At Relevance Behavioral Health (866-245-1497), you’ll find New Jersey's most holistic approach to substance abuse and anxiety. Get the help you need and take the time to truly heal and recover. Go to to find out more.
Relevance Behavioral Health City: Freehold Township Address: 61 W Main Street Website: Phone: +1 866 245 1497 Email: info@hucenters.comTag Cloud
NJ Holistic Treatment Center For Anxiety
& Substance Abuse Offers Art & Sound
At Relevance Behavioral Health, you will find New
Jersey’s most welcoming, holistic and
multidisciplinary recovery center.
Their team is committed to
seeing you as a whole person
and to guiding you through a
recovery process that is both
completely individualized and
They offer the highest standard in
clinically endorsed and evidence-
based therapies like Cognitive
Behavioral, Dialectical Behavior
and Rational Emotive Behavioral
They will also offer you
similarly innovative and
healing treatment therapies
like biofeedback therapy,
equine therapy, music therapy
and art therapy.
Relevance has also expanded both
their wellness and adventure
programs to give you a more
holistic healing experience and to
ensure that your time with
Relevance is restorative.
You will benefit from professional yoga, meditation and massage
sessions and from new adventure and aftercare activities like water
sports and camping and snowboarding retreats.
Relevance Behavioral Health takes patients from across New
Jersey, and their inpatient and outpatient programs are
accepted by most major insurers.
Go to
services/dual-diagnosis/ for more.
& Substance Abuse Offers Art & Sound
At Relevance Behavioral Health, you will find New
Jersey’s most welcoming, holistic and
multidisciplinary recovery center.
Their team is committed to
seeing you as a whole person
and to guiding you through a
recovery process that is both
completely individualized and
They offer the highest standard in
clinically endorsed and evidence-
based therapies like Cognitive
Behavioral, Dialectical Behavior
and Rational Emotive Behavioral
They will also offer you
similarly innovative and
healing treatment therapies
like biofeedback therapy,
equine therapy, music therapy
and art therapy.
Relevance has also expanded both
their wellness and adventure
programs to give you a more
holistic healing experience and to
ensure that your time with
Relevance is restorative.
You will benefit from professional yoga, meditation and massage
sessions and from new adventure and aftercare activities like water
sports and camping and snowboarding retreats.
Relevance Behavioral Health takes patients from across New
Jersey, and their inpatient and outpatient programs are
accepted by most major insurers.
Go to
services/dual-diagnosis/ for more.