Keep Your Kids Happy & Healthy with Tasty Lunch Options

Keep Your Kids Happy & Healthy with Tasty Lunch Options, updated 3/20/21, 3:39 PM

What you give your child during mealtime can affect their teeth. Carbohydrates, sugar, and starches, for example, can cause tooth decay.

As a parent, you need to teach your children how to make healthy food choices for oral health.

Here are some tooth-friendly foods you can serve for lunch, along with some other tips.

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Keep Your Kids Happy &
Healthy with Tasty
Lunch Options
B L O G | S U N R I S E D E N T I S T R Y
It’s time for kids to head back to the
classroom. And while life might start
getting busier for them, this doesn’t
mean that their health should be
compromised. Keep your kids on
track by packing these tooth-healthy
options in with their lunch.
Fruits and Veggies
Fruits and veggies are an excellent
option to add to your child’s lunch.
Fruits that contain a lot of fiber – such
as apples, raspberries, bananas,
oranges and strawberries – act as a
natural toothbrush, cleaning teeth
with every bite.
Crunchy vegetables – such as carrots,
celery, cucumbers and broccoli – also
help to clean teeth. These veggies also
contain a lot of water, which helps to
rehydrate while diluting the natural
sugars found in fruits and veggies.
Be conscious of the fruits you provide
in your child’s lunchbox. While raw
fruits are best, try to avoid dried
fruits, fruit juices and fruit snacks, as
they tend to have added sugars that
are not good for your child’s health.
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are an excellent source
of protein, as well as vitamin D,
calcium, fiber, folic acid and healthy
fats such as Omega-3. Folic acid is
beneficial in preventing periodontal
disease and helps with gum health.
Try adding Brazil nuts, cashews and
almond slivers to your kid’s lunch.
Whole almonds can be damaging to
teeth when your kid bites down,
which is why we suggest slivers.
Best known as an excellent source of
calcium, cheese also is high in
phosphorus. Both of these minerals
help to keep tooth enamel nice and
Cheese also increases saliva, which in
turn helps prevent cavities and gum
Of course, we wouldn’t leave water
off the list. Providing your kid with
water alongside their lunch will help
them to get the recommended daily
amount of water. Depending on your
child’s age, this is 5 glasses for 5-8
year olds, 7 glasses for 9 to 12 year
olds and 8 to 10 glasses for 13+ year
Water aids with hydration, and
helps create saliva. As we mentioned
earlier, saliva helps keep cavities and
gum disease at bay. Choosing water
over fruit juices and sodas will also
help fight cavities that can occur
from the amount of artificial
sweeteners found in these drinks.
A nice combination of these options
will help keep your child’s smile nice
and healthy. If you find that your
child has difficulty eating fruits and
veggies by themselves, try adding a
healthy option such as yogurt dip or
When it’s time to schedule their regular
cleaning or checkup, give Sunrise
Dentistry a call at 970.247.3303
(Durango) or 970.533.7204 (Mancos).
(970) 247-3303