New book, "You Don't Need Permission" tells women, "you already have it!"

New book, "You Don't Need Permission" tells women, "you already have it!", updated 3/15/21, 9:26 PM

Christina Ellis is launching her brand new book, “You Don't Need Permission: Finding your path to a purely authentic life”, available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble, for women who want to feel self empowered and confident. More information is available at:

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New book, "You Don't Need Permission" tells
women, "you already have it!"
Christina Ellis is launching she/her brand new book, "You Don't
Need Permission: Finding your path to a purely authentic life".
The book went live January 27th 2021, available Online at Amazon,
Barnes & Noble, Book Depository and Indie Bound and is expected to
become a big hit with fans of the women who want to know how to
achieve self empowerment and confidence.
More information on the book can be found
here: https://www.
The book was written with the aim in mind to
guide women to take ownership of their life by
building a personal foundation of values,
purpose and mission whereby gaining clarity
and intentionality to live the life of their
Readers will likely find a particular
interest in the way the author speaks to
them like a friend who cares about
them but won't put up with their b.s.
The book's cover art was created by the author and You Don't Need
Permission: Finding your path to a purely authentic life is self
Her background helped shape the
creation of the book through the
work with her coaching clients.
It became apparent the need for this
book to help others gain clarity and
increase confidence.
When asked about why she wrote the book, Ellis said: "It is time for women to understand that
they already possess the permission that they are wanting." Ellis has hopes that the book will
help women define their own unique authentic path from which to live their life boldly.
The biggest hurdle with this book was
always trying to figure out when to
challenge the reader and when to be
more supportive as an author.
For their part in the creation of the book,
saying: "Thanks for pulling this book out of
me when I wanted to run the other direction."
Those interested in learning more about the
book can visit here: https://www.
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