lifecycle complexities
through a customer-focused approach, continuous product development, proactive
support, and forward-thinking leadership.
"The Accusoft team was fast,
flexible, competent and - last
but not least - very friendly,"
a company spokesman said.
"We're looking forward to
working together and integrate
more features and products
from Accusoft in the future."
4001 North Riverside Drive
Tampa, FL 33603, USA
A C C U S O F T . C O M
Accusoft Corporation. All rights reserved.