Many have turned to DIY craft projects to pass the time. Apart from the usual craft supplies you can buy from any assortment of bookstores crafting stores, super centers, and more, there are other interesting finds for your DIY project in thrift stores.
These are cheaper, but they can also add a unique twist to your designs.
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Supplies You Should Never
Pass Up
B L O G | H A V E N H O U S E T H R I F T S T O R E S
Most people have tried creative
DIY projects at home in recent
months. Head over to the nearest
thrift shop for cheap but
interesting craft supplies!
Many have turned to DIY craft
projects to pass the time.
Apart from the usual craft supplies
you can buy from any assortment of
bookstores, crafting stores, super
centers, and more, there are other
interesting finds for your DIY project
in thrift stores. These are cheaper and
can also add a unique twist to your
The current global situation has forced
most people to stay home for long
periods of time. Because of this, we
often look for meaningful things to do,
from learning how to cook, ride a
bicycle, or start a new workout
This has also led to many trying do-
it-yourself or DIY projects like
redesigning and decorating their
houses and bedrooms to creating
businesses from DIY hobbies.
However, apart from the usual craft
supplies that you can buy in typical
retail outlets, you can also go to a
thrift store for art supplies.
Creative minds don’t just use the
ordinary craft supplies like glue or
glitter. DIY projects using materials
from second hand craft stores can
actually look better when properly
These thrift store DIY craft supplies
can give your project a unique or
nostalgic feel, depending upon what
you choose to work with.
Interesting DIY Craft Supplies You
Can Find at Secondhand Craft Stores
1. Old Books or Pages
Old books are a staple in secondhand
craft stores. Those in good condition
can easily look good when displayed
and made part of DIY projects.
For those in poor condition, such as
those with no spine left or with torn
pages, you won’t feel bad ripping the
pages and using them as DIY crafts.
Additionally, most of these older
books have stained or discolored
This could serve as a design feature
for vintage crafts, especially if you're
into decoupage or scrapbooking.
2. Old Hardware Pieces
You can often find small pieces of
hardware as well. These are often
cheap because most of them no longer
have any practical uses.
While you might not be able to reuse
these for home repairs, they can make
excellent design elements in a
decorative project. If the price is right,
grab them.
3. Porcelain Tableware
You're not in a thrift store if you don't
find porcelain tableware somewhere.
They usually sell in bundles, giving
you different plates and cups, often of
varying sizes and designs.
These will look good in DIY projects
like display cabinets, or you might
look into upcycling a set for use or
4. Linen Napkins
Linen napkins come with different
designs and patterns, and as such,
they can be easy to incorporate into
a DIY project.
While some patterns might be
outdated, a creative mind can easily
come up with a project suited for
these types of craft supplies.
Also, if you have not thought of a DIY
project that uses linen napkins, you
can use them on your dinner table in
the meantime.
5. White Sheets
White sheets are simple, but you can
use them in a lot of ways. You can cut
them, dye them, or simply use them as
is. However, remember to always
immediately wash any type of fabric
you buy in a secondhand craft store.
6. Neckties
When buying neckties, choose
different colors with a variety of
styles or patterns.
These are easy to use when
decorating your craft projects.
During the Christmas season, you
can also hang red and green neckties
around the house as decorations.
7. Wrappers
Wrapping paper can be fun to work
with. You can use it to decorate walls,
toys, and even craft projects like
Further, keeping multiple designs to
choose from can help you match one
to projects of different themes. Look
for pop culture designs, vintage
wrapping paper, or festive ones.
8. Old Picture Frames
Old picture frames are unique display
pieces for your finished crafts. It’s a
plus if your old frame comes with a
picture or a canvas painting.
Something old easily becomes
attractive when paired with the right
designs and decorations and hung in
the right place.
9. Game Pieces
Small game pieces, like dice, chess
board pieces, and many others, are
among the favorites of creative
people. They can be used in a variety
of DIY projects, but they also make
for cute, simple decorative choices
for shelf displays.
Are you planning on working on a
DIY project soon? Head over to one
of the best thrift stores in Panama
City Beach, FL. Visit us at Haven
House today for inspiration and
amazing thrift store DIY craft
(850) 267-1061