Find Out If Your Business Qualifies For ERTC & Make A Claim Before The 2024 Deadline

Find Out If Your Business Qualifies For ERTC & Make A Claim Before The 2024 Deadline, updated 6/9/23, 5:44 PM

Did you have employees on the books during the pandemic? If so, you need to claim your ERC funding before the deadline or you could miss out on $26,000 per employee! Check if you qualify with ERC Scope today!

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Find Out If Your Business Qualifies For
ERTC & Make A Claim Before The 2024
As a business owner, you may have been mystified by all
the funding programs the government has launched,
updated, and changed since the pandemic.
Now, with the coming
deadline for claiming
Employee Retention Tax
Credits, time is running out
for submitting a claim.
That’s why ERC Scope offers you a
pre-qualification tool to help
business owners like you quickly
find out if they are eligible for
rebates and how much funding they
can claim.
This short 1-minute pre-
qualification assessment will
confirm whether your
company is eligible for the
government’s ERTC
The assessment is part of the
company’s drive to encourage
business owners to take action as
soon as possible to avoid missing
the 2024 deadline for making an
ERC claim.
If your business does qualify, you will also receive
comprehensive support in submitting your ERTC claim
from ERC Scope’s team.
Find out you’re eligible
for ERC funding and
start your claim process
today with ERC Scope!
qualification-test for more information.