Yazidi Coronation Election (ENG) PUBLIC Prince Naif bin Dawud

Yazidi Coronation Election (ENG) PUBLIC Prince Naif bin Dawud, updated 2/16/25, 3:05 AM


Yazidi "Coronation of Sovereign Chief Prince" (English copy) ratified by democratic election in August 2019, certified by an international Court, electing Prince Naif bin Dawud bin Sulaiman as Sovereign Chief Prince and Head of State of the Yazidi People as an indigenous nation state, and as King of the restored Ezidkhan Kingdom.

About Ignita Veritas United

Ignita Veritas United (IVU) is an inter-governmental organization (IGO) advancing human rights.  It features Ignita Veritas University (IV University) - among only 5 universities in the world with diplomatic status, Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC) - an international law firm of Barristers as the university law center, and Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) - operated by the independent Judiciary profession.

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The indigenous nation of Yazidi
People the original most ancient
native ethnic religious people of
Mesopotamia since 10,600 BC
who ruled the region by our
sovereign Kingdom of Ezidkhan
for 4,000 years from ca. 2,450
BC to 1534 AD recognized as an
indigenous nation state by
League of Nations in 1925 AD:

Represented by our traditional
ethnic cultural and religious tribal leaders assembled in
Sinjar as the heart our native ancestral lands where We
stood and fought over many centuries to defend our Yazidi
People and Christians and other minorities against
persecution: Including the Yazidi Tribal Leadership
Council and Yazidi
Independent Supreme Council
representing the Yazidi People of Iraq and worldwide

Exercising our sovereign right of Self-Representation
under international law

To all Rulers Spiritual and Worldly and all our People to whom these
Presents shall come Greeting and Know that We the Yazidi People by
these sovereign Letters Patent establish this Decree by ancient Rule
and Custom granting all official rights privileges and authorities with
all responsibilities to Our Leader:

Crown Prince
Naif bin Dawud bin Sulaiman

hereditary descendant of the primary ruling Royal House of Dawud
bin Sulaiman of Ezidkhan from the Qatani Sheikhs descendant from
Sheikh Adi in the Royal Line from ca. 600 AD through Prince
Abrahim Adam ca. 1120 AD son of Prince Darwish Al Qatani

uniquely qualified for Spiritual and Royal Succession under
Yazidi Law by Rule of Succession (Qanuna Sarortie) and Rule of
Coronation (Qanuna Khalatkrin) from Sheikh Adi ca. 1120 AD:
having “both parents from one of the six Yazidi Royal Houses” and
“not associated with political parties” only “associated with non-
Kurdish companions” and by the Proclamation of Sharaf ad-Din as a
“Prince of Justice” (3.3) to “Refresh the Crown by right and merit”
(6.2, 7.2) by proven accomplishments restoring the indigenous Yazidi
nation and advancing its sovereign and human rights under
international law

so recognized by the international community as Crown Prince since
2012 as President of the Yazidi Independent Supreme Council who
obtained diplomatic support of inter-governmental organizations
“IGO” since 2016 represented Yazidis in the United Nations “Summit
on Refugees” in September 2016 and obtained full diplomatic status
of Yazidi nation as an IGO Member State in 2017

who established the National Coalition for Al Rafidein Region in
alliance with Christians and other minorities in 2017 engaged with
the international Judiciary since 2018 and developed the Yazidi
Declaration of Self-Representation of 2019

who represented the legal rights of the Yazidi People working with
hundreds of political leaders and humanitarian institutions from at
least 34 countries for many years

who was democratically elected by proportional representation and
enthroned in the traditional religious Coronation Ceremony by the
Yazidi Tribal Leaders gathered at Chibl-Qassim Temple at the top of
Mount Sinjar on 4th August 2019

by and for the Yazidi People
thus established to the Royal authorities of:

Sovereign Chief Prince
Naif bin Dawud bin Sulaiman

as Sovereign Head of State and Chief Diplomat
of the indigenous Yazidi nation
for Life empowered by Mandate of our
Declaration of Self-Representation of 2019

By Decree of We the Yazidi People by the Yazidi Tribal
Leadership Council and Yazidi Independent Supreme Council
representing the Yazidi People of Iraq and worldwide for Us Our
heirs and successors

In Witness whereof
We have caused these Our Letters
to be made Patent

Witnessed this 19th day of August
in modern year 2019

Ratified and Issued by Our official signatures
on the following pages

Judiciary Certification of Election Monitoring

Yazidi Election and Coronation of Ruling Prince (Emir) Naif

29 August 2019

Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) is an Official Body of an inter-governmental organization (IGO), thus an
autonomous “subject of international law” (UN Law of Treaties, 2.1(i), 3) with independent sovereignty (§3(c)),
established by Charter of its host IGO (§5). SCIJ is an official Court of Law, with universal jurisdiction over all matters
involving international law (UN Declaration of Human Rights, 10, 28; UN Remedy for Human Rights, 3(c), 4, 5, 12, 14;
UN Right to Protect Human Rights, 1, 3, 5, 9.1-9.2, 9.3(c), 9.4; UN Justice for Abuse of Power, 5, 7; UN Rights of
Indigenous Peoples, 17.1, 37, 40). Its official powers and authorities are supra-governmental, fully binding upon all
countries (UN Independence of Judiciary, Pre: ¶1, ¶10, Art. 3, 4), regardless of recognition (UN Law of Treaties, 38). All
States have “obligations” to “assist” and “enforce foreign judgments” of “international judicial organs” (UN Remedy,
Pre: ¶8, Art. 4, 5, 17). Any “failure to act” is criminal “abuse of power” (UN Right to Protect, 10; UN Prosecutors, 15).

