Rooney Rule and Diversity Hack Tips for Hiring Teams

Rooney Rule and Diversity Hack Tips for Hiring Teams, updated 7/9/21, 10:38 PM

While it’s had mixed results in the NFL, hiring teams are still turning to the Rooney Rule. Here are eight tips for hiring teams looking to implement the rule or other diversity hacks.

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Rooney Rule and Diversity Hack
Tips for Hiring Teams
Tip 1: Aim for diversity at the top of
your talent funnel The more qualified,
diverse candidates you have at the
top of your talent funnel, the more
diverse, qualified final candidate pools
you'll have at the bottom.
How do minority candidates work
their way up the ladder if they run
into obstacles on every rung? One
thing that comes up when
assessing the Rooney Rule's
success is the coaching track.
To become a head coach in
the NFL, candidates have to
work their way up a long
ladder of coaching positions.
How many ethnic minority candidates
can reach the head coaching level if
they're held back at lower levels?
Furthermore, how many ethnic
minorities will even enter the coaching
field when so few reach the top rung?
Apply the Rooney Rule to all roles.
Tip 4: Understand where your
diverse candidates are coming
from Your hiring team may rely
on sourcing to find diverse
candidates, which is a hard habit
to break.
Rather than chasing after
them, it's better to understand
where diverse candidates
come from and focus efforts
If you know that certain
sourcing platforms, online job
boards, or job markets send
you great candidates from
diverse backgrounds, focus on
Tip 7: Align your diversity
goals with rewards and
compensation. Lots of
companies use referral
bonuses to recruit
If diversity is a priority,
casting a wide net for organic
candidates is more effective
than offering referral
Tip 8: Don't interview the
same candidates over and
over. Imagine repeatedly
interviewing for a company
but never getting an offer.
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