US Farming Facing Financial Crisis

US Farming Facing Financial Crisis, updated 5/21/24, 9:40 AM

  verified forecasts an impending doom similar to two previous agriculture crises. Drawing parallels between the 1920s and the 1980s, the analysis identifies five factors leading to financial devastation looming over family farms nationwide. Insights on Innovation City: Champaign Address: 507 Haines Boulevard Website: Email:

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US Farming Facing Financial Crisis
Five key conditions precipitated farm crises: new
technology, rising crop prices, skyrocketing land prices,
escalating farm debt, and overproduction causing
price crashes
The widespread adoption of
mechanization in the late 1910s
ushered in the era of Power
Farming, culminating in the
devastating Dust Bowl due to
financial challenges
A second surge in technology, known as chemical farming, emerged in the 1970s leading to
farm foreclosures
Today, the use of genetically matched seed and
pesticide is the trigger for the five steps leading to
a farm crisis.
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