Top Real Estate Agent Helps Aurora, ON Seniors Get The Best Price For Their Home

Top Real Estate Agent Helps Aurora, ON Seniors Get The Best Price For Their Home, updated 4/22/24, 8:20 AM

collectionsLand & Property

When it's time to downsize, you need a real estate agent who knows the GTA inside and out! Mitzy Dadoun of RE/MAX Realtron Realty inc, Brokerage (416-993-2532) offers home staging, selling, and seniors' relocation services that make the process profitable and convenient. Learn more at

RE/MAX Realtron Realty inc City: Vaughan Address: 7646 Yonge Street Website: Phone: +1 416 993 2532

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Top Real Estate Agent Helps Aurora, ON
Seniors Get The Best Price For Their Home
Now that the kids have all
moved out, are you ready
to downsize?
Partner with seniors' real
estate specialist Mitzy
Dadoun and make this step
one of your best lifestyle
decisions ever.
Mitzy's Seniors Pla□num Plan offers
you a full range of dedicated,
professional market insights and
other supports to make your selling,
packing, reloca□on, and new
residence setup process easy and
With 35 years of experience
in real estate, appraisals, and
mortgage financing, you can't
do be□er than this real estate
Whether you're looking to cut your
costs and property taxes, simplify your
life, or you just need a more mobility-
friendly home layout, Mitzy will help
nego□ate a top sales price on your
property while also finding you a fi□ng
new residence.
Take advantage of the Pla□num
Plan for all your home staging,
downsizing, reloca□on and
packing needs, and make use of
the agency's unpacking plus new
residence setup services.
Mitzy will sit down with
you to discuss all your
op□ons so you make all the
right decisions.
She'll walk you through your
ren□ng vs. selling
considera□ons and will help
you evaluate possible new
communi□es and residen□al
Mitzy is a cer□fied Master ASA (Master
Accredited Senior Agent), CEA (
Cer□fied Executor Advisor ), CPCA
(Cer□fied Professional Consultant on
Aging), EPC (Elder Planning
Counsellor), and holds a Diploma in
Urban Affairs and in Real Estate.
Make your selling,
downsizing, and reloca□on
process easy! Visit for
Check it out