Top-Rated Washington, NC Dental Office Provides Custom Teeth Whitening Trays

Top-Rated Washington, NC Dental Office Provides Custom Teeth Whitening Trays, updated 9/20/21, 1:47 PM

Inner Banks Dental (252-946-2131), a general family dental office located in Washington, North Carolina, has updated its wide range of cosmetic dentistry services. Learn more at

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Top-Rated Washington,
NC Dental Office
Provides Custom Teeth
Whitening Trays
Are you unhappy with how your teeth look? Never
hide your smile again!
These experienced dentists
can give you the beautiful
smile you've always desired!
Inner Banks Dental’s cosmetic services are designed to enhance
the appearance of your smile by brightening and straightening your
Their most sought-after
procedures include tooth
whitening, veneer placements,
and installation of braces.
Inner Banks Dental is now providing you with the option to whiten
your own teeth at home with comfortable, custom-fit whitening
trays. You can easily apply them on your own.
You will receive a bleaching
material to place on the trays, and
in as little as 30 minutes, twice per
day, you will notice a significantly
brighter smile.
Their veneer placement service is non-invasive and helps resolve
problems like crooked front teeth or a tooth that is shorter than the
others around it.
The procedure involves shaving off
a small section of your front tooth in
order to place the veneer, which will
rest on top of it.
If you desire to align your teeth to achieve the perfect
smile, you can ask about their braces installation service.
There are multiple options you can
select from including ceramic
braces, lingual braces, or Invisalign
braces, which are clear aligners that
look nearly invisible.
The staff at Inner Banks Dental is compassionate, caring, and
prioritizes your well-being and satisfaction above all else.
They also offer other services including
crowns, bridges, implant restorations,
tooth-colored fillings, tooth extractions,
implant restorations, root canal therapy,
dentures, and periodontal therapy.