Undocumented Citizens Get Personal Injury Protections due to Negligence in NJ

Undocumented Citizens Get Personal Injury Protections due to Negligence in NJ, updated 9/15/20, 3:44 PM


Undocumented citizens in New Jersey have the right to pursue a personal injury claim to recover money damages if they are a victim of someone’s negligence.

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Undocumented Citizens Get Personal Injury
Protections due to Negligence in NJ
New Jersey Ensures Personal Injury
Protection for Undocumented Citizens
Regardless of one's immigration status,
an undocumented citizen has the right to
pursue a personal injury claim to recover
money damages if they are a victim of
someone's negligence.
On December 19, 2019, Governor
Phil Murphy expanded
undocumented citizens' rights by
allowing New Jersey residents to
obtain driver's licenses regardless of
their immigration status beginning
January 1, 2021.
"Expanding access to driver's
licenses is critical for the safety
of New Jerseyans and a step
towards building a stronger and
fairer New Jersey for all," said
Governor Murphy.
In granting 400,000 undocumented
residents the opportunity to obtain
driver’s licenses, the number of
uninsured drivers will decrease on the
roads and afford motorists a peace of
mind knowing fellow drivers on the road
have insurance coverage.
By taking this major step,
New Jersey is ensuring
safer roads and more
insured drivers.
The new legislation dismantles
another barrier hindering
undocumented men and women
trying to ensure financial security for
their families and provides
opportunities to their children
unavailable to them before.
By gaining access to driver’s
licenses, mothers and fathers
will no longer need to rely
primarily on public
transportation or have to walk
miles to get to work.
Parents will be able to drive
their children to their after-
school activities or to the
doctors should there be an
Other states that have
implemented similar legislation
have seen a positive impact for the
workforce but have also seen a
significant decrease in car
insurance premiums and hit-and-
run accidents.
Protecting the rights and needs of
those most vulnerable particularly
during these times sends a clear
message of inclusion and that New
Jersey values each and every one of
its residents irrespective of their
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