This Annapolis, MD Probate Real Estate Specialist Helps Maximize Sale Price

This Annapolis, MD Probate Real Estate Specialist Helps Maximize Sale Price, updated 4/13/23, 12:53 PM

Navigating the probate process can be challenging, especially when a property is involved. If you live in Annapolis, Parole, Arnold, or a surrounding part of Maryland, Marc Cormier (301-660-6272) of Berkshire Hathaway Pen Fed Realty can help. Learn more at

Berkshire Hathaway Pen Fed Realty 10319 Westlake Drive #459, Bethesda, MD 20817, United States Website Phone +1-301-660-6272 Email

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This Annapolis, MD Probate Real Estate
Specialist Helps Maximize Sale Price
Managing the sale of a property
is stressful at the best of times.
When a loved one has passed
away, that task becomes even
more difficult. 
This Certified Probate Real
Estate Specialist (CPRES) can
guide you through the process
and make sure you get the best
price for a property.
It’s a sad state of affairs, but
there are actually people out
there who prey on families
seeking to sell real estate in
Marc Cormier is there to make
sure you don’t fall victim to such
an incident. He provides you with
the clarity and professionalism
that only a specialist in the field
can offer.
As the American Bar Association
explains, probate is the formal legal
process used to administer the
estate of a deceased person. Laws
relating to probate can differ from
state to state. 
Given the distress that you can
experience when a loved one
has passed away, navigating
the probate process can be a
challenging time.
When property is held in
probate, there are several
additional layers of complexity.
The latest services from Marc
Cormier will assist you through
each step. 
As a CPRES, he has received
training in the sale of
properties that are in probate,
and understands how the law
is applied in Maryland.
As ‘personal representative’, the
agent can offer you advice on the
current real estate market, guide
you through any real estate
transactions, and assist with
negotiation of price. 
If your family is seeking cash offers for
a property, Marc and his colleagues
will obtain 3 offers within a 72-hour
period. The goal is to ensure that you
get the best price possible, and this is
just one way of helping you do so.
Click on
https://sellingahomeinprob so you can learn