6 Alcohol Abuse Health Consequences As You Age

6 Alcohol Abuse Health Consequences As You Age, updated 6/28/21, 9:16 AM

Excessive alcohol drinking exposes people, especially those of old age, to severe negative health consequences. These include cancer, gastrointestinal diseases, memory problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, and a weaker immune system.

As such, it is important to try to end any habitual alcohol abuse as early as possible.



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6 Alcohol Abuse Health
Consequences as You Age
B L O G | H A V E N H O U S E R E C O V E R Y C E N T E R
Most adults drink alcohol, but while it
may be okay to drink alcohol
occasionally, it may not be wise to
consume it excessively. This is
because alcohol abuse can lead to
serious health consequences.
While there is no particular age when
alcohol abuse health consequences
arise, those who are older and have
been drinking longer are susceptible
to more severe health risks and
complications. As such, you want to
learn to control your alcohol intake
because of the potential effects it can
have in the future.
What Health Risks Are Associated
with Alcohol Abuse?
Generally, the effects this can have on
your health depends on how much
alcohol you regularly consume.
That being said, here are six long-
term health risks of excessive alcohol
1. Cancer
Apart from tobacco and obesity, one
of the most common preventable risk
factors for cancer is alcohol abuse.
This accounts for close to 6% of all
cancers and 4% of all cancer deaths in
the United States.
While there hasn't been conclusive
proof of the exact effects of alcohol on
cancer, numbers have shown that
excessive drinking raises the risk of
contracting cancer. Alcohol abuse is
often linked to cancers of the mouth,
throat, and esophagus.
It is more commonly linked to an
increased risk of liver cancer, given
that heavy alcohol use damages the
liver. Other types of cancer associated
with alcohol abuse are colon, rectal,
and breast cancers.
2. Gastrointestinal Diseases
Alcohol attacks your entire digestive
system, from the lining of your
stomach and your esophagus to your
As such, some of the health effects of
alcohol abuse include ulcers,
bleeding, and cancers of the stomach
and esophagus.
Apart from this, you can also develop
a fatty liver, as alcohol abuse can lead
to a buildup of fats in that organ.
This rarely causes any symptoms, but
this is an indicator that you are
drinking alcohol at a dangerous level.
3. Memory Problems
Do you often wake up the morning
after drinking, unable to remember
much of what happened the night
This is because drinking too much
alcohol affects short term memory by
slowing down the communication
between nerves in the part of the
brain called the hippocampus.
It does not stop there. Apart from
temporary memory loss, excessive
alcohol abuse can permanently
damage the hippocampus and
destroy nerve cells, resulting in long
term memory loss.
4. Heart Disease
While some claim that moderate
drinking can be good for your heart,
too much alcohol intake can seriously
damage it in the long run.
Alcohol abuse can lead to a disease of
the heart muscle called
cardiomyopathy, wherein it makes it
harder for your heart to pump blood
to your body. This can easily result in
heart failure.
5. High Blood Pressure
One of the health effects of alcohol
abuse is an increase in a person’s
blood pressure. Excessive drinking
can raise it to an unhealthy rate.
Learning that you have high blood
pressure will come with a whole list
of habits to change. Gradually
reducing how much and how often
you drink can have a huge impact.
6. Weak Immune System
Drinking too much alcohol will
significantly weaken your immune
system. This is because alcohol
hinders the absorption of key
nutrients your body needs to fight off
bacteria and viruses.
You are therefore more likely to catch
different types of illnesses like cough,
colds, or viral infections if you are a
heavy drinker.
Alcohol abuse leads to numerous
negative effects on your health. As
such, it is imperative that people try
to reduce their alcohol intake or
dependence as early as possible. For
some, this might call for a little simple
mediation and habit-building.
For others, additional assistance
might be necessary. At Haven House,
we offer Christ-based treatment
programs to guide men as they
overcome and address destructive life
If you are looking for a Clarksville
recovery center, you may also drop
by our facility in Hartsville, TN and
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