If you haven’t yet discovered the power of vagus nerve massage, Pulsetto’s incredible new wellness device will help you boost your Heart Rate Variability (HRV) for better heart health and a better mood.
Discover all the benefits of the Pulsetto massager at https://pulsetto.tech/meet-pulsetto/.
Pulsetto City: Vilnius Address: 3 Aludarių gatvė Website: https://pulsetto.tech/
Vagus Nerve Stimulator: Compact
Wellness Device Improves Heart
Rate Variability
If your HRV is low, you’re probably dealing with poor
sleep, constant stress, and physical illness. Thankfully,
Pulsetto's innovative vagus nerve stimulator can
change all that!
Its new vagus nerve massager is
a non-invasive and effective way
to boost your HRV and improve
your overall cardiovascular
This device gently stimulates your vagus nerve by connecting with four pulse points on
your neck.
As the vagus nerve runs your parasympathetic
nervous system—the system which controls your
heart rate, and your digestive and immune systems
—targeting it has big health benefits.
Team Pulsetto says, "By activating your vagus nerve,
you can reduce stress and improve your heart rate
variability, thereby promoting a sense of calm and
relaxation in your body.”
If you’re interested in understanding more about the vagus nerve, Pulsetto has several educational
resources on its website.
Go to https://pulsetto.tec
Wellness Device Improves Heart
Rate Variability
If your HRV is low, you’re probably dealing with poor
sleep, constant stress, and physical illness. Thankfully,
Pulsetto's innovative vagus nerve stimulator can
change all that!
Its new vagus nerve massager is
a non-invasive and effective way
to boost your HRV and improve
your overall cardiovascular
This device gently stimulates your vagus nerve by connecting with four pulse points on
your neck.
As the vagus nerve runs your parasympathetic
nervous system—the system which controls your
heart rate, and your digestive and immune systems
—targeting it has big health benefits.
Team Pulsetto says, "By activating your vagus nerve,
you can reduce stress and improve your heart rate
variability, thereby promoting a sense of calm and
relaxation in your body.”
If you’re interested in understanding more about the vagus nerve, Pulsetto has several educational
resources on its website.
Go to https://pulsetto.tec