The SCIJ High Court hereby certifies the following legal facts under international law:

Duly appointed Protocol Officers and Compliance Judges of the Court have monitored
the sovereign democratic election process by the indigenous nation of the Yazidi
People, represented by the Yazidi Tribal Leadership Council and Yazidi Independent
Supreme Council in Sinjar, Iraq, during April – August 2019.

The Court thereby verified and thus witnesses the valid legal signatures of the relevant
competent tribal leaders, including some duly authorized proxy signatories, officially
ratifying the Coronation of Sovereign Chief Prince (Naif bin Dawud bin Sulaiman),
issued as a Letters Patent under customary international law, legally enacted on 19
August 2019.

Legalized Signatures – This historic legal instrument, reestablishing the Ezidkhan
Kingdom under the democratically elected Sovereign Chief Prince Naif bin Dawud as
Head of State, on the legal basis of the Yazidi Declaration of Self-Representation of 22
June 2019, was signed by the following qualified electorates:

507 representative Yazidi leaders, including: 40 Princes of the ruling Royal House of
Dawud Bak of the Qatani Sheikhs, 30 Religious leaders, 140 Tribal leaders, 59 Political
& Government leaders, and 238 Army and Police officers;

This represents a total of 507 signatures of all Yazidi leading officials who were
accessible to the authorized Sinjar tribal leaders for verification of indigenous and
leadership status, proportionally representative of the general population of the Yazidi
People worldwide.

Election Interference – The Court hereby witnesses and takes Judicial notice of the
fact that while signatures could have been made over only 3 days, Yazidi Tribal Leaders
needed a full 4 months to sign the Coronation, because of election interference:

Two Advisors on behalf of the Kurdistan “Prime Minister” publicly commanded all
Yazidis to recognize the disqualified Hazim Tashin unilaterally appointed by the Barzani
faction, and ordered them to reject the only qualified Crown Prince Naif bin Dawud.
This was unlawful political pressure on Yazidi Tribal Leaders, while Barzani Kurdistan
armed forces control “security” and access to Yazidi ancestral lands, thus constituting
a clearly implied threat of serious bodily harm by military force.

Therefore, the present Coronation Letters Patent legalizing ratification of this
democratic election was successfully completed courageously in defiance of illegal
pressure and threats by the Barzani leading faction of the Kurdistan government.

Judiciary Recognition – The Court hereby establishes Judiciary Recognition that this
Coronation Letters Patent by election is a valid, binding and enforceable sovereign
legal instrument under conventional international law, exercising the rights of Self-
Representation, Self-Determination and Self-Governance, under the UN Declaration of
Human Rights (Articles 6, 21.1), Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Articles 3-5, 18-19, 27,
36-37), and Civil and Political Rights (Articles 1, 16, 25).

The Court takes Judicial notice of the Barristers Opinion “Yazidi Royal Succession” of
28 January 2019 by the inter-governmental Magna Carta Bar Chambers, presenting
the ancient Yazidi “Rule of Succession” and “Rule of Coronation” for the Ezidkhan
throne, which conclusively proves that Ruling Prince (Emir) Naif is the only qualified
and rightful successor under Yazidi law in customary international law.

Therefore, the Court officially recognizes Sovereign Chief Prince Naif bin Dawud bin
Sulaiman as the only lawfully and democratically elected Head of State, as Ruling
Prince (Emir) of the legalized and reestablished Ezidkhan Principality (Emirate) as the
indigenous nation state of the Yazidi People worldwide, as a sovereign subject of
international law in diplomatic relations.

Signature Pages Classified – The Court has ordered the signature pages Classified
under Judicial Secrecy, to protect the physical security of all Yazidi leaders who are
signatories, against witnessed criminal threats and interference by the leading Barzani
faction of Kurdistan. Signatures are thus provided only to Presidential Administrations
and Foreign Ministries through Diplomatic channels on a “need to know” basis.

Any unauthorized disclosures of the Classified Signatures shall be subject to Contempt
of Court Orders and prosecution for the international crimes of victim retaliation
(UN Responsibility to Protect Human Rights, Article 12.2), violation of privacy rights
inciting or causing threats to personal security (UN Declaration of Human Rights,
Articles 12, 3; UN Civil & Political Rights, Articles 17, 9), and violation against the Court
authority to enforce Judiciary Secrecy (UN Independence of Judiciary, Articles 4, 15).

Officially Issued with Judiciary Authority under International Law:

Princess Judge Kunda of Bemba, LL.M., J.S.D.
Chief Justice of the High Court
Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ)