229_8 Best Free Minimalist WordPress Themes for 2021

229_8 Best Free Minimalist WordPress Themes for 2021, updated 3/3/21, 2:43 AM

Brand recognition and consumer trust and confidence are important for businesses to be able to increase their online sales conversion. By adding WordPress favicons, it becomes easy for customers to remember you by instantly associating these favicons with your brand. 

Because of this, they become more and more familiar with your brand, thus increasing their trust and confidence in your business. https://advdms.com/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-wordpress-favicon

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Advanced Digital Media

We live in an ever-changing digital world. At ADMS, we combine and apply latest software and cutting-edge practices, giving our clients verifiable results in website design, search engine optimization, and search engine marketing. We also provide logo design creation, website hosting and maintenance, and myriad other services.

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Everything You Need to
Know About WordPress
B L O G | A D V A N C E D D I G I T A L M E D I A S E R V I C E S
Recognition is one of the most
important factors to the success of
any brand. From your brand name, to
your logo, and even your
tagline/motto, having brand
recognition gives your business more
credibility and makes it easier for you
to get sales since you are more likely
to be remembered by customers.
In fact, brand recognition is important
even on your online website. Having
something that customers will
remember you for online increases
your chances of turning clicks into
sales conversions. What you have to
remember is that recognition is not
only about the big things but includes
even the smallest details of your
By using a WordPress favicon, or
favorite icon, your brand will easily
pop up in the minds of the
customer every time they see it.
You’re probably wondering what a
WordPress favicon is, how it
works, and why it’s important for
your website. Don’t worry; we’ll
outline all these to help you.
What is a WordPress Favicon?
A WordPress favicon is officially
defined as “an icon associated with
a particular website or web page.”
Essentially, a WordPress favicon is
used in web browsers, bookmarks,
and mobile apps as an image for
your site.
However, the description of a
WordPress favicon doesn’t fully
encapsulate its importance. In reality,
this small image is more important
than it sounds since it is intrinsically
associated with your brand. To
further show you its importance, we
have below the two main reasons
why you should have a WordPress
Why You Would Want a
WordPress Favicon on Your
1. Raises Brand Recognition
Think about a black check logo,
what brand comes to your mind?
What about when you see a letter M
that is colored yellow? I would bet
that it took less than five seconds for
a brand to come to your mind.
That is the power of brand recognition
and that is how WordPress favicons
work when incorporated into your
website. The more places your
WordPress favicon appears online,
the more chances you have for
engaging customers.
Remember, your WordPress favicon
needs to be simple, consistent, and
easily recognizable. This will make it
easier for customers to instantly
connect it with your website.
2. Boosts Consumer Trust and
Think again of the logos above, aren’t
they your go-to brands when it
comes to shoes and fast food? This is
because such logos are already
associated with quality products and
services given that they have been
seen everywhere in the market for a
long time.
By having your WordPress favicons
everywhere online, customers
become familiar with the products
and services that you offer on your
website. More familiarity leads to
increased trust and confidence
among your customers.
How to Add Favicons to a
WordPress Website
Now that you know why you have to
add a WordPress favicon to your
website, your next question would
probably be how to add a favicon to a
WordPress website. There are three
ways you can do this:
1. By using the Site Icon feature
WordPress’ content management
system actually has a feature that
enables WordPress favicons. All you
have to do is prepare your image that
will serve as your WordPress favicon
and then head over to the
Administration page.
Click on Appearance, then
Customize, then Site Identity, and
lastly, click Select Image under Site
Icon and upload your favicon.
2. By installing a WordPress
favicon plugin
Alternatively, a WordPress favicon
plugin can also be used to create
and place a favicon on your website.
There are different plugins
available online that could help you
customize your WordPress favicon
depending on the requirements of
various operating systems and
3. By uploading your WordPress
favicon yourself
This last option requires you to exert
more effort and do the legwork since
you would be manually doing your
favicon and uploading it yourself.
The first thing you have to do is to
create a 16×16 pixel image and save it
as a .ico file. Then upload this image
to your current WordPress theme’s
main folder by using an FTP client.
These steps should help you be able to
display your WordPress favicon on
your website. However, if your
favicon is still not displaying, or if you
want a better-looking WordPress
favicon, it might be better to seek
professional help.
At Advanced Digital Media Services,
we have designers and professional
web developers who can assist you
in creating simple yet recognizable
favicons as well as guide you on how
to upload favicon in WordPress and
elsewhere. Consult with us to learn
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