Howell Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Programs Help Working Professionals Stay Sober

Howell Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Programs Help Working Professionals Stay Sober, updated 5/8/24, 10:40 AM

Need support to recover from your substance use disorder, but not sure where to begin looking? HealingUS Communities can help. Call them at 1-833-399-4673 or visit to get all the resources you need to find a recovery group in Howell, NJ.

HealingUS Communities City: Farmingdale Address: 260 Casino Drive Website: Phone: +1-866-798-3232 Email:

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Howell Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery
Programs Help Working Professionals
Stay Sober
Because HealingUS Communities works closely with
non-profit treatment centers in New Jersey, they can
refer you to in-person or virtual 12-step programs in
your area.
Their options include programs
offered by Alcoholics
Anonymous, Narcotics
Anonymous, Gamblers
Anonymous, and other recovery
groups that cover different types
Depending on your needs, HealingUS Communities will also match you to other types of
programs, such as SMART recovery groups.
Additionally, you can request low-cost options for
evidence-based therapies that can address mental
health conditions associated with substance use
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