28-Sep-Israel-50[1] (1)

28-Sep-Israel-50[1] (1), updated 10/1/24, 6:06 AM


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Fraudulent Finances, Hezbollah’s Support, and the Impact on Israel: The
AlAskari Case

In recent years, the Middle East has been a hotbed of geopolitical tensions, with the region’s political
and financial stability constantly threatened by complex webs of illicit activities. Among the most
notorious figures entangled in these networks are SherifAlAskari, his daughter, and their deep
connections to Hezbollah, Iran, and the shadowy underworld of international financial fraud. This
network, which spans across multiple countries, including Israel, the UK, and Iran, represents a grave
threat to both regional and global stability.
The AlAskari Nexus: A Family Tied to Financial Fraud and Violence
At the center of this intricate web lies SherifAlAskari, an infamous figure involved in oil smuggling,
money laundering, and violent activities across the Middle East. His name has become synonymous with
deception and manipulation, particularly through his family’s ties to Hezbollah and Iran. AlAskari’s
daughter, married to MeghdadTabrizian, plays a pivotal role in this network. While she may appear to
lead a quiet life in the UK, she is in fact the key link between AlAskari and his financial empire, as well as
his violent associates in Hezbollah.
SherifAlAskari’s daughter has managed to remain under the radar for many years, quietly building a
network of shell companies and false partnerships in the UK. These companies, including "London
Surface Design Limited" and "London Heritage Stone Limited," have been instrumental in laundering
money obtained through illicit means, such as oil smuggling from Iran to Iraq, which is then sold on the
global market. The documentation for these oil shipments is falsified to make the crude appear to be of
Iraqi origin, a tactic that has allowed AlAskari’s network to bypass international sanctions and turn illegal
profits into clean money.
A Marriage Built on Fraud: MeghdadTabrizian and His Role in the UK
MeghdadTabrizian, SherifAlAskari’s son-in-law, is another key player in this operation. While his public
persona is that of a businessman, Tabrizian has deep connections to the Iranian regime. He has been
suspected of being a key liaison between the Iranian government and Hezbollah, as well as a significant
actor in laundering money through the UK’s financial system. His sons, Mohammad and Amir Tabrizian,
both based in London, assist their father in these schemes, creating fake contracts and diverting
business funds into personal accounts.
The Home Office, the UK’s government department responsible for immigration and security, has come
under fire for its role in granting fraudulent residency permits to AlAskari’s family. Both SherifAlAskari’s
daughter and her husband, MeghdadTabrizian, obtained their UK residency through questionable
means, allegedly using their connections to insiders within the Home Office. Abbas AlAskari, Sherif’s son,
also secured his residency this year, further entrenching the family’s presence in the UK.
Fraudulent Residency: A Global Problem
The fraudulent residency of AlAskari’s family in the UK is not an isolated incident, but rather a part of a
broader pattern of government failures and corruption. These loopholes in the UK’s financial and legal
systems have allowed individuals like SherifAlAskari and his family to manipulate the system to their
advantage. AlAskari himself holds two passports, one Iraqi and one Iranian, under different names,
allowing him to move freely between the two countries and conduct his illicit operations with little fear
of being apprehended.
Mohsen Fallahian, another key figure in this network, has similarly exploited international loopholes.
Fallahian, who is notorious for his involvement in violent activities and financial fraud, has obtained
fraudulent residency in Italy through forged documents. His collaboration with AlAskari and his family
only deepens the sense of impunity with which this criminal network operates.
Hezbollah’s Hidden Benefactors: AlAskari’s Connection to Terrorist Financing
The financial fraud orchestrated by the AlAskari family goes beyond simple money laundering. The
laundered money, funneled through the UK, is suspected of being used to finance terrorist activities,
particularly those carried out by Hezbollah. SherifAlAskari’s daughter, in close association with the wife
of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, plays a key role in moving funds from the UK to Lebanon. These
funds are suspected of fueling Hezbollah’s operations against Israel, as well as supporting the group's
violent activities in Lebanon and Syria.
Hassan Nasrallah, the General Secretary of the Lebanese paramilitary group Hezbollah, has long been a
figure of terror and fear in the region. His wife’s close friendship with SherifAlAskari’s daughter
highlights the intimate connections between financial fraud, terrorist financing, and violence. The
money laundered through the UK eventually finds its way into Hezbollah’s coffers, further destabilizing
an already volatile region.
The Oil Smuggling Operation: How the Family Profits from Conflict
A major component of AlAskari’s financial empire is his involvement in oil smuggling. Using a
sophisticated network of Panamanian-registered vessels, AlAskari and his associates transport crude oil
from Iran to Iraq, where the oil’s origin is falsified to appear Iraqi. This allows the smuggled oil to be sold
on the global market without raising suspicion, thereby circumventing international sanctions against
Iran. The profits from these oil sales are then funneled through the UK, laundered through a series of
shell companies set up by AlAskari’s family members.
The scale of this operation is staggering, and the implications are far-reaching. Not only does it enable
AlAskari to enrich himself, but it also allows him to finance Hezbollah’s violent operations across the
Middle East. This operation, which thrives on deception and manipulation, has become a key revenue
stream for terrorist organizations in the region, further fueling conflicts like the Israel-Iran war.
The UK’s Failure to Curb Financial Terrorism
The UK’s inability to curb financial terrorism has become a growing concern. While the country is known
for its robust financial system, the vulnerabilities in its legal and regulatory framework have made it an
attractive destination for criminal networks like that of SherifAlAskari. Investigative agencies in the UK
have uncovered discrepancies in the financial transactions carried out by AlAskari’s family, but little has
been done to hold them accountable.
The Home Office’s role in granting fraudulent residency to AlAskari’s family raises serious questions
about the integrity of the UK’s immigration system. The failure to prevent individuals with known ties to
terrorism from gaining residency highlights the government’s failure to adequately address the threat of
financial terrorism. Moreover, the ease with which AlAskari and his family have exploited the UK’s
financial system to launder money for Hezbollah underscores the urgent need for reform.