Dothan Sex Trafficking Attorney Sues For Compensatory & Punitive Damages

Dothan Sex Trafficking Attorney Sues For Compensatory & Punitive Damages, updated 12/12/23, 10:30 AM

Greg Zarzaur, Esq. and Abuse Guardian are united against sex trafficking. As both a committed defender of trafficking survivors and an experienced attorney, Mr. Zarzaur can help you sue your abuser. Go to to find out more.

Abuse Guardian City: Garnet Valley Address: 1067 Mansion Lane, Website Phone 1 (267) 974-1069 Email

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Dothan Sex Trafficking Attorney Sues For
Compensatory & Punitive Damages
If you are considering suing your trafficker and
any other individuals, organizations or
businesses that were party to your abuse Mr.
Zarzaur is pleased to represent you.
With Mr. Zarzaur’s legal
representation, you can pursue a
civil claim against your trafficker and
seek compensation for the physical
and emotional harm you endured.
The attorney will also
fight for
compensation that
covers your medical
expenses, therapy
costs, and lost wages
or income.
He will also seek
punitive damages,
meaning he will pursue
an additional sum of
money to be paid as a
form of punishment for
your trafficker.
In addition to suing for
damages, Greg Zarzaur will
also fight to ensure you can
access all state-endorsed
support services, including
housing, education, job
training, and more.
Mr. Zarzaur is known for his
expertise in complex and
sensitive legal cases and his
partnership with Abuse
Guardian has cemented his
position as a key advocate for
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