How can Almagia's innovative Almag+ Transform Knee Pain

How can Almagia's innovative Almag+ Transform Knee Pain, updated 7/31/24, 8:38 AM


In this article, we will discuss a revelatory knee pain therapy device, Almag+, that has shown promising results in chornic knee pain and other medical conditions. Lets explore!

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How can Almagia's innovative Almag+ Transform
Knee Pain?

Knee pain is one of the second most common symptoms of chronic pain that significantly
affects your mobility and overall quality of life. “Around 100 million Americans deal with
chronic pain, with knee pain being the second most common type. About one-third of
Americans experience knee pain at some point.”

WHO says, “Around 528 million people globally have been affected by osteoarthritis, and
the knee is the most commonly affected joint, impacting 365 million people till 2019?”

If you are someone dealing with chronic knee pain due to OA and looking for a non surgical
safe alternative, this reading piece is for you.
In this article, we will discuss a revelatory knee pain therapy device, Almag+, that has
shown promising results in chornic knee pain and other medical conditions. Lets explore!
Why Should You Try Almag+?
You must be wandering; there are so many treatment approaches, then why should you
consider Alamg+?

Traditional treatments like medication or joint replacement surgeries could not show
effective results most of the time.

50% of people with knee osteoarthritis (OA) on pain medication say their pain isn't well-

Additionally, up to 25% of patients still experience pain and disability a year after total joint
replacement surgery.

Additionally, these traditional treatment methods are expensive and require a long recovery
time. And proling pain management medication can lead to severe side effects.

This is where Almagia’s Almag+, an innovative knee pain device, stands out in managing
these complications.
How is Almag+ an Exceptional Choice?

Almag+ is one of the most popular knee pain devices that uses PEMF, or pulse
electromagnetic field therapy, to treat various medical conditions, including chronic knee

PEMF devices release electromagnic webs that penetrate deep into your skin and boost blood

As a result, the effected areas get the required nutrients and release toxins. This enhances the
body's natural healing process, speeding up recovery and reducing inflammation. It also
relieves pain effectively within a few sessions.
Explore Almag+, One of The Revolutionary Knee Pain Devices from
Almagia: Price, Advantages, Treatable Conditions and Features

Price : $789.00
Treatable Conditions

● Best non surgical
and safe
alternative to
address various
pain management

● Easily used at
home without any

● Uses advanced
technology that is
clinically tested
and proven to
work in treating
various medical

● This portable
knee pain device
is very convenient
to use

● Cost effective

● Safe to use at all
ages, including
one month infants
● Arthrosis, Arthritides,
Bone spurs, and
● Osteoporosis
● Back and Spine
diseases, including
Scoliosis, Herniated
Nucleus Pulposus, etc.
● Injuries and Bone
● Dystonia
● Hypertensive heart
disease (I and II
● Complications
associated with type 1
and type 2 diabetes;
● Vascular diseases,
including Varicosity
and lymphoma
● Atherosclerosis
● Asthma;
● Bronchitis;
● Nerve root and Plexus

1. AC mains of two
types:~120V (+6V; -
10V) at 60Hz.

2.Nominal power:
≤55 VA for a 120-V
3. Dimensions (mm):
● 142x75x35 for a
control unit;
● 890x88x18 for an
● the weight of the
device is less than
0.8 kg.
4. The duration of a
single treatment session
is 20 minutes by default
for all modes, whereas
the idle time is 10

5. Maximum operating
● +41 °C for coils;
● +45°C for a pulse

6. The average service
life of Almag+ is 5

7. All external
components of Almag+
are crafted from
biomaterials and exhibit
heightened chemical

Research Study To Understand Effectiveness of Almag+
Study Overview

PubMed, a trusted medical search engine, runs an experiment to observe long-term
effectiveness of Almag+, a portable magnet therapy knee pain device. This device uses
electromagnetic fields to provide physiotherapeutic treatment, offering a non-invasive
alternative over a 55-week double-blind study.


The study involved 77 participants (32 males and 45 females) who continued their regular
medications without changes. However, they refrained from receiving certain knee
treatments, such as injections or physical therapy procedures, including electrotherapy,
shockwave therapy, heat therapy, hydrotherapy, or peloid therapy, for at least three months
before joining the study and throughout the study.


Participants were randomly divided into two groups. In group 1, 40 patients received placebo
treatments, and in group 2, 37 received active treatments with Almag+.

Over 55 weeks, three sets of 18 daily home magnet therapy sessions were conducted. Group
2 showed significant improvement in WOMAC scores by Week 21 (p=0.038) and Week 55
(p=0.017), potentially due to anti-inflammatory effects. No adverse events related to Almag+
were reported during the study.

Final Outcome

The study concludes that the patients who receive magnet therapy treatment using Almag+
experience more effective improvement than the placebo treatment group.
Chonic knee pain is one of the most common medical conditions and has effected millions of
people worldwide. Where traditional treatments like medication and surgeries fail to provide
permanent relief, Almagia’s Almag+ has shown a beacon of hope to treat knee pain and
other medical conditions more effectively.

If you are looking for a non-invasive, safe alternative to treat OA and other cardiovascular
issues, explore one of our most affordable flagship knee pain devices, Almag+. Explore
Almagia’s official website today and take the first step towards improving your health
without the need for costly surgery.

Contact us
Website :
Contact no. : +1 (718) 930-5152

E-mail :

GMB Link :

Address : 1775 East 18th Str, Suite 1E Brooklyn, NY 11229, USA

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