Health & Wellness MD Teaches Patient-Led Healthcare & Nutrition To Women

Health & Wellness MD Teaches Patient-Led Healthcare & Nutrition To Women, updated 10/6/22, 7:51 AM

Dr. M. Kara is an advocate for better health and better preventative medicine. That’s why on his online platform, KaraMD, he’s now focusing on better nutrition for women of all ages. Go to to find out more.

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Health & Wellness MD Teaches
Patient-Led Healthcare & Nutrition
To Women
If you head past the veggies and straight for the packaged food
aisles in the supermarket, Dr. Kara wants you to turn back, because
he knows that good food means good health.
As a practitioner of holistic and
functional medicine, Dr. Kara
firmly believes in the correlation
between good nutrition and
good health for women of all
With his new awareness campaign,
he hopes to improve the nutritional
outcomes of women across the US
just like yourself and teach you how
to develop healthier lifestyle habits.
The fact is, most Americans are
failing to make even the most
basic healthy choices, with only
12.2% meeting the daily
recommended intake of fruits and
9.3% for vegetables.
While poor nutrition leads to
severe side effects for all adults,
Dr. Kara is specifically focused on
addressing the impact of an
unhealthy diet and lifestyle upon
He will teach you how to choose foods that can support your
microbiome and gut-brain axis and therefore lead to both a healthier
gut and better mood, focus and concentration.
He also advocates for lifestyle habits that can reduce inflammation
in your body and promote better sleep. Thanks to KaraMD, you can
put your health in your hands.
Go to to
find out more.