Nano Hearing Aids (866-929-2805) is bringing their shoppers more free audiologist-reviewed hearing advice with a new guide to noise induced hearing loss. Read their helpful new guide at
Hearing At Home LLC City: Coppell Address: 511 South Royal Lane Website: Phone: +1 (404) 822-3309 Email:
Noise Induced Hearing Loss: Causes,
Symptoms & Aid Treatment Options
Nano Hearing Aids is pleased to have added to their
growing online free hearing support resource with their
new article on noise-induced hearing loss.
As their new guide explains,
noise-induced hearing loss is a
common condition that is often
attributed to lifelong exposure to
loud noises, or to a single high-
volume incident.
Depending on the severity of your hearing loss, interventions may include cochlear
implants and sound therapy, but by far the most popular treatment is hearing aids.
If you’re an adult over the age of 18 and your
hearing loss is mild to moderate, Nano thinks that
their advanced over-the-counter hearing aids may
be a great treatment option.
They said, “Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids, like
those offered by Nano, are a more accessible
treatment option for those with perceived mild to
moderate hearing loss.”
Read their helpful new guide at
Check it out today!
Symptoms & Aid Treatment Options
Nano Hearing Aids is pleased to have added to their
growing online free hearing support resource with their
new article on noise-induced hearing loss.
As their new guide explains,
noise-induced hearing loss is a
common condition that is often
attributed to lifelong exposure to
loud noises, or to a single high-
volume incident.
Depending on the severity of your hearing loss, interventions may include cochlear
implants and sound therapy, but by far the most popular treatment is hearing aids.
If you’re an adult over the age of 18 and your
hearing loss is mild to moderate, Nano thinks that
their advanced over-the-counter hearing aids may
be a great treatment option.
They said, “Over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids, like
those offered by Nano, are a more accessible
treatment option for those with perceived mild to
moderate hearing loss.”
Read their helpful new guide at
Check it out today!