Displaced Workers: Cut Monthly Costs & Save More With This Utility Bill Reduction Tool

Displaced Workers: Cut Monthly Costs & Save More With This Utility Bill Reduction Tool, updated 4/27/24, 7:00 PM

Most people are overpaying for their utilities, telecommunications, and other monthly services. If you've lost your job, you can't afford to let gotcha fees and obsolete charges slide. Recession Resister's utility auditing tool identifies and refunds these overpayments. Find out more at https://recessionresister.com.

Recession Resister City: Portland Address: 11923 NE Sumner St Website: https://recessionresister.com Email: support@recessionresister.com

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Displaced Workers: Cut Monthly Costs &
Save More With This Utility Bill Reduction
If you've been let go by your company, you'll want to
preserve as much of your savings as you can.
Did you know there's significant
savings to be had in your utility
bills and other monthly charges?
Cost cutting tool Recession Resister automatically analyzes your invoices - utilities,
telecommunications, security services - to uncover posting errors deserving of a refund.
They can also renegotiate the terms of your rates,
and hook you up with service providers offering the
lowest rates. Ready to add up the savings?
Find Out More At https://recessionresister.com