Buy Organic Protein Rich White Quinoa As Healthy Rice Or Couscous Substitute

Buy Organic Protein Rich White Quinoa As Healthy Rice Or Couscous Substitute, updated 8/6/20, 4:58 PM

One simple way you can prepare healthier dishes is by replacing rice, pasta, and couscous with white quinoa. This superfood online store sells certified organic and non-GMO quinoa. Learn more at

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Buy Organic Protein Rich
White Quinoa As Healthy
Rice Or Couscous
If you’re looking for ways you can eat healthier without
changing much of the range of dishes you usually have, then
this product is for you!
The 2Tre Organic Quinoa is the newest
addition to the company’s collection of
healthy and nutrient-rich products. Sourced
in strict accordance with fair trade practices,
the white quinoa has been certified to be
purely natural and non-GMO.
The product can be used to enrich a wide variety of dishes,
whether for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
Adding quinoa enhances any dish with a
subtle flavor, light crunch, and fluffy
texture. It can also serve as a protein-
and fiber-rich alternative to meal staples
like rice, pasta, and couscous.
When replacing rice, the same amount of quinoa can
be added to the dish.
Using 2Tre Organic Quinoa with stir-
fry, sushi, or other rice recipes does
not only give these traditional foods a
twist, but also makes them healthier
and more flavorful.
White quinoa is a gluten-free ingredient that serves as a good
source of protein for vegetarians.
It also provides a complete range of both
essential and non-essential amino acids.
Consuming the product can help keep the
muscle mass lean and provide support to
the body’s enzyme production.
Aside from protein and amino acids, 2Tre Organic Quinoa is also
rich in essential vitamins and minerals. These include iron,
magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and manganese.
The organic white quinoa does not
need to be soaked, so it is very easy to
prepare. It can be cooked in a regular
rice cooker, or prepared alongside
other ingredients in lieu of rice or
With a mission of making the world a healthier place, 2Tre Organics is
dedicated to making healthy, pure, and nutritious superfoods and other
products accessible to a wider market.
They are also committed to
delivering only the highest quality
of organic ingredients to their
